Devin 108

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I can't believe this muthafucker just threw a sippy cup at my head, but then again I always knew that in an instant Blaze could come out and there was no telling what 'he' was capable of...... honestly at this point I don't even remember why we were arguing, I just knew I was pissed. Thankfully Noah and Saint had the hindsight to take all the kids downstairs to watch a movie because I hated arguing in front of them, which has happened way more then I would like. This was probably me and Torian's tenth argument and in the last twelve hours and each argument was worse than the one before; it seemed like the closer we got to our wedding date the more we fought and it shouldn't be like this but the stress of everything that was going on was starting to get to both of us..... mainly me. I followed Torian up to our room and watched as he started packing a bag and felt my heart trying to escape out my chest and my stomach pressing against my spine.... damn was he really leaving? I was searching for the right words to get him to stay but what came out was entirely different than what I was really feeling.......

"YEAH WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED YOUR PUNK ASS IS LEAVING!" I yelled even though on the inside I was kicking myself my pride wouldn't let me admit I wanted him to stay. "IF ANYONE SHOULD BE MAD IT'S ME, YOU THREW A FUCKIN CUP AT MY HEAD SO YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE MAD TORIAN!"

"YOU ARE BOUT THE MOST IGNORANT ASS NIGGA I'VE EVER MET IN MY LIFE! YOU KNOW WHAT DEVIN I'M SICK OF ARGUING WITH YOU EVER FUCKIN DAY, SO I'M JUST GOING TO GO TO A HOTEL AND CALM DOWN BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO SECONDS AWAY FROM KNOCKING YOU THE HELL OUT!" Torian said still throwing clothes in the bag, damn he was so damn sexy when he was mad but why did he need so many clothes? How long was he planning on being gone for.


"ARROGANT AS FUCK! JUST ADD THAT TO THE LIST OF YOUR MANY CHARACTER DEFECTS, YOU'RE REALLY STANDING THERE PUTTING THIS ALL ON ME! You know what..... me when you're ready to talk like adults Devin, because this shyt is childish." He said grabbing his bag and walking downstairs, I didn't follow him to the basement but I knew he was down there with the twins. After a few minutes he walked back up and I really needed him to stay.

"SO YOU'RE REALLY LEAVING! FUCK YOU MIGHT AS WELL LEAVE THE RING TOO!" I said like an idiot and Torian stood there looking like I just ripped out his heart. We stood there staring at each other until he finally took the ring off his finger and put it on the table before walking out. I ran to the door and froze, my hand outstretched towards the doorknob what the fuck did I just do? I was having trouble breathing, I needed something to distracted me I looked all around the living room and saw someone had painted a house on the walls. "TRINITY GET UP HERE!" I yelled.

"Yeah Uncle Devin...." He said looking scared as fuck.

"Did you do this?" I asked trying not to look at the ring on the table.

"I'm sorry Uncle Devin...... but whenever I see a wall I just gotta paint it." Trinity said quietly and I'll admit I had an extremely childish moment where I wanted to laugh, but there was a very obvious double entendre in there that made me smirk.

"Aight look just go get a washcloth and clean this up." I said walking over to the table and sliding the ring in my pocket. I walked downstairs and sat with the kids watching play, Darion was wobbling around and I couldn't help but smile, I looked over at Odion who was either really far behind his brother or just too lazy to get up and walk, I mean I've yet to see him even try.

"Da....." Darion said looking up at me and it was crazy how much he looked like Torian. I picked him up and kissed his cheek, Odion looked up us and I watched as his eyebrows creased and out of nowhere he stood up and walked over to me and started reaching up.

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