Chapter 21

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I am sorry for the late update, but I hope I could make it up to you (at least for the Dmily shippers). Don't hate me:(


"Chloe what's wrong?"

Chloe had a towel rapped around her body but she was stained red for unknown reasons.

"Is everything okay?"

"No! I don't know how it happened. One minute I was in the shower then everything was red. I am covered in blood and you ask me if I am okay?"

She blabber away and suddenly when her mind registered what happened she screamed. Oh did she scream.

Aries who I saw a few minutes before in Mr. Watson's office got here first, then Colby, then Rwanda, and lastly Mr. Watson himself.

"What's happening around here?"

"Blood everywhere. Blood is everywhere."

"Blood shower, I guess." I tried to make it more clear.

"Who did this?" Chloe asked.

"I am guessing the same person who trashed your old dorm." Aries suggested.

"Blood everywhere. Blood is everywhere." Chloe said again.

"You need to get her out of here." I told Aries.

"She is probably in shock. Get her cleaned up and taken to the infirmary." He handed her over to Rwanda who looked like she has something better to do.

Colby also left to figure out if it was only our line which was contaminated or the others too. If it was they would have to drain all the pipes which is a great waste of water.

"What were you doing when this happened?" Mr. Watson asked.

"Just lying down and thinking." I didn't specify what I was thinking about.

"What was it any way? It couldn't really have been blood, can it?"

"It's food colouring." Aries replied from the bathroom.

"How can you be so sure?"

"It explains the stain and I tasted it." Gross! He looked at my disgusted face and rolled his eyes.

"Was anyone in the room before you went in?"

"No. I saw no one."

"I think who ever is doing this in this institute already. Emily, I want you to act like nothing happened, this time I even don't want you telling your friends. You can't trust anyone."

"What about Chloe?"

"We will be telling her the same thing. We just want you to know we will have this under control." Mr. Watson put a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. "Don't worry."

At that final tone both him and Aries left the room. I sat on my bed wondering why I was the one faced with such a cursed life. I don't remember most of my first six years of my life I can only remember bits and pieces, but from what I remember of my past I had been a happy child never knowing I would be facing such a disaster in the future. What changed?

Why did I say yes to learn in this university when I could have been in Harvard and taking a course in physics and leading a normal life.

I guess even after their death I am still a child of my parents. I chose the same fate they did and now their mistakes is catching up to me as well.

"Emily?" I saw Duke come in. I must have left the door open. "What happened here? I saw Mr. Watson and Aries leaving."

"Nothing just checking up on things. What about you what are you doing here?"

"Josef told me you remembered."

"Yeah, I think it's coming back to me now."

"Good." He said. He looked like he was about to leave but I could tell there was something bothering him.

"What is it?"

"Why did you choose him?" He asked.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Josef. Why did you choose him instead of me? He was an ass to you. He harassed you. You almost ended up in a fight, which is strictly against the rules, because of him."

"I don't know."

"There must be a reason or..." I couldn't let him continue.

"Maybe it was the fact that he was there. He tried. What did you do? You never even talked to me properly before. The only time you were really there was when I fainted. Yes he might have been an ass at the start, but at least he had the courage to admit he has feeling for me and he changed. On the other had you here..."

He cut me short with a kiss. I never realized he was close. The kiss was fierce and hard and hot, nothing like the kisses with Josef. His hand grabbed my hip and moved me so that my back was facing the wall. I felt like I was flying at that moment. I felt that nothing except us existed, not my problems, not the pysco person who wants to get me, not my parents, not even the sticky coloured water that is in the tubes. I felt like I belong.

Josef... my conscious reminded me and I separated myself from Duke.

"What am I doing?" I said out loud shocked by my own reaction. My hands reached my lips not feeling like mine.

I was never this kind of person. I barely had a life in high school. Now I was dragging along two amazing attractive guys and it just didn't seem right.

You have to let them go.

I looked at Duke who looked at me confused.

"You have to go." I said.

"Emily, I am so..."

"Don't say your sorry." He stood still where he was.

"Duke, please just leave."

"Why? I don't understand."

"Would you believe me if I said that the kiss didn't mean anything to me?"

"No!" He said raising his voice a little.

"But it didn't mean anything to me and it would be awkward to still be friends after this." I said not letting my emotions show on my face.

He harshly closed the door on his way out. I said my goodbyes to him faintly after he left.

If I let go Duke it's means I also I have to let go of Josef. I didn't know before, but now I can't have my tea boy without the older boy they always go together.

Tomorrow maybe one of the worst days of my life. The least I could do was get a goodnight sleep.

Dedicated to @tsionTaddele_21

I am out of  books to read this summer. Any suggestions?


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