Devin 60

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We sat around the table talking with Seven and Tyson, damn I couldn't wait to get on this trip I just had this feeling it was going to be amazing. Seven was still a little pissed that they lost the NFC championship game but I had a feeling they'd be going to the Super Bowl next year, the Cowboys honestly should've won that game but I wasn't going to bring it up. I looked over at Torian who talking quietly with Tyson, I really wanted to say something to Torian about him coughing up blood in the middle of the night but decided against it. I knew forcing him to tell me would only lead to an argument and I hated fighting with him, but it was killing me not knowing why he felt he couldn't tell me about this. We continued dinner and I tried not to think about the other thing that was bothering me and that was Cam, we haven't heard from him in almost a month and all we knew was there was an attack in which four people died.

"You know my brother Amir is in the Air Force, I could have him check on Cam if you want. I know what you're going through, whenever he gets deployed I can't think about anything else but his safety." Seven said quietly.

"Thanks man it's not like Cam to not check in, I figured he would at least call to check on his kids but for a month nothing......." I said looking at him. "Man this is depressing, let's talk about this trip." I said trying to change the subject.

"Hell yeah, I've been needing a vacation plus Ty has been wanting to get away for a while so this will be good for us." Seven said smiling. "I know you need a vacation after all that shyt you went through with Nico." Seven was someone I was able to confided in about the whole Nico situation because he knew better than anyone what it was like to have one of your best friends trying to kill the love of your life.

"I just wanna forget it ever happened, how's Ala'ven doing?" I asked and for the next hour or so Seven told me everything I had to look forward to once the twins got older. Now I was afraid once they started walking and getting into everything, me and Torian were going to have our hands full. "I'm salty Izayah, Iran and Jackson won't be able to come." I said.

"They couldn't get the time off. But we're planning a little something for the summer hopefully we all can take another little trip once Cam gets back." Seven said.

"It'll have to be after the wedding and honeymoon, hopefully we can squeeze it in before the season starts because I want all you attention on getting the Cowboys to the Super Bowl." I said smirking.

"Man you gotta keep rubbing that in don't you?" Seven said laughing. "That's fine I hope for the next three years you don't get another night of sleep." We chilled with them for a little bit longer before heading to pick up the twins.

"Marcus said he'd keep them over night...... maybe we could spend some time alone." Torian said putting his hand on my dick, I tried to focus on the road but he was making things really hard. The next minute I was trying not to crash as Torian went to work on my dick........ we were right around the corner from the house and I was almost doing 90 trying to get home. We pulled into the driveway and I figured here was as good a place as any to finish what he started, I pulled his face to mine and started kissing him.

"It's been a while since we've done it in the car." I said climbing into the backseat, Torian smiled before joining me and I was taken back to the last time we were able to do something like this which was almost two years ago. "I'm probably going to kick myself for saying this but, when were you going to tell me about the blood?" I asked and just like I figured he got mad.

"I wasn't, I've got checked out and I'm fine it's just because I've been under a lot of stress lately." He said kissing me.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up but you know how much I worry about you." I said looking into his eyes.

"I know you do Shrimp Dick but I'm good...... now let's forget about this until the morning." Torian said laying back against the seat. I pulled my shirt off and started sucking on his neck.

"You're going to quit calling me Shrimp Dick, we both know I got the biggest dick you've ever had." I said laughing knowing I'm the only person he's been with. I was just about to pull my pants off when someone started banging on the window.

"TORIAN, TORIAN GET YOUR BLACK ASS OUT THIS DAMN CAR!!!!!" A woman yelled and I could see the anger in his face.

"Is that your mom?" I asked wondering why she was here, I got out the car and she looked high ass fuck. "How are you doing Miss Reed, it's been a while." I said pissed that she was here.

"Hey Plywood how you been sweety..... I was just coming to see my son in law and grandchildren. Maybe you can talk to Torian into letting me see them since he still doesn't listen to his mother."

"You can see them after you go to rehab, I'm not letting you around my kids while you're like this." Torian said getting out the car. "Mom I'm doing this because I love you, but you need help and until you get it you won't be seeing the twins. The next time you come to our house I'll have you arrested." Torian said nodding at Benji who looked pissed.

"Dev this lady is persistent, she's been waiting in that car the past hour, I've been trying to call y'all to let y'all know but neither one of y'all have your phone on." Benji said and I pulled out my phone and saw that it was off, fuck who knows if Cam called or not. I turned it on and called Khalil and Liberty to see if they've heard from Cam today, but neither one of them had.

"Benji the next time Miss Reed shows up please call the cops, don't even bother entertaining her." I said walking in the house with Torian. "Baby I'm sorry you had to deal with that." I said pulling him into my arms.

"It's coo Devin, I just wanna focus on us right now. That's what this night is supposed to be about right you and me." Torian said kissing me. "I'm surprised you didn't notice I left my pants in the car." He said smiling and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh trust me I noticed, why do you think I wouldn't look at you? Let's stop talking though because this shyt is painful as fuck." I said pointing at my pants. "Black Room?" I asked.

"Nah stairs......." He said smiling, that was all I needed to hear before I was down to my briefs, laying against the stairs with Torian sitting on my lap. "In a couple weeks well be in one of the most romantic cities on earth havin......" I kissed him passionately and shook my head.

"No more talking, only moans." I said flipping him over and kissing from his neck to his stomach, I was just about to take his boxers off when someone started knocking on the door...... "I swear I going to fire every security guard we have. I SWEAR THE BETTER BE IMPORTANT!" I yelled getting up and walking to the door, when I opened it up I got punched dead in my chest.

"You know I'm too damn sexy to be standing out here waiting and you could've at least put some damn clothes on. Didn't you learn anything in college from all the times me and Legacy caught you jacking off." Cam said smiling, I couldn't speak because there was no way he was here.

"Cam....." I said my eyes tearing up and a smile coming to my face.

"Don't go getting all emotional little bro, I'm only home for two weeks then I'm leaving back out. You should feel special you're the only person who knows I'm home." He said pushing past me and looking at Blaze. "While y'all put some damn clothes on I'll be making myself a drink, so hurry up we have a lot to talk about and go pay the cab driver." Cam said walking away, I stood there trying to find the right words to say but nothing came to mind, all that mattered to me was my 'twin' was home...................

Homecoming Pt.4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora