Chapter 15

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What did I do?

Amira left me doubting myself after our little 'get together' at lunch. The rest of the day was so uneventful that my mind keeps replaying that scene over and over again, until I came to a conclusion that I will confront both Amira and Mr. Watson. Just not now.

To tell you the truth Amira scared me today. I have never seen her like this before, even when she was Rose, and to add to the discomfort. I think Mr. Watson and Amira's late night rendez-vous is getting creepy.

On the other hand I have this other problem with Josef. He won't even look at me anymore. I really care about him, but I don't know why. He seems troubled and there is this feeling that wants me to go to him, but after what I have said to him, I wouldn't even forgive myself.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I need any kind of rest I could get. I plan on apologizing to Josef, at the same day I will be confronting Richira(the shipping name of Mr. Watson and Amira, since his real name is Richard). It's Mission Impossible. The lead actor, Tom Cruise was so hot in that movie, may he rest in peace.

For now I am in bed and thinking how tomorrow is going to go while sleep catches on and drowns me in itself.


"What's your name?" I asked the older boy, but before he could answer I blurted out "let me guess!"


"How come you don't remember our names? We remember yours."

"But you are five years old and I am only four, tea boy."

"And why do you keep calling me tea boy?"

"Cause you always have tea with me and I think it's cool." Big boy laughs beside us and tea boys face became pink as my princess dress.

"You can stop calling me that now cause my name is...Ems, Ems wake up."

That can't be right it's coming from another voice. From a girl's voice.

"Emily wake up!"

I opened my eyes as I came face to face with a worried Chloe. We were in the hallway.

"Chloe? What are we doing here?" I asked looking around.

"You woke me up when I saw you leave the room and you were strangely chanting something. So I followed you and I found out you were sleep walking." Her eyes still held their concern. "Does this happen often?"

I shook my head. "It only happened once before."

She sighed and turned me around to the direction of our dorm. "I am locking the door after this." I nodded my head in agreement. Soon we got to our dorm, locked the door and had dreamless sleep.


I sat in Mr. Watson's office with Josef and Duke, while Mr. Watson stare at us with a calculating look.

"What happened in the hallway?"

So okay my plan back fired and now Josef is more pissed at me than ever and Duke too.

Two hours ago

I walked in the dining hall after making sure Josef was in there. Okay, here goes nothing. I became the spotlight as soon as I walked in. I saw Josef who wasn't even paying attention. I cleared my throat so loudly it catches everyone attention, but I was only looking at Josef. When he did turn around he saw me looking at him. Knowing this has something to do with him he tries getting out of the dining hall.

"Ronald, I am sorry." Everyone looked at me like I have gone crazy. That includes Josef.

"I know I have told you that being seen with you is an embarrassment but I am sorry and I didn't mean any..."

Before I could finish my speech my mouth was forced shut and I was dragged to the hallway.

"What the hell was that?!" Josef shouts at me. "Johnson, you humiliated me in front of my friends. I am going to kill you if this destroys my rep."

"Look at the bright side if your friends abound you, you will always have me." I smiled at him.

His eyes widened for a second but he was back to his norm taking it as a joke.

Before he could say anything else we heard another person making there way to where we stand.

Duke came to view and his eyes were opened with surprise. That's when I noticed that Josef was still holding my arm and how close we were standing to each other.

"Let go of her!" Duke said and pulled me away from Josef. I had enough of this.

"Why don't you both stop man handling me and forget everything happened?" Of course they weren't listening to me I knew that when Duke threw the first punch and of course Josef being Josef he returned the punch. I was left alone with tho wild animals who were about to kill each other.

"Enough!" I shouted, but they still weren't listening.

"Enough! Enough! Enough! Stop this our you will end up killing each other!" Still no ears.

"Oh, buggers!" I sighed and hit Josef in the who was on top of Duke, but Duke wouldn't stop he went after Josef who was standing up himself. I tried stopping them, but I couldn't take both of them when they were this angry, but that didn't stop me from trying. So I got involved in the fight and when Aries arrived both were bleeding, but still head strong fighting while I lay on the ground breathless and giving up.

Aries break them apart and that sell out reported us all to Mr. Watson.

Present time

I told Mr. Watson everything and received glares from both guys and I mouthed them sorry before I turned to Mr. Watson.

"So what is our verdict?"

"Well as you were trying to break them apart and wasn't part of the main fight you will be set free. But you two" he said, pointing at the other two "are going to have to clean the toilets on the basement after class, for two weeks."

They groaned and started complaining.

"Don't make me make it for three weeks." Mr. Watson said and they both stayed silent.

"Now you may leave my office." He shooed us.

When we were out of the office I turned to the guys.

"I am sorry boys. I would offer to help it isn't really my kind of smell." I winked at them before I headed to my dorm. Behind me there was a thunder storm of cuss word thrown at me, but I kept the smirk on my face.

This is a really sucky chapter, but school started after a two weeks break and I am so bummed, also finals are less than a month away so I don't think I will be updating anytime soon.


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