Mario 117

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For the past few months I've been staying with my cousin Rafael and being there made me feel wanted, he didn't trip over little stuff like me staying over Saint's a lot and he gave me space to pretty much figure out who I was without the constant belittling that I got when I lived with my parents. Though I missed my sisters like crazy, I still got to talk to them every now and then which was better than nothing; from what they've told me my parents crossed out all my pictures and turned my room into a chapel or something..... I didn't care though as long as I was away from them I was happy. I rummaged through my closet grabbing clothes to take over Saint's for the week and I was nervous about being left alone with him, not in a bad way it was more anxious than anything; his dad was staying over Yuri's until they left for their trip and his brother Trinity was spending time with his siblings so apart from the security it would be just me and him........

"Aye primito, you out?" Rafael asked sticking his head in my room, I nodded once and continued packing because Saint's driver should be here any minute. "Aight well just remember I'm going to be in El Paso with my girl's family, so if you need anything that's where I'll be. I'ma call you everyday to check on you, so you better answer..... I would hate to have to fuck you up for having me worrying about you." Rafael said smirking.

"I hear you Raf.... have fun with your girl, me and Saint shouldn't be doing anything too crazy so you should be able to reach me pretty easily. We are going to Six Flags later in the week but that's about it........." I said zipping my bags.

"Aight just give me a heads up..... and uhh your dad called." He said quietly, I looked up at him wondering if he cared to elaborate. "He uhh.... he said he was going to 'beat me my ass for harboring a fag and if he hopes we enjoy our eternity in hell'..... he hasn't called back though I think it's because my dad went over there and beat his ass, he never could beat my dad in a fight even when they were younger. I just thought you wanted to know." It should've hurt me that my 'dad' felt that way but it didn't..... "I think that's the driver. Make sure you call me when you get there, I'll hit you up when I make it to El Paso." Rafael said walking away and I grabbed my bags before heading out........

When I got to Saint's house I was so surprised how quiet it was, normally when I was over here there were people always doing something but it seemed like everyone cleared out. I walked through the house to the backyard where Saint was standing on top of the diving board when he saw me he smiled before jumping off and swimming over to me. He got out the water and walked over to me and all I could think was 'eye above the waist', he tried to kiss me but I wasn't trying to get wet.

"Damn it's like that?" He asked smiling.

"Where is everybody?" I asked looking around.

"Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not here...... now where's my kiss?" He asked not waiting for an answer, he pushed his lips to mine and we stood like that for so long that most of the water from the pool had dried off his skin. We finally broke apart and Saint stood there smiling. "Umm go ahead and put you bags in the house and change into some swimming trunks, I'll be out here waiting." He said jumping back in the water.

I walked to the pool house, put my stuff inside the door and pulled out my swimming trunks. I decided to mess with him a little bit because I knew exactly what he was thinking while we were kissing, I started getting undressed and he sat in the water staring at me. Once I was changed I walked over to the water and stared down at him.

"I thought you were supposed to be cooking for me?" I asked smiling.

"I am..... but that comes later, it's like one in the afternoon and it's hot so I figured we could swim first, then take a little nap and when we wake up I'll cook for us...... so are you going to get in or do I have to force you to Baby Boy?" Saint asked swimming closer to me. I decided to jump in and we played around for a few minutes before we ended up back in each others arms again. "So there's a slight change of plans..... tomorrow Noah, Jose, Joejoe and Danny are all coming over to stay the night then the next day we'll meet up with the girls to drive to Six Flags is that coo with you?" Saint asked.

"Yeah that's fine but how exactly are we all going to fit in Jose's car?" I asked.

"A couple of the security guards are going to drive us..... then we'll all come back here and Mama Angela is going to cook for all of us, she's been going on and on about wanting to cookout.... after all that it'll be just us for the rest of the week." Saint said.

"You uhh..... you wanna go inside?" I asked and he nodded, I walked into the little kitchen area and was about to go through the bags he had on the counter but he stopped me. "What I can see what you're cooking?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nah it's a surprise...... look I'ma go shower and change then you can do go, please don't go through the bags this is a trust test so can I trust you Baby Boy?" Saint asked, something instead of me and I figured the best way to keep myself from giving into temptation was to let myself give into another one.

"Come on......" I said grabbing his hand his hand and leading him upstairs to the shower. I knew I was taking a risk but this was something I felt like we were both ready for and besides it was going to happen eventually why not get it out the way now so we wouldn't be thinking about it later.........

Three hours later I woke up looking around for Saint, I knew for a fact we both fell asleep in his bed now he was no where to be found. I got out of bed and smiled, what we just did was for lack of a better word perfect. Saint was perfect; he took his time, stopping every few minutes to make sure I was alright and I was already looking for the next time..... I heard a bunch of moving coming from downstairs and decided to go see what he was doing.

"Damn you got it smelling good in here, what are you cooking?"I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Baked Chicken with Tomatoes and Garlic, Roasted Red Pepper Pasta and I'm thinking about make a cake but I'm not sure........" Saint said kissing me.

"Where'd you learn to cook?" I asked sitting at the table and watching him.

"My mom..... when I was younger I used to help her around the kitchen, when I moved in with my dad he used to let me help Claudia our nanny/ chef whenever I was bored and a lot of stuff kinda stuck with me. I try cooking for Trinity but he's such a picky eater I can't really spread my wings as for Noah and them.... well you know they would probably clown me if they found out I was a junior chef or they might beg me to cook for them all the time but I only cook for people who hold a special place in my heart." Saint said looking at me.

"Well I'm not going to keep distracting you, I'll let you finish. I'm about to call my cousin, which I forgot to do I know he's probably pissed." I said walking over to the couch and turning on ESPN. After a short conversation with Rafael I sat on the couch waiting on Saint to finish cooking when his phone started blinking. "Ayy you got a text." I said.

"Answer it, it's probably just Noah he was supposed to be telling me everything that happened while he was in Philly." Saint said I grabbed his phone and saw it was a text from some girl named Kendra.

KENDRA: Can't wait to see you.

"It's some girl named Kendra, she said she can't wait to see you....." I said looking at him and he didn't even look up as he stirred the pasta. "So who is Kendra?" I asked trying to control my jealousy.

"That's Joejoe's cousin, she's always had a little crush on me and supposedly she's supposed to be coming with us to Six Flags..... but I'm not sweating her and neither should you, so just relax." Saint said smiling, but I was still feeling some type of way. "Fine you don't believe me here." He said grabbing his phone.

SAINT: That's wassup, I can't wait for you to meet my boyfriend Mario.

Saint sent the text and walked back into the kitchen, I sat back on the couch and tried not to smile. Saint was really going all out for me ever since we took our relationship public, I looked over at him and he was standing by the stove with a satisfied smile on his face and I knew we were about to have the best week ever........................

Homecoming Pt.4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora