Noah 132

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Being back home felt fucking great, though I was enjoying Saint Trinity Island I was missing my girl like crazy and now that all the drama was over and done with I was free to come and go without a bunch of bodyguards clocking my every move though I'm pretty sure they were still around somewhere. While everything should be perfect I was sad Uncle Devin and Uncle Blaze were leaving in a couple days, but they said I could come and visit any time I wanted which was coo. I had just finished my second practice for the day and now I was going to meet Jade at the mall while my dads got everything set up for the going away party, I swear they had parties for everything, but I wasn't complaining. As I sat in the mall waiting for Jade and Carly I kept looking at my phone and laughing at Timika's dumb ass, I swear this girl just wouldn't take the hint that I didn't want her ass but it was coo before school started I was going to make sure that everyone knew me and Jade we in it for the long haul..........

"Hey Noah......" Timika said sitting at the table across from me and I smiled because she was just he person I wanted to see. "Oh so I finally got a smile outta your sexy ass, you must be warming up to me."

"That's not even close to being true I just wanna know why you keep lying saying we slept together when you know that's not even remotely true, I mean let's be serious you've been ran through by half the football team what makes you think I wanna be the twentieth person on that very long list?" I asked still smiling.

"Because you look the best out of all of them and the way Jade follows you around I just know it's good, besides I wanna know if you it runs in the family because the way my sister talks about your uncle..... I just wanna fuck before the baby gets here and your cousin becomes my nephew." Timika said.

"You are crazy I don't want you or any girl......... so for all watching this, I'm in love with JADE that's my girl. I'm going to marry her so please stop hitting me up because it's not happening and any dude that tries to get with her well I have no problem fighting for what's mine." I said ending the live video I was recording and Timika looked pissed. "Well now you and all them other girls know where my heart is and you should probably be concerned with all the girls whose dudes you slept with because reading some of these comment they're coming for your neck." I said laughing, yeah it was petty but that should keep her occupied for the rest of the summer. I saw Jade, Saint, Mario, Carly, Jose, Danny and Joejoe all walking towards me and from the looks on there face they had all seen the video.

"That was mean Noah....." Jade said punching me in the chest playfully.

"Sometimes you gotta be mean to get your point across, honestly I don't blame him I regret even fucking her." Jose said and him and Joejoe started comparing notes because they had both slept with Timika making me even happier that I didn't even go there with her.

"So you coming to the party my parents are throwing for my uncles? While everyone is outside I can show you my dad's grotto." I said smiling, I was so distracted by her beauty that I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and ended up bumping into someone when I looked at them it was one of the dudes who jumped me. Seeing the look of terror on his face let me know that he wasn't worth fucking with besides after seeing what my parents just went through I knew there was no point in keeping beef going, so I kept it moving to the movie theater, I guess I was growing up.................

We got back to the house and of course my parents were laid up on the couch singing to each other while Marquise looked on mad he wasn't getting any attention. I picked him up and carried him into Cori's room and sat him on Cori's bed, Cori who was knocked out just laid there completely out of it.

"You know in a couple years I'm going to be outta here and you and Cori are going to have to fend for y'all selves, I won't be here to save y'all so here is some advice; one don't ever walked into their room if the door is closed, it's not worth it and you'll be scarred for life. Second don't be blowing up my phone if y'all wanted get away because I plan if I had to suffer through all their mushy stuff so will y'all and finally look out for each other because I have no problem coming back to beat up anyone that messes with y'all." I said smiling, Marquise looked at me for a second before crawl up to Cori and falling asleep.

Homecoming Pt.4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora