Mario 81

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For it to be early March it was extremely hot, Saint's dad had been gone for three days and we were both starting to go stir-crazy just sitting around not being able to leave..... well Saint couldn't leave but I didn't want to leave his side. The talks we've had over the last couple weeks showed me a different side of Saint that I never would've thought possible, there was the softer side where a few times he was on the verge of tears whenever the topic of his mom was brought and the protective side whenever we were sitting around the pool watching his little brother. I remember Saint jumping up every time Trinity stayed under the longer than Saint liked........ but most of the time he was the cocky, spoiled Saint that I both really liked and couldn't stand. I sat in Saint's living room taking my hair out and I noticed Saint watching me closely, I looked at him and he turned away quickly and started blushing; I smiled and walked over to him and made him look at me.

"Saint......" I said and he quickly pulled me to his lap and started kissing me we started really getting into it when we heard someone trying to get inside the house. I quickly jumped up and walked over to the mirror and acted like I was taking my braids when Saint's aunt walked in smiling.

"You're still not done?" She asked and I shrugged. "Well I'm going to the mall, I'll do your hair when I get back...... do y'all need anything?" She asked.

"Nah we're good...... actually I was thinking about having a few friends over since I can't leave. You mind calling my dad and seeing if it's okay, I doubt he'll tell you no." Saint said and Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"Okay but I'm telling you now Saint I will beat Danny's funny looking ass if he tries to grab my breast......" Vanessa said before walking out.

"That was close, I'm glad you lock the door." I said walking back over to him.

"Yeah I know but umm...... look I think we should cool off for a bit, there's a lot of people in my house and the chances of one of them walking in and catching us is a lot higher.... I'm just not ready to explain to them what's going on between us, not yet." Saint said turning his head.

"It's coo Saint I understand but look I need to go home and get some more clothes, I'll be back before everyone starts getting here." I said.

"My dad said not to leave." Saint said looking deep into my eyes.

"No your dad told you not to leave, I'm free to go as I please but I'll be back I'm just going to take a shower and grab some more clothes, who all are you having over?" I asked and Saint shrugged.

"Probably Joejoe, Danny, Jose and a couple girls; Monique and some of her friends." Saint said. "And uhh...... you can't get mad if I don't mad okay?" Saint asked and I tried not to show any emotion but I was a jealous dude by nature and Saint knew it. "Mario..... look at me." He said quietly and it took everything in me to resist his smooth words. "Come on Baby Boy don't be like that......" He said pulling me towards him.

"Whatever Toussaint." I said trying to pull away but he was slightly stronger than me.

"Just give me some time to figure out what this is between us........" He said smiling, I looked in his eyes and instant he pressed his lips to mine.

"YO SAINT YOU TRYIN TO........ OH shyt my bad....." Yuri said looking at us as Saint quickly walked away as if we just didn't get caught. "I'll umm....." Yuri left and Saint stay in the kitchen for ten more minutes.

"He won't say anything...... but I.... I gotta go check on Trinity hit me up whenever you're on your way back." Saint before walking upstairs and I knew he was embarrassed about what just happened and so was I, maybe we needed some space to sort out a few things. After Saint's driver dropped me of at home I started shaking a little because I hated this place and couldn't wait to turn 18 so I can leave and never come back. I slipped into the door hoping like hell that.......

"You finally decided to come home...... you still haven't cut your hair walking around here looking like a little bitch." My mom said staring at me, I really wanted to say something back but I noticed my dad sitting on the couch watching me intently. "You look like you wanna say something...... go on and say it little bitch." My mom said smiling evilly.

"Looks like the little bitch is about to cry....." My dad said laughing. I clutched my bag tighter and tried to keep calm, I walked past them and started up the stairs when I got to the fifth step I felt something hit the back of my head, I turned around and saw my dad had thrown the remote at me and I was steaming. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you boy......." I dropped my bag on the stairs and started walking back down.

"I think he wants to fight." My mom said smiling. I looked at her with the deepest loathing and she smacked me, I didn't need a mirror to know I probably my face was red.

"Mario can you come help me move my t.v....." My sister yelled from upstairs, with one last look at my 'parents' I grabbed my stuff off the stairs and ran upstairs. "Are you alright." She asked checking my face.

"I'm fine I just wanna get my shyt and leave...... I fuckin hate this place, one of these days I'm going to leave and  never come back." I said wiping my face quickly.

"Mario they don't hate you..... it's just every time they look at you they're reminded of....." She quickly trailed off because she knew we were never to talk about 'her'. I quickly took a shower and packed enough clothes to spend the rest of Spring Break with Saint, I was sitting on the porch waiting for his driver when I heard the door open behind me.

"Since your leaving again you should probably take this with you." My mom said pouring an entire bag of trash on me and laughing as she got in her car and pulled off. Saint's driver got there and I was glad to get away from this place and I was praying for the day I could leave for good...........

"DAMN!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!?!?" Joejoe said laughing, there were a bunch of people here and of course when he said that everyone turned and started staring at me, I shook my head and walked upstairs into the room I've been staying in and quickly closed the door.

"Why didn't you tell me you were back?" Toussaint asked walking in a few minute later and I turned away from him so he couldn't see my face. "Mario look at me....." He said quietly, walking around and making me look at him.

"It's nothing Saint..... let's just get back downstairs." I said but Saint wouldn't move out the way of the door, he quickly locked it and gently grabbed my face.

"I'm sorry for how they treat you Mario, no one deserves that especially from their parents. I should've said fuck what my dad said and went with you and for that I'm sorry." He said quietly.

"Saint there was nothing you could've done..... they've hated me all my life, it just got worse when.........." I broke off again because I didn't like opening up those old scars, Saint looked at me cautiously before backing away.

"If you want I can go kick everyone out...... besides it's not as fun hanging out with them when Noah's not around." Saint said.

"Nah I'm about to go see if your aunt is back so she can do my hair, just chill with them." I said trying to push past but he stopped me again.

"Mario...... stop pushing me away, what's going on with you and your parents?" Saint asked and I felt my throat start burning.

"AYY SAINT YOU MIGHT WANNA GET DOWN HERE!!!!" Someone probably Danny yelled but Saint just kept looking in my eyes until we heard a bunch of yelling coming from downstairs. He quickly ran out leaving me  to think if I should finally tell him why my parents hated me but I was scared because that meant I had to open up about what happened to my twin sister Maria and I don't think I was ready for that.................................

Homecoming Pt.4Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora