Noah 124

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When I woke up this morning Uncle Zyshaun had left, nobody knew where he went he just left a note saying he had something to take care of and he'd be back before our last day here. Also when I woke up there were three babies in my bed; Marquise, Odion and Darion and I was pissed because these three were little monsters and I knew as soon as the woke up they'd be on my heels following me around everywhere I went cut into my already limited time with Jade. Damn I really wished I could've got one of the underwater rooms but since my dads decided to be haters I had to sleep in the room next to there's but thankfully I already talked to Uncle Zy and he said next time we came here I could have the other underwater room. I crept outta bed careful not to wake any of the little monsters and went to the kitchen where for the first time since we got here was completely empty. I decided to got wake Saint, Mario and Jose up since it was almost impossible to get to Jade and I needed some company; when I got to Saint's room however I heard music playing and low moans, yeah definitely not going in there and it took way too much energy to try and wake Jose so I decided to go sit out by the pool. I put my feet in the water and started watching sun come up when the scent of strawberries invade my nose, I didn't even turn around as Jade wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Good morning baby." I said turning to kiss her after a few minutes Jade took off her shoes, sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. "After all the sneaking around we've tried to do and it was always this simple we just had to get up early, are you enjoying this trip?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah I'm having fun, I just wish we could spend more moments like this together, y'know without a million eyes watching our every move."Jade said grabbing my hand. "You excited for school?" She asked.

"I'm ready for it to be over with....... once it's over we're one year closer to my dream." I said smiling, Jade looked at me confused and I couldn't help but laugh. "The dream I have for our future; we'll go college me playing football and you studying history, then I'll get drafted you'll become a teacher and after my rookie year we'll start working on our family two boys then a little girl." I said smiling.

"Oh so you just have it all mapped out don't you?" Jade asked and I could see her fighting back a smile.

"And why wouldn't I? Jade I've loved you since I was eight years old, most people go their entire lives looking for their soulmate I was just lucky enough to find mine a lot sooner." I said kissing.

"I agree with most of what you said....... but we're having two girl and one boy." Jade said laughing.

"Nah I need two boys to look after their little sister kinda like Jose is protective of you and how my dad and uncles are over Aunt Cadence and Carly's annoying ass." I said and Jade elbowed me in the ribs, I knew Carly was one of her best friends so of course she was going to stick up for her. "I'm sorry Jade...." I said kissing her.

"No-no......." I heard a small voice behind me, I turned around Marquise was standing at the door trying to get out.... the ignorant side of me wanted to leave him in the house but I didn't want him waking up everyone else by crying, so I got up and brought him outside with me and Jade.

"Why are you blockin on me little bro? You're supposed to have my back." I said tickling his stomach. "Look I'm about to go put him in the room with my dads then we can take a walk on the beach and I can tell you all the perks to having two boys." I said kissing her before walking back in the house.

There was always a risk walking into my parents room, you never knew what you might walk in on and didn't want to put my baby brother through that kind of trauma. Thankfully they were both sleeping when I poked my head in the door. This was going to require a lot of stealth because I had to get Marquise in their bed without waking them up and get out of the room without Marquise crying.

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