Chapter 29

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Chloe led me back to my room and in there was Greg supporting a bruise on the neck. With the kick Clo gave him he is lucky his neck ain't broken.

"Sorry Greg, but it was really ergent." I said trying to get back on his good side but he just gave both me and Chloe one powerful glare.

With the help of Clo I was back to my spot on the bed. I was really exhausted. Walking a week after having a knife drive up in your belly is not something fun.

"So what was so important that you had to take down your doc for?" Greg asked in curiosity.

"My past." I said turning my face around from their view. "I am really tired guys, need a little rest after all that." I closed my eyes. I heard one of them sigh and they began whispering.

After a minute or so I heard the door close and I turned to lay on my back. Are you really here? I asked.

I am here and Chad too. He is still nursing his cheek. It looks like it might bruise.

That made me laugh.

Emily I could tell you're exhausted so rest and maybe we will visit afterwards.

Sure I said sleep slowly taking over me. I can't believe how so much of my past have catch up to me in such a present. I yawned and my eyes dropped.

Goodnight sister.


Duke's POV

"So who are you?" I asked the new comers. They seemed close to Emily and whoever is from her past could maybe help.

"I am hurt that Emily never mentioned me." The girl said. She was currently sitting, her legs dangling on the desk.

"Rachel stop it." The dude said and gave us a hand to shake. "I am Chad former BFF of Emily. That's Rachel I don't really get what she is to Emily but I know they are super close." I took the hand and shook it, since Josef was hiding in the corner lurking. You could guess he didn't really agree to this.

"Emily and I are sister. Not by blood but by bond." Rachel said biting her nails.

"Well I am D..."

"Your Duke and that's Josef. I told you we are sisters. Do you really believe she won't tell me about the boys in her life even if it was when we were little?"

"She is right I even know about you guys." Chad said with a smirk on his face. "Though I lasted longer than you."

Josef scoffed. "I wouldn't say that seeing as you got slapped instead of a reunion."

"So he speaks." Rachel drops her feet to the ground and stood up. "So what's really up?"

"How can we trust you with the information we have?" Josef spoke again.

"Well you just have to because we all really care about Emily and we might have information of our own to share." Chad spoke.

"You go first then." I said and sat down at Rachel's former sit. Chad backed away giving Rachel centre stage.

"Something happened the day before Christmas her house went silent, did I mention we used to be neighbours, they always were up early at Christmas time making food, watching movies, playing in the snow, inviting the neighbours for hot cocoa and cookies, but that day it felt like something died. Two days later people started coming to talk to Emily some even talked to me. Emily stopped coming out of the house but we still talked. At New year she moved to Rose's house who took care of her like her own child. There she met this doofes and they were inseparable. We still talked I would come to visit as much as I can and life was going strong until I found a tail on her someone was watching her every move. Call it bad timing, Chad just left so it was up to me. I stalked the man and asked who he worked with. Imagine my surprise when he said the government. I was recruited soon after and thought how to fight. I met Chad there he too was recruited to a special program like mine. When we found out Emily was here we asked to be sent here instead. Such an emotional story isn't it." I rolled my eyes at her final comment. I knew she was hiding something, but I didn't want to push.

"Your turn." Chad informed us. Josef and I cleared our throats preparing to tell the story together.

When we finished telling our side to the newcomers their jaw was hanging low. A strange look passed between the two of them. Chad stared at his shoe as it was the most interesting thing in the world. Rachel was the opposite, she looked up to us with a smirk.

"I guess we are a team now. What should we be called?"

Sorry for the late update and for this sucky update. At least you now get to know what has been going on with Rachel and Chad.

I don't think I will update the next chapter soon, but I will try.

Q: Any Rachel and Chad shippers(I couldn't come up with a ship name)?


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