Chapter 18

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There was buzzing when I finally woke up and everything came back rushing and I sit upright, just to start puking. Thank God the person next to me hand me a bucket. Just then my mind registered that people were surrounding me. I gagged with surprise when I felt a hand in my hair.

"Shh." I heard a voice say behind me and I relaxed in however's arm. I was feeling tired after puking and sleep was on the corner when I saw the arms I was in was Duke's and the person who handed me the bucket and who was now holding my hand was Josef.

My boys...


The next time I woke up I was in the infirmary. Bright lights clouded my sight and everything was specially shining.

"Emily? Are you awake?" I heard Amira's voice, but couldn't see her. My inside panicked and my hands reached out for assurance.

"I am here. Don't worry I am here." She stood closer to me so I could see her. "It's going to be alright. We have it under control."


"She awake?" Amira nodded. Mr. Watson came up next to me. "Don't worry like Amira said we have it under control." He gave me a pat on the shoulder and went to answer a call.

The doctor came in next.

"Hello Emily, how are you doing today?"

I tried to answer but my throat was sore. I guess I did a lot of puking. I cleared my throat and tried to answer, but it failed me again.

"I will take that as a sign that you're not okay." The doctor looked up from the chart and looked at me with a smile. "I am Dr. Simmon, by the way." He looked back to his chart once again.

"Emily from what the chart tells me you have a mild concussion from your fall when you fainted and from all of puking I am guessing that your nauseous, or is there any other condition I should know about." I didn't get at first, but then he looked down at my belly. Is he asking me if I am pregnant? I shook my head as fast and as many times as possible until he gets it.

"Just asking." He looked down at his chart again with his cheeks stained pink. Now that I notice he is actually too young to be a doctor.

"Ms. Johnson?"

I broke from my thoughts and looked at him.

"As I was saying we would like you to stay for a few days until your back on your feet, okay?" I nodded.

"Now I am going to give you some drug to make you sleep." I nodded again.

"Good." He called a nurse and she injected me with a syringe and soon enough I was sleepy. "Enjoy your sleep, Emily." Dr. Simmon said and I fell asleep.


"Hey Ems." I woke up to the voice of Edumun.

"Oh buggers don't you look awful!" He said and Kelly elbowed him.

"He has a point." Kia said from the dark corner of my room.

"Guys we are here to make her feel better not make her worse." Kelly pointed out.

"At least you missed the tea party. Josef had to have it with Ms. Marks. Poor dude." Edumun said and I let out a dry chuckle.

"The thing that's most surprising is he got one of the highest marks. Do you think he used his body, you know?" She did something with her eyebrows.

"Eww..." Kelly said pinching her nose.

"Or maybe he practiced before time." Edumun suggested.

I shook my head knowing the truth.

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