Chapter 3: Both Sides of the Fence

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People were always talking shyt about me, there were dudes called me 'greedy' and 'confused' because I still fucked with women and the were women you were quick to tell me 'you are too cute to be gay'...... first I'm bisexual and proudly so. I mean why should I limit myself to one gender or better yet one person love is universal and I can't control who I like anymore than I could control my dick being hard when I wake up in the morning. Right now there were two people who shared my time first was Norelle, she went to an all girl school so she understood bisexuality better than most which is why she didn't trip when she found out I was seeing Xavier...... then we get to Xavier, he was the 'super straight' dude that instantly caught my eye when we first moved back to Texas. It took a while but after a lot of prodding and patience I finally got him to crack, I firmly believe that every person on this earth was curious and it just took the right person to bring it out of them which is exactly how I got Xavier in my room with his lips wrapped around 'Odion Jr.'...........

"You gonna let me get some ass?" Xavier asked sucking on the head of my dick slowly, I would've agreed to anything at that point to get him to keep going so I just nodded and leaned back to watch him do all the little tricks I taught him, after a couple minutes Xavier had me on my stomach eating my ass. "Do you love me Odion?" Xavier asked and my body tensed up, there was that word again. Did I love Xavier? I wasn't sure some days I really liked Norelle and other days I really liked Xavier but I honestly couldn't say I loved either of them because I didn't know what love was and love scared me.

"I love the way your mouth feels on my dick." I said laughing but Xavier stood up pissed.

"Man I'm leaving...... I'm going to be serious here Odion, I love you. Like I seriously fuckin love you that I'm willing to lose my best friend to be with you but you always try to make shyt into a joke." Xavier said heated, then it happened again it was like time sped forward and when my brain finally caught up with the rest of the world I was on my back with Xavier fucking me with slow measured strokes. "I love you too Odion and I'm tired of sharing you." He said and I didn't even remember the words 'I love you' coming out my mouth for him to be saying 'I love you too' but I felt myself getting ready to nut.

"Are you fucking serious Odi?" Darion asked walking into my room, Xavier kept going as if we didn't have an uwanted guest while I looked at my twin. "Yo you know dad and Blaze are going to be home in about thirty minutes and it's your day to clean the kitchen. I wanted to respond but there was something magical about Xavier's dick that kept me from speaking. Darion walked out pissed and I went back to enjoying Xavier's dick........

Once we were finished I was walking Xavier out to his car because technically Xavier wasn't allowed over here since that trip we made to Austin and well I'll tell y'all what happened later........ It was dark but he still had his hood on like if anybody from our school rode by they wouldn't recognize his car.

"I really do love you Odion and I know you love me....... but I'm not going to keep sharing you with Norelle, yeah those threesome are fucking amazing but I want all of you." Xavier said rubbing my ass.

"I'll umm catch you later Xavier and we can talk about it some more then but next time you better be ready because I'm not going easy on your ass." I said grabbing his ass, he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss before getting in his car and pulling off. I walked back in the house and Darion was cleaning the kitchen.

"You owe me...... $150 and you're taking the kitchen and bathroom for the rest of the week." He said sitting on the counter.

"It happened again......" I said quietly. "We were just talking and then the next thing I knew we were fucking... it's like there's a big gap in between how I got from point a to point be and it's really starting to scare me." I said knowing that Darion was the only person I could talk to about this not my dads, not my uncles, not my cousins..... just my twin.

"Odi you gotta tell them..... last week you ended up downtown not knowing how the hell you got there and two months ago you went out and bought like $2000 worth of shyt that you didn't even remember buying, you thought your card had got stolen until you found the receipt." Darion said looking in my eyes.

"I'm good Dari.... listen please don't tell anyone just let me deal with it alone." I said walking over to the window and looking outside.

"You don't have to be alone though.... you got me and I'm never going to anything happen to you, I got your back bro." Darion said as the door opened and I heard my parents walk in the house laughing, a few seconds later they were walking into the kitchen.

"I see Odion got you to clean the kitchen for him again Darion, what deal did y'all make this time." Blaze asked and I know a lot of people would have a problem with us calling our dad Blaze but it he insisted so they didn't get confused whenever we said dad.

"What happened to your shirt dad?" I asked looking at the rip in his shirt knowing that wasn't like him at all.

"Breaking up Cori and Cam......" He said shrugging and this was a story I definitely wanted to hear. "Who's cooking tonight? I cooked last night so one of y'all three got it tonight, Tori I need to talk to you really quick..... in the Black Room." My dad said and I knew we probably wouldn't see them for about two hours, so I guess I'll cook.

The next day at school was weird because Xavier wasn't here so I pretty much just chilled with my cousins, out of all my cousins the ones I was closest to were Lauren and Marcel; Lauren because she was the only one who could pull more girls than I could and Marcel because he was a straight up clown.

"Mr. Riley are you tired of being a senior taking junior classes?" Our teacher Mrs. Parker asked Marcel who was making jokes, like always.

"This is the only junior class I have and that's because I find you irresistible Mrs. Parker." Marcel said smirking. "When you gonna let me fuck Mrs. Parker?" Marcel said quietly quoting Friday and lucky for him she didn't hear him or maybe she did because he suddenly had a little more sway in her hips.

"Odion when's the next home game at your little girlfriends school, me and Ebony broke up and I need a new friend." Lauren asked smiling and I shrugged I hadn't talked to Norelle in a couple days so I'd call her later.

"Camille is going to beat your ass." Marcel said laughing, it was common knowledge that Camille wasn't too fond of her sister's sexual preference but Lauren didn't care.

"Ayy can I go to the restroom?" I asked and Mrs. Parker turned and stared at me. "My bad, my I go to the restroom please Mrs. Parker?" I asked smiling and I'm 99% sure her panties got wet. After getting the pass I walked through the halls wondering what I really wanted to do, probably head to the vending machine, as I walked to the vending machine I stopped by Darion's class and heard a bunch of people laughing.

"Nigga don't you be coughing up blood, ain't that why you aren't allowed to play sports because your bitch ass is dying?" This dude Cyrus said and I didn't have to guess who he was talking to.....

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO MY BROTHER!!!!!!" I asked walking into the classroom and ignoring the teacher who was telling me to leave. "DARION YOU BETTER BEAT HIS ASS OR I'M GOING TO DO IT!!!!" I said and I never understood why Darion didn't ever want to fight, in truth no one in our age group could beat him one on one not even me so I knew he'd destroy Cyrus with no problem but Darion was way to passive.

"Man I'll beat you and you punk ass brothers ass with no........" It happened again, when I came to Darion was pulling me down the hall locked in a tight grip.

"Odi just chill bro you won......" Darion was saying. It took me a second to remember what even happened but when I did I broke free of Darion and looked in his eyes.

"Why the fuck do you let that nigga keep hoeing you Dari? You could've easily beat his ass without trying." I asked pissed.

"Because big bro not every battle has to be won through fist, sometimes public humiliation is just as effective a tool as my hands. Trust me I got something planned for his ass and by the time I'm done he might just transfer schools." Darion said smiling and I couldn't help but smile back, Darion wasn't a fighter but he could he was more of a thinker and I knew whatever he had planned in that brain of his was sure to be epic...........................

****** Who should get the next chapter; Kylan, Trinity or Darion? ******

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