Chapter 8

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The following days were tiresome. Today is Sunday the only day we get off and everybody is hanging out in Kelly's and Kia's room.

I am reading a book I brought with me. Chloe is painting her nails and Kelly is doing Kia's hair even though she had refused. Edumun and Matt have been staring at Edumun's laptop for a while now and I don't know what they are doing.

Matt has been hanging out with us for a while now and his really nice. Kelly is pretty sure he is with us because of me if you know what I mean, but a person can't be so sure.

"I am hungry." Matt claimed and we all agreed to go to the dining hall and grab something.

We got there everyone was there and I don't mean the freshmen only ever single pupil in the university is there and chatting, filling the halls with so much noise. We sat at our table and hope to hear the gossip.

"Did you hear?" Aya, one of our classmates, said.

"What did we hear?" Kia asked

"A representative from secret services is visiting." Darius, Matt's friend said.

"Cool. Where is he?"

"It's a she and she headed to Mr. Watson's office and didn't come out. The weird thing is the door of Mr. Watson is never closed." everybody was silent for a moment.

"Where is your bodyguard today?" Edumun asked to change the topic.

He had a point though. I haven't seen Aries since this morning. I will admit it felt nice to have a break from it, but I am afraid of what it means.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "I will ask Mr. Watson if the threat is gone."

After lunch I went to Mr. Watson's office. But the door was closed and the secretary wasn't in the hallway. Creepy if you asked me.

I sat there waiting for what seemed like hours until I saw Rwanda heading to the office. When she noticed me she had a confused and disappointed look on her face.

"Ms. Johnson, what are you doing here?" she asked her voice way harsh.

"Wanted to talk to Mr. Watson."

"Well, Mr. Watson doesn't want to be disturbed right now. So, go back to your room." she ordered.

She opened the door to get in and I took my chance to peak through the opening. The door closed within second interval in which it opened but I am pretty sure I saw Aries and I am pretty sure he saw me.


The next two weeks passed as a blur. Classes continued, everybody wears their uniforms and we have the best meals. Nothing changed except Colby started training both classes of freshmen and the door of Mr. Watson stays closed.

I haven't seen Aries since my peak in Mr. Watson's office and I can't stop myself from feeling that something bad must have happened. I wish I knew what was going on.

Matt was waiting for me after training so we could get something before we both head to different classes, me to disciplinary and him to disguises.

And no we aren't together.

In our way to the dinning hall we spotted Duke leaning against the wall waiting for someone.

"Matthew." he shouted heading towards us.

Matt looks uncomfortable and I gave him a smile to ease him.

"I need to talk to you like right now. It's important." he had a deep voice and I found myself thinking how I never heard his voice before.

"Sorry." Matt said to me giving me a sad smile. He went with Duke after that.

I didn't have the will to go to the dinning hall alone so I headed to my third and final class of the day.

After an hour and a half of Mrs. Marks lecture on cultures and the different disciplines in each country, I was bummed and was headed straight to my dorm room for a twenty minute rest before dinner.

The thing I didn't expect was a Aries dressed in a navy suit waiting outside the door.

"What is going on?" I asked after a few minutes of starring on my part.

"You have been called to Mr. Watson's office."

"At least they didn't use the speakers this time." I mumbled to myself, but I knew he heard me because of the smile creeping on his face.

"Come on. Mr. Watson is not very patient these days." he said and with that he shot out of girls dorm rooms with me trailing behind.

I sat on the same chair I sat two and a half weeks ago, but this time there were already people there.

Rwanda sat at the corner barely being seen while Mr. Watson and a woman I have never seen before sat at the other side of the desk. I guess she must be the representative from secret services.

Mr. Watson looked drained. His eyes don't have the same spark anymore and the internal conflict is seen to the outside as clear as day.

"You asked for me, sir?"

"Yes. I am sorry Emily, but I have only bad news." I sat silent in my sit waiting patiently for him to continue. "The threat has caught up and I am sorry to tell you they broke into your old house."

"How are Rose and Henry? Are they hurt?" I saw his face go all sad and blank arguing with himself to answer me.

"Rose is being held captive and Henry was killed..." he trailed off.

I couldn't hold my shock. Sweet Rose, sweet Henry all there help and love, and how do I repay them, I destroy there lives and kill Henry. Henry is the only father I remember and his death is on me. Why did the world had to be so disastrous? And most importantly, why me?

Sorry for the late update, but with school and all I couldn't have updated any faster, but still sorry and hope you like it.


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