Enzo 107

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It was our last day in Dubai and for the most part everything went smoothly; Khalil and Marcus were stuck together like teenagers, Tion and Lafayette made the trip a lot more fun with there constant jokes towards each other, Marsean that was big bro and Zyshaun...... well I guess that little side trip to Japan was exactly what he needed because he's been all smiles since he's been back. The only thing that really concerned me was Cam, ever since his talk with his granddad he's just had this blank look on his face and whenever we'd ask about it he would just smile and tell not to worry about it. I wanted to push the issue but Khalil thought it would be best not to push him into telling us, so I would drop it for now. We were supposed to be spending the last day just chillin I mean we've pretty much seen everything here; went shopping, sight seeing, jet-skis, we went to the beach numerous times, pretty much had a blast. Now I was ready to get back to Legacy and my kids, then start getting ready for this wedding....... but there was one more thing on our list to check off and it was proving difficult because of Khalil's fear of heights.

"That shyt is 160-stories tall, y'all already know I don't fuck with heights.... hell I can't even get on a plane without being drunk and y'all expect me to take an elevator all the way up to the top just so we can look down? Nah I'm coo..... I'll stand right here and wait for y'all to get back." Khalil said looking up at the Burj Khalia like he was about to throw up.

"Khalil you said it yourself this trip was about you trying new things; you got on a roller coaster which you hate, you smoked weed for the first time which I'm willing to bet anything you loved even though you probably won't admit it, and you let Marcus fuck you for the first time now this..... this should be a piece of cake." I said quietly.

"See this is why I don't tell you shyt, you always throwing back up in my face." Khalil said shaking his head.

"Bro you got two options; you can come up with us or you can stay down here but keep in mind that there's a festival that's supposed to be going on and I'm pretty sure there will be clowns." I said lying but this was a once in a life time opportunity and I wasn't going to let my boy miss it, so reluctantly Khalil came with us to the very top of the building though he wasn't happy about it. While everyone was taking pictures and making stupid videos, I decided to call home and check on Legacy.

"Wassup baby?" Legacy said as soon as he picked up, honestly I was missing him like crazy and it's only been a week.

"Nothing much just finishing up our last day here so we should be home tomorrow.... but I need you to do something for me, I've already cleared it with Tia and I was wondering if you would pick up Ivanna and Ace before coming to airport?" I asked.

"Yeah no problem, baby hold up Devin and Blaze are arguing again so I'll have to call you back. I love you." Legacy said as I heard Devin and Blaze cussing each other out in the background.

"I love you too Legacy." I said hanging up and walking over to Cam who was standing off to himself. "Wassup Cam? You've been distant ever since that conversation with your grandpa, is everything coo?" I asked quietly.

"I'm good Enzo.... I really am but it's just a lot to handle, I really didn't have a relationship with my grandpa growing up and now he's asking me to down to DR to help plan his funeral..... it's just difficult so soon after my mom's y'know?" Cam said shaking his head.

"Cam you know we're here for you if you need anything, any help you need we're all here for you. You don't have to do this on your own....... So how is everything else going?" I asked referring to the dreams he's been having.

"I got an appointment with that therapist when I get back home, so hopefully that'll help. But look we can talk about this some more when we get back on solid ground, Khalil looks like he's about to pass out." Cam said smirking. We spent the rest of the night pretty much just chillin and trying to enjoy our last night here but I couldn't escape this feeling I had in the pit of my stomach that when we got home everything was going to change...........

When we finally landed after a seventeen hour flight, not including layovers we were finally back in Houston and waiting for us was Devin, Liberty, Tonya and Legacy but I didn't see my kids anywhere and I could tell by the look on Legacy's face he was pissed about something.

"Aight I'll catch y'all in a few days, I got somewhere to be." Zyshaun said walking off, I walked over to Legacy and started to ask him where my kids were but he shook his head and pointed to Liberty. Though he didn't say anything his words were clear 'not in front of her crazy ass'. So after talking with Khalil and them for a few minutes, we got in the car and headed home.

"What happened? I thought you were going to the kids?" I asked as we drove down the highway.

"Okay here's what happened.... I was all set to pick them up, as you can you see I have the car seats all ready and everything. But when I got to Tia's house she wasn't there and instead I got the Beast of The East Tara..... that bitch is rude as fuck saying that since Tia didn't let her know that I was coming to get the kids she wasn't letting them go with me. So I called Tia to see what the deal was she pretty much ignored my calls." Legacy said heated.

"Take the next exit I'm about to go over there and see what's going on." I said and with twenty minutes we were pulling up to Tia's house and  had to count to ten before getting out and knocking on the door, where Tara answered with a blunt in her mouth. "Hello young man is your sister home?" I asked and she slammed the door in my face, I started to knock on the door again when Tia opened it smiling.

"Hey Enzo, why didn't you tell me you were stopping by?" Tia asked and I swear I wanted to rip her uterus and smack her with it.

"Tia..... I told you that Legacy was coming to get Ivanna and Ace." I said calmly.

"Oh I thought you said Ms. Angela was coming to get them." Tia said and I knew she was playing games. "But I'm glad you're here, I'm going out of town tomorrow and I need you to babysit."

"Tia they're my children... I don't babysit them, whatever just go get them they don't need any clothes they got plenty at my place." I said and Tia walked away, this bitch was going to drive me crazy for the rest of my life I swear. As Tia walked out I noticed a bunch of boxes in the living room. "You moving or something?" I asked.

"No..... I'm just donating a bunch of stuff to the less fortunate." Tia said and I really had a feeling she was up to something, she handed me my kids and handed the diaper bag to Legacy just as Tara walked.

"Bye aunties babies......" She said kissing them and waking up Ace who started crying.

"That'll do pig, that'll do......" I said patting her shoulder. Tara looked like she wanted to smack me but couldn't because I was holding the kids, she walked off and I decided it was time to leave.

Enzo's House

We got home and I put Ivanna and Ace in their rooms and went downstairs with Legacy

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We got home and I put Ivanna and Ace in their rooms and went downstairs with Legacy. "I'm sorry Legacy, Tia is a bitch and I should've known she'd pull something like this." When he didn't respond I looked at him and he was sitting there reading a note. "What's that?"

"A note from Tia..... she's going on an extended vacation and won't be back for a couple months." He said handing me the note, after reading it a few times I was so pissed the only thing I could do was start laughing.

"If I have it my way then she's never getting them back, look I'm about to take a shower then we can spend the rest of the night talking about my trip..... but first I gotta piss." I said kissing him before walking to the bathroom, after I finished pissing I was about to flush the toilet but stopped.... something was definitely wrong because there was blood in my piss and the first thing my thoughts went to was the very real possibility that the cancer had come back............

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