Legacy 34

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Lorenzo was taking this news better than I was, I knew he wanted to think positively but it was like one thing after another and I didn't know how much more I could take. 'Pressure makes diamonds' is what my dad always said but everything was really starting to get to me it was just too much, Lorenzo expected me to act like everything was okay but how was I supposed to smile about something like this? I watched as he played with the kids and he seemed so at peace with everything and I wanted to feel that same sense of peace........... I walked over and sat on the floor with Lorenzo and the kids, we didn't talk at all just watched as Ace struggled to crawl. He looked at me and started scooping over in my direction and Enzo rolld his eyes playfully, I can't help it if Ace was attached to me I smiled as he got close and then got hit in the eye with a toy. Lorenzo started laughing as Ivanna ran into his arms.

"She really doesn't like me." I said rubbing my eye.

"Baby go say sorry...." Lorenzo trying to hold back his laughter as Ivanna looked at me and shook her head, I started fake crying then she walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Is okay Leggy don't cry, sowwy." She said rubbing my eye causing it to hurt even more. I pulled her into my arms, threw her into the air then catching her. She seemed to enjoy that even more than watching me and Enzo do push ups.

"Okay time for bed." Lorenzo said after we played for a few more minutes. After they were both in their beds me and Lorenzo sat in the living room not saying a word....... "So I've been considering having my prostate gland removed. It's the best way to treat the cancer and I think it'll be the safest, don't worry I'll still be able to fuck you afterwards it just going to feel different for me, since I won't be able to bust a nut anymore." Lorenzo said smiling.

"Lorenzo are you sure you wanna have surgery? I've seen you with a cold and you can barely function so I can only imagine what your going to be like after surgery." I said looking at his eyes. "But seriously if you think that's what is best then I'll be by your side all the way." I said kissing him.

"There's something else........ I know you wanted to wait until Cam got back to get married but I want you to take care of all my medical stuff and the only way that can happens is if we're married or we do a power of attorney, so it's up to you on which option you wanna take." He said kissing me, I climb on his lap and started biting down on his ear, knowing that was his weakness.

"Tell me where y'all are going for y'alls trip?" I whispered in his ear and he pushed me off and smacked me with a pillow.

"I knew your ass was up to something when you pulled that one-eighty. I'm not telling you, y'all have y'alls little trip and we have our but I can promise you this Leggy, our trip will be better than y'alls and the women's." Lorenzo said climbing on top of me. "Who's all going on y'alls trip." Lorenzo asked grinding against me.

"Me, Devin, Blaze, Will, Alex, Shoo Shoo, Seven, Tyson, Emilio, Young Mon, Dro and Ricardo. I'm not sure if Mique is coming but I know Devin invited him." I said looking in his eyes.

"So.... I'm not worried about him trying anything because I don't think he's that type of person." Enzo said kissing me again. "Aight so now that we got that out the way are we getting married or do we gotta get a power of attorney?" He asked.

"Okay you win we'll have the wedding when Cam gets back and we can go down to city hall tomorrow and do a quick wedding. You're a brat you know that?" I said running my fingers through his hair. My phone started ringing and I knew only one person that would call this late. "Wassup Bro?" I asked smiling.

"Wassup Legacy." Cam said quietly. "So I was kinda bored last night and decided to call Nico......... now imagine my surprise when Iman answered the phone." Cam said and I could feel his anger almost 8,000 miles away.

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