Chapter 13

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Today was the day they post our grades from the fight that happened three days ago, but the thing that my mind can't let me just forget was Josef. I don't know why. The guy was cocky and an annoying idiot, which also happens to be my enemy. But then why would he save ME?

I walked out of my room with Chloe, who actually woke up early due to excitement.

We were going to the dining hall when I saw Josef heading the same direction. Our eyes met for a second and I knew there was something he really wanted to say, but he just passed without acknowledging us, or did he acknowledge me?

Oh God, I sound like one of those girls in those cheesy romantic movies.

Suddenly, Josef turned around facing us.

"Can I talk to you alone, Emily?"

Chloe was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Sure." I assured Chloe it was fine and send her on her own to the dining hall.

"So, what's up?" I asked but I don't think he even heard me. He was walking away my hand in his. I was almost running to keep up with his pace.

He stopped at a storage room, opened the door and pulled me in. It was dark in here and it gives me creepy feelings.

"Ronald, you better have a good excuse for bringing me here."

I stood still trying to see were Josef is. Then suddenly a warm body collides with mine. His arms went around my waist and he place his face on my shoulder just millimetres away from my neck. He was holding his breath.

I hesitated for a second but I hugged back eventually.

He breathed out the air he was holding and his breath tickled my neck. I relaxed my arms and we stayed like that for awhile. He pulled away but his arms stayed were they were. I looked up at him and I saw how closer we were to each other.

"Emily." The way he said my name gave me shivers.

"What's wrong?" I asked with concern. He looked me straight in the eyes like he always does and for a moment I saw the vulnerable Josef before his wall came back up and he stepped away.

"Look here, Johnson." he said pointing his finger at me. "Nothing really happened here. You got it and if you tell anyone I will make your life here a living hell. Don't talk to me or even look at me. You got it?"

I was shocked and angry. That's the Josef I know. Bi-polar much?

"Yes, sir." I mocked. "You stupid bastard, like I would want to look at you in the first place. I was just trying to be nice and you were the one who came looking for comfort. So point your finger at someone else." Now my finger was poking his chest. "And why would I tell people anything that happened with you. You aren't something people are proud of. It will be an embarrassment to be seen with you." I know I struck a cord but that was the purpose wasn't it. Hurt played on his face or maybe it was my eyes playing with me.

I walked out of the room and banged the door shut.

I walked to the dining hall even though my appetite is lost gone. But before I could even do that Duke was pulling me away.

"What was that for?!" I yelled when he finally stopped.

"Why were you with Josef?" I blinked twice before I could answer.

"How do you know I was with Josef?"

"Heard your friends talking about it." His cheeks got red in embarrassment. He was so adorable. I forgot Chloe knows I went with Josef.

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