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One month later...

(Jenny's POV)

I've found the desired place to live. It's actually a dorm, a small one. Pretty cozy for a girl like me to live in. I can't live together with the boys anymore, not after what had happened to me and Jimin.

I'm still looking for a part-time job though. I need to pay for the monthly rent fees and buy my own meals. In other words, to be independent.

Jungkook often visits me in the dorm. After we finish our college, we will wait for one another and go home together.

This morning, I took a look at the college bulletin board. Something caught my attention.

"Undergraduate Exchange Program"

As soon as I saw the title, I directed my attention to the paper. I've always wanted to experience others' way of life. It's interesting to learn about other countries' cultures. I thought that that was the golden opportunity for me to make my dream come true.

It was stated that there would be 10 people chosen for the program. The university that offered such a good opportunity is Harvard University, which is a really famous university in the States.

USA! I've always been dreaming on going there. This is really a great chance for me! I decided to apply for the program, although I know that the possibility of me being chosen is so small. There are like thousands of us in the college..

Anyway, I promised Jungkook that I would treat him meals if he didn't skip his classes for a week. I thought that it would fail.. but Jungkook actually did refrain himself from skipping classes, which amazed me so much.


"Oh, hi Kookie!"

"Where are we going today? You haven't forgotten about the deal, right?"

Jungkook looked at me sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah.. of course I still remember. Where do you want to go? You choose."

"Hmm.. how about LINE cafe?"


The food there is so freaking expensive.

"Why? You said I can choose, right?"

"N-nothing. Okay! Let's go!"


As soon as we reached the cafe, Jungkook took his phone out and took pictures of the LINE character dolls.

He was so excited running here and there taking pictures.

"Jen! Let's take a picture together with this big Brown!"

I saw him pointing at the big Brown doll while asking someone to take a picture of us together.

He's just simply that cute.

"Let's order our food!"

"Hmm.. I'll just have a drink. You can choose whatever you want."

"Hey.. eat something at least.. I won't let you starve yourself."

Before I could even open my mouth to talk, he ordered the food.

"I'll have two sets of burgers, please."

I saw him taking his money out and paying the cashier.

"Kookie! I pay, right?"

He just smiled and turned away.


"Nope. I won't let you pay. I have never thought of letting you pay for my meals though.. I was just kidding about the deal."

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