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(Jimin's POV)

Jenny is not the type of girl to be like that. I know it. There must be something that trigger her to be like that. I was curious, so I decided to ask her. I remembered that we had exchanged numbers back then when we were assigned to the same group in the club. So, I texted her.

"Mind telling me what happened?"

(Jenny's POV)

Nope. I'm not in the mood to tell him anything. Besides, people only listen to judge. That's why I never share what's inside my mind to anyone. I better keep it for myself. I shut my phone off and continued to sleep.


I am so lazy to get up. I really wish that I could sleep all day and night. Like usual, I went to college without having any breakfast.

I stopped by the canteen before going to class. I was ordering my food when suddenly Jungkook called me.

"Jenny! What are you ordering?"

"Um, just a breakfast set. Why?"

"Let's eat together!"

We sat at my favorite place. I was still in a bad mood, thinking about what happened yesterday. Jungkook probably noticed it, but he chose not to bother me. We didn't talk at all, so it was really awkward. Fortunately, I found something that could break the awkward situation.

"Jungkook, do you like peanut butter?"

"Of course! Why?"

"I-I don't like peanut butter, and I think that it is really wasting to leave it like this, so you can have this."

"Really? Wow I'd love to!"

He took the bread from my plate and munched it like a hungry kid.

"Hey. Eat slowly, or you will choke yourself to death."


"Jeon Jungkook!"

He was caught sleeping in the class again. Wow, this kid. He is a new student, but he is quite rebelious.


"If I catch you sleeping once again, you will need to go for detention."

"Okay. Just let me sleep for 5 minutes more."

I whispered to him, "Are you crazy!? Detention is seriously not fun! You better get up now."

"It's okay. I have you beside me."

What is he talking about? Is he planning to drag me with him?


(Jungkook's POV)

"I'm not feeling well, Jungkook. Can you tell the other guys that I won't be coming later?"

"Sure! Take a rest at home, Jen. Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, it's okay. Thanks, Jungkook."

Is it because of this that she was not in the mood this morning? First thing first, I'm gonna tell the others.


(Jenny's POV)

I needed a time for myself, so I decided to go to the cafe near my college to grab some coffee. I sat on the corner of the cafe, seeing people passing by as I drank my coffee. It is so peaceful.

"So, this is what you have been doing for the whole time? Not going home, but enjoying a cup of coffee? Group project, my ass."

My sister was there, along with her friends.

"Should I tell mom?"

She took away my coffee from the table. She tasted it and deliberately dropped it.

"I'm so sorry. Should I buy you another one? But I don't have any money with me right now. I guess next time?"

I was so mad. Too mad that I wanted to punch her in the face. What makes me literally mad is when one of her friends asked her;

"Who is she?"

"I don't even know. I don't care. Let's go home, girls!"

I was embarrassed, annoyed, sad, everything. It's been a long time since I cried like this. I couldn't bear with it anymore. I just remained seated as I bawled my eyes out.


(Yoongi's POV)

I was there. I heard and witnessed everything. Who the actual hell is she? Why is she so bitchy towards her? It disgusted me.

I wanted to comfort her, but I held myself. It's just so heartbreaking to see her cry like that. She reminded me of someone, someone who I truly love.


(Jimin's POV)

"Where's Suga though?"

"He went to the nearby cafe to grab some coffee, but he hasn't come back yet. It's weird though. He should have already been here by this time", Namjoon said as he looked at his watch.

Jenny was not feeling well. She didn't reply my message as well. I was worried. Should I text her again?

"Hey. Are you okay?"

Yeah, I know that's a dumb question, but I just want to make sure she's alright. Why am I worrying over her?

"Guys, I think I will look for Suga. He's never been this late though. Don't you think so?"

"Yeah maybe you should, Jimin. We need him here."

(Yoongi's POV)

I have been following her for almost an hour. She was just wandering around, without any direction. I was starting to get tired. How the heck can this girl wander around without any destination?

It was almost 9PM. There are not so many people on the street anymore during this time. She is still walking down the road. Now she is walking back to the college. This is crazy. Is she not planning to go home?

(Jenny's POV)

I didn't feel tired at all. It's better to stay like this rather than go home. I am happier this way, not until someone grabbed my hand;

"Hey, girl. What are you doing alone on the street? Let's have fun, shall we?"

I was so afraid. I do learn taekwondo, but I haven't reached the point where I can protect myself yet. I closed my eyes and prayed that there would be a savior.

"Take this, punk."

He punched him for a few times before the guy ran away with fear.

"Y-Yoongi? Why are you here?"


(Jimin's POV)

I reached the cafe, but with no success at all. Where the heck is Yoongi?

I continued to walk around as I tried to call him on the phone. To my surprise, I could hear someone's phone ring, and it is no other than Yoongi's. I recognize his ringtone. I went closer and closer to the place where the sound came from.

"There you are, Yoo---"

Something that I had never thought of happening, happened right in front of me.


So, is it going to be Jenny x Jimin, Jenny x Jungkook, or Jenny x Yoongi?
Drop some comments and votes!
Nope. It is not ending yet. There will still be many things going on!

Hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Thank you! ♡

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