Chapter 7: The One Who Got Away

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I made a grave error in coming back, I sometimes forgot that I was dating Toussaint Prater; this dude knew damn near everybody so I knew that coming back I ran the risk of running into one of his little minions...... but did I really have to run into his brother? Now I knew for a fact that Saint knew I was back because Trinity told Saint everything, now I knew sooner or later I'd have to face him but I didn't expect for him to show up to my apartment last night. I would've figured I had a day or two to prepare myself to see him but when I heard the keys in the door I hid in the under the bed..... childish I know but I also knew that if we met in a private setting I would most likely end up on my back having the best sex of my life..... No I needed to see him on my terms not his, but I might as well get this over and done with. A lot of people don't get why I left, Saint had always been a hard worker and I could see that he was pulling himself apart trying to see me and keep up with his immense workload. So I took myself out of the equation to give him time to get his affairs in order without me as a distraction, then there was the intensity of our relationship..... more on that in a moment. When I walked into Prater Inc. I knew I had to go in there and control the situation and not let Saint do what he did best..........

"Sir you can't just walk in there Mr. Prater is in a business meeting." The new secretary said and I started to cuss her out but I knew she didn't know me but she was about to find out soon enough. "Sir I'm going to call security." She said as I walked into Saint's office, business meeting my ass Saint was sitting at his desk sleep. Damn even sleep he was sexy as fuck and I hated to wake him up but....... I started to say something but two security guards walked in a grabbed me, who the fuck were all these new people around here damn?

"Unless you have a death wish I suggest y'all let him go and never touch him again, Ms. Henrietta Mario is allowed in here whenever he wants no appointment needed....." Saint said with his eyes still closed. The security guards let me go and walked out slowly leaving me alone with Saint, for a split second our eyes met before he quickly turned stared out the window.

"Saint I'm not about to have a conversation with the back of your head." I said sitting across from him.

"Mario if I face you, I'm going to try to fuck you...... this is the only way we can have this conversation." Saint said and I could tell it was taking every ounce of his willpower to not turn around.

"And that's exactly why I had to leave...... you have no self control and when it comes to you neither do I." I said realizing he wasn't the only one who was struggling with this reunion.

"Baby Boy if I didn't have any self control you'd be bent over this desk getting all thirteen inches, if I didn't have any self control I would've pulled you from underneath the bed last night when I came by your place, if I didn't have any self control I would've never let you leave in the first place so done come in here talking to me about self control...... quite frankly if anyone in this room has zero self control it's you." Saint said and I knew he was smirking and this was his thing, within a few seconds he completely flipped the script and made me out to be the one who didn't have control.

"That's bullshyt and you know it....... I came here to have a serious conversation with you and you made it about sex." I said and he turned around in his seat and stood up, my eyes went straight for my favorite thing in the world which was his dick which was pressed against his leg begging to be released, my mouth started to water and I could feel my dick start leaking cum in my boxers.......

"Mario I gave you space, I haven't spoke to you in six months so of course...... stop staring at my dick, so of course I wanna talk to you about more than just sex but you could've at least called and let me know you were back in town." Saint said walking around his desk and sat on his desk right in front of me, his dick damn near in my face. Yeah it was stupid for me to come back here... I got up and started walking towards the door but when my hand reached out for the handle I heard it lock. I turned around and face Saint who had remotely locked me inside.

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