Toussaint 57

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I hate Valentine's Day all it was, was a day for girls to get shyt from dudes that they wouldn't even think about a week later.... case in point my cousin Noah while I should be working on my free throws, we were walking around the mall looking for Jade a gift. This is why I kept a journal of all my girls birthdays and holidays so I could break up with them probably two weeks before hand that way I didn't have to get them anything, was it a little childish? Of course but ever since I only got paid every two weeks I had to start managing my money better and if they weren't going to say anything neither was I....... I was bored walking through the mall, I already had my outfit for the Valentine's Day dance so I had no reason to be here other than to make sure Noah didn't spend a lot of money. After going into the third jewelry store I spot Mario looking utterly miserable with two of his sisters and I knew I had to catch up with him, Noah was probably going to be a while anyways. I ran to catch up with Mario and just being around him made me smile.

"Man why didn't you tell me you were coming up here? You could've rode with me and Noah." I said still smiling even though I knew I should probably stop.

"Because my plan was to sleep all weekend but the only way my sisters could come is if I came with them and they wouldn't leave me, so here I am." Mario said putting his hands in his pocket. "Who are you taking to the dance?"

"No one...... I don't see the point, I'm going to pull any girl I set my eyes on." I said confidently. "Why who are you taking?" I asked.

"One of my sisters friends........ I'm kinda being blackmailed, my sister caught me smoking and threaten to snitch if I didn't take her friend." Mario said shaking his head. "I much rather spend my birthday in bed sleeping instead of being at a stupid ass dance, but I'm not trying to have my dad yelling at me for smoking."

"Wait your birthday is Valentine's Day?" I asked and he nodded, just as his sister told him to hurry up, Mario looked at me for one second before running to catch up with his sisters leaving me feeling... something.....................

The next day at school I was sitting at lunch with my boys, I was ready to leave because I was tired of girls coming up to me asking if I was going to the dance. I was just about to cut out when I noticed Mario talking to one of the sophomore's on the football team, I didn't like the way they were looking at each other which confused me because I never felt like this before.

"You good Saint? You look like you wanna go knock Dwight's ass out." Noah asked and I could see him getting ready to move at a moments notice.

"Nah I'm good, I kinda zoned out for a second thinking about something....... it has nothing to do with Dwight." I said brushing that weird feeling off. "But I do wanna talk to you about something, since I've been working with my dad I've been saving all my money and I was thinking about having a little end of the school year party do you think you could convince Uncle Khalil to let you come if I have it?"

"I'm not sure you know how he is....... he's going to want to know who's supervising and all that other shyt." Noah said watching Jade closely.

"I'll just tell him Max will keep an eye on us, it should be nothing for me to asked him to do it." I said turning back to Noah who was gone. "Where'd he go that quick?" I asked my boy Joejoe who pointed to Timika who was walking over this way.

"Where did Noah go?" She asked and we all looked at her smiling, I would never sell my cousin out to this chick not only that the last thing I wanted was Jade cussing us all out for even entertaining her. "Well can you tell him, to have Dominique call my sister please?" I nodded and she walked off looking pissed.

"Thanks...... I swear she keeps trying to find new ways to talk to me." Noah said popping back up, I noticed him staring at Jade and the dude she was tutoring noticing the look in his eyes. "I really don't like when she's with that dude......" Noah said quietly.

"Noah she helping that nigga study quit being jealous." Joejoe said laughing.

"Man I've never been jealous of anybody, I don't even know what it feels like." I said laughing.

"So you've never felt extreme protectiveness over something you feel is yours or you get mad when you see someone with something...... or someone you want?" Joejoe asked.

"Nope......" I said stealing a glance at Mario and Dwight who were laughing quietly. "Never......" I said realizing that he had just described the feeling I had earlier..................

Later that day I was cleaning my dad's office while he sat on the phone making plans for the All Star Weekend, which was the weekend right after Valentine's Day dance which gave me time to get earn a little bit more money.

"Toussaint......." My dad called over to me and walked over to his desk and sat down. "I've noticed you've been doing extremely well since you started working for me, you've stopped smoking....... as much, you've stopped cutting school and you've been setting a good example for Trinity." My dad said and I couldn't help but smile.

"I just don't wanna let you down dad......" I said quietly.

"And you haven't so we have an extra ticket to the All Star Game, I was going to invite Vanessa but she made it perfectly clear that she didn't watch basketball or any sport so I've decided to give it to you....... you can invite one of your little friends, Mario perhaps." He said and I started getting nervous at the way he was looking at me.

"Umm yeah I'll ask him see but out of all my friends why did you say Mario?" I asked wiping my hands on my pants.

"Because he seems to be the one I see the most so I figured y'all were the closest, I'll definitely have to speak to his parents first but I really don;t see why they would object. But that's all that I wanted...... you can go home a little early today, I'm going to be working late so make sure Trinity does his homework and gets in bed at a decent hour." My dad said picking up his phone.

"Thanks dad....." I said walking out quickly, I called Mario to see if he wanted to come and he told me he'd ask his parents and get back to me. I got home and had to chase Trinity all over the house because he thought because my dad was working late he didn't have to listen, once I caught him and made him sit down and do his homework I went to cook us something to eat. I could've had one of the chefs do it but I liked cooking for my little bro.

"Saint don't forget to cut up up in little pieces, and put the ketchup to the side, and don't let my fries touch my chicken." Trinity said standing in the doorway of the kitchen, I shoot him a look and he quickly ran out. He was weird as fuck, he wouldn't eat his food if they were touching each other and never understood why. After making sure he was good, I walked out to the pool and decided to call Mario again.

"What were you and Dwight talking about?" I asked as soon as he picked up.

"He was trying to get me to see if my sister would go to the dance with him. I kept telling him she doesn't want him but you know how that nigga is.........." Mario said and I started to relax a little. "Ayy I forgot to tell you earlier though why that nigga Tristan come up to me and I could've swore he was flirting with me..... but I'm not sure, he kept licking his lips and smiling?" Mario said laughing and I felt that feeling of jealousy again and I didn't like it, I've known Tristan for years so he was definitely flirting with Mario..............

"Baby Boy don't tell me anymore." I said trying to keep my anger under control.

"Baby Boy?" Mario asked confused.

"It's nothing..... look I'm about to go check on my little bro, hit me up later." I said quickly hanging up. I sat down by the pool facing my house and stared off into space, why the fuck did I just call this dude Baby Boy? It felt so natural but weird........ and why did my dad say Mario out of everyone, he's known Joejoe and Danny way longer than Mario but his first choice was Mario, did he know about us almost kissing? I looked up at the house and froze as I stared directly at the camera pointing directly at the spot where me and Mario almost kissed and I knew right then my dad had seen everything, my only question was why hasn't he said anything to me about it?

Homecoming Pt.4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora