Chapter 12

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The next day was totally normal at first. Ate my breakfast and learned American history, but in training everything was out of place.

All of the equipment we used for training has been whipped out. The beginners and us, the one with experience were mixed together for the first time in training since our first day.

Everybody started whispering to each other. The thing that surprised me the most was that the trainers from both classes were not present. At the back I saw Josef leaning against the wall and starring at me with burning eyes.

Just then all the doors opened and suit men filled the room and all of us students were circled.

"What's happening?" asked a boy named George.

One of the men who were in front of him stepped forward and punch him in his stomach. Aya stepped in to defend him and all hell broke loose.

I didn't know what was happening, I don't know why they are attacking us. I stand there watching the fight going on beside me, confused.

One of the suit man approached me and attack. He was good, after all he is much more trained than I am. I keep dodging his offenses wearing him off until I made my attack. He tried to kick me sideways but I got a hold of his leg and twisted. He fell to the floor with a tug. I made sure he was still breathing before I left him. I don't want to kill anyone.

From around the corner I saw Edumun being cornered. He was defenceless and he was barely escaping being hit.

The man tried to punch Edumun in the nose but Edumun ducked resulting his fist to connect with the wall. This giving Edumun the element of surprise. He got hold the man's head and banged it with so much force that the man fell to the ground unconscious.

Edumun turned to face me. His eyes went all round. He mouthed something like 'look out' before a hand went around my neck. I tried elbowing the man the arms belonged to but it didn't work. I saw Edumun making his way towards me just before he was enveloped in another fight.

I tried kicking my attacker, but my attacks are not having the same effect as I want them to have. I soon found out that I was losing my energy and I was a minute away from dozing off. Where is a bodyguard when you need one?

I barely realized the hands of my attacker being removed. Someone was peeling him of me. I took in as much breath as I can and fell to my knees. My attacker was thrown beside me and I looked up to see who my saviour was.

When I did I was so shocked I couldn't muster even the word thank you and he just looked surprised as I as am. Why, from all the people in the world, would Josef Ronald save me?

He looked at me straight in the eye. He stared for awhile, but after a few more minutes he just narrowed his eyes and went away.

The fight was still going on and after regaining my strength I joined in.

After an hour or two of fighting all the men in suit were laying on the ground and only one third of the freshmen population was still standing. I was sporting a bruise on the side of my arm and my knuckles were burning. Just like me every other person also seem to have an injury of a kind.

A few minutes passed silently until we heard the doors, that I didn't know were shut, open and the medical team showed up taking people from both side to the infirmary below this basement.

Then Aries and Colby walked in. Smoke was coming out of my nostrils. They show up now?!

After every unconscious person was taken out. Aries walked in front like he is going to say something.

"Congratulations you just passed your first test. You will be graded by your performance, but you're still standing so that means you won't be failing. The others also will be graded by their performance but some of them won't have the advantage of passing as you do."

They played us! Those asses!

"Now go to the infirmary to get your check up and clean up. You stink." this time Colby spoke.

Before we got out I wanted to say thank you to Josef, but I could clearly tell he was avoiding me so I settled on telling him in private.

When we walked out of the room, we were met with cheers from the sophomores. First I saw Matt who was cheering with the others and waved at me. Then I saw Duke standing in the corner like always but this time he acknowledged me with a nod and when he raised his head he smiled and I figured that was something very rare, so I smiled back.


After that we ended up ditching discipline, because most of the class was knocked up. One of them was Kelly who was hit on the head and ended up having a concussion. Chloe was also one of knocked ups but she was recovering much quickly.

Now was dinner time and us, the last people standing were toasting to ourselves and enjoying our victory dinner, but I felt someone was missing. I looked around and saw that Josef indeed was not present.

I don't know why I care so much that he is not present, maybe it's because he saved me when he didn't have to or that I owed him my gratitude but I know I definitely cared for whatever it's reason. So I headed out to find him.

I was heading to the third floor when I saw him sitting on the porch by the dorm areas. It was silent and lonely compared to the feast going on downstairs.

"Hey." I called.

He looked at me surprised, but the vulnerability was hidden way as soon as I make my way towards him.

"What do you want, Johnson?" his voice sounded off and a little irritated.

"Nothing at the moment, Ronald."

He was watching me as I sat next to him on the porch.

"Then why are you here?" he was looking straight in my eyes now, but I don't back away.

"I came to say thank you." I said with sincerity letting him know I really mean it.

We sat like that for awhile. Having a stare off until he looked away.

I saw that he had a dark bruise. It starts on his right shoulder making its was down to his back. That must be painful.

He was looking down at our hands who were barely touching. He raised his hand to place it in mine and knowing this I stopped breathing, but he just let his finger brush against the back of my hand before he stood up.

He had his signature smirk on his face. "You owe me now Johnson." He said and walked away.

And I breathed.

What do you think?

Team Duke or Team Josef?
Or maybe team Matt? Comment and let me know;)


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