Marcus 111

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After everything settled down of course I had to be nosy, the police had the house down the street surrounded and the helicopter was flying over head. I would've never guessed in a million years that the people street were drug dealers, they've always seemed like a nice, church going family every time I was over here at least but watching as they brought bags and bags and bags of weed and cocaine just proved to me that not everything was as it seemed. Once most of the entertainment died down, I decided it was time to get back home.... Khalil's friend Tolliver was coming over tomorrow and I wanted to make sure I mentally prepared myself for his ignorance and arrogance, he's doing this for Noah I told myself. Speaking of Noah, me and him were going to long talk once I got back to the house..... I really wasn't looking forward to going through this all over again with Cori and Marquise, hopefully by then I had this parenting thing figured out.......

"Would it be nasty if I bent you over the hood of the car and started fucking you right in front of all these police officers?" Khalil whispered in my ear, I felt his hand moving along my thing and his lips move to my neck. "I'm thinking once all the boys are grown and out the house, we should have a strict no clothes allow policies for you and me, by that time we can just skip all that hassle of dealing with clothes and such."

"Oh my god do you ever not think with your dick?" I asked turning and facing him, damn...... there was something about the way the lights from the police cars hit his green eyes that just made me lose all focus and this cocky bastard just seem to know it.

"We should probably get going, you know who is showing up tomorrow and I know you probably wanna put out all the crosses and holy water and holy oil, possibly burn some sage and other stuff." Khalil said smirking.

"Whatever Khalil let's just get outta here because I can tell by the way Lorenzo is looking at Legacy that he wants some alone time with his husband." I said and Khalil nodded, once we said our goodbyes we headed home.

"Ayy I'm going to go check on Marquise and Cori...." Khalil said kissing which was fine because I needed to speak to the oldest, I walked down to Noah's room hoping he wasn't sleep and naturally he was up on his damn phone.

"Wassup dad?" He asked sitting up and I walked over to the bed and sat next to him. "Ayy Jade I'll call you back.... so I kinda figured one of y'all were going to say something about what happened while y'all were away, it was a tossed up between you and dad number one. But before you start I had to do what I had to do dad..... I couldn't let this go." He said looking in my eyes.

"Actually I was coming to ask why I had to be dad number 2?" I said smirking. "Nah seriously I get that you felt you had to get revenge, but you really should've......"

"Michael Cross came up to me at the mall the other day....." Noah said and my eyes got big. "He uhh..... he was trying to talk to me but I ignored him, I know y'all don't really like him and he doesn't like y'all either especially since Aunt Tonya took his job."

"Umm listen we'll talk about this later I gotta......" I walked quickly out his room and damn near upstairs, Khalil was sitting in Marquise's room holding him by the window while he slept..... Khalil was talking so quietly that I was afraid that I might wake him up. "Khalil.... did you know Cross came up to Noah?" I asked, he looked at me and put his finger to his lip. I watched as he got up and put Marquise in his crib and walked out the room at first I thought he was going to our room but he made a detour into Cori's room; he spent an hour in there before finally going to our room.

"Watch the news in a couple days." Khalil said and I looked at him confused. I just told him that Michael Cross was had come up to our son and all he said was watch the news? I would've thought he would take this a lot more serious.... unless.

Homecoming Pt.4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora