She forced herself to ignore the smells of men and women around her as she entered McDonalds and focused mainly on her fries.

Minutes later Syra was escaping the stuffy resturaunt and walking back to her car. She slid into the driver's seat -- yeah, sub-demons could drive -- and checked for all her shopping bags.

Sure they were all there, Syra dug into her fresh fries and chocolate shake. God, nothing beat this combination.

She scarfed down the entire thing, completely happy and headed off to the hotel she was staying in.

The drive was short and she parked close to the door so carrying her bags wouldn't be an issue.

She slid out, not worried about locking her car and drifted in.

A snotty, blonde receptionist sat behind the desk and sent Syra a death glare. Ever since she'd rented out a room the receptionist hadn't liked her. Another jealous bitch.

Stupid humans.

She rolled her eyes as she passed the blonde and felt her hatred deepen. Syra wound her way up to her room, passing workers. She felt their eyes on her, their arousal pressed against her.

She winced when she felt her own arousal.

Not now.

She whisked into her room and quickly sat down to watch T.V. until later tonight. Syra settled on watching a movie about a girl who disappears suddenly from her home town.

She flopped onto the bed and not even ten minutes into the movie she floated to sleep.


The rapping of Syra's room door rattled her from her dreamless sleep.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Yeah?!" She snarled, hating to be woken up in the process of sleeping so well.

"Room service!" A rough voice called. A man's voice.

Room service? I didn't order any room service to be delivered...of any day.

"Go away! I didn't order for any damn room service!"

"Are you sure? I can't just let all this good food go to waste." His voice was deeper this time. Husky.

Syra suddenly felt wide awake. Her body was tingling and a crashing wave of lust burst through her nerves like wildfire.

"I..uh.. No. I'm not sure," Syra stumbled over her words. Her concentration was shot. Her body solely sought lust. Energy. Life.

The man chuckled; a rich sound that pushed Syra's body further into awakeness. She very nearly let out a moan from the desire it caused her to feel.

"Well, what do you want? Since you can't seem to make up your mind."

This time Syra swung out of bed, yanked down her dress that had risen up and onto her trembling legs. She crossed the room to the door in strides and yanked it open.

The man awaiting on the other side of the door was nothing Syra's imagination could've ever created to match the heavenly voice.

He was beautiful.. Eyes like glittering jades and hair that was the color of dying leaves; brown, but not too brown. His skin was flawless and a deep tan that lasted throughout winter months.. Latino?

Syra could've cared less what his nationality was or if he was really a she once the pants were off. She just knew she wanted him now. The Urges were drilling into her and she knew if he didn't walk away she'd yank him into her room.

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