Legacy 7

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I sat in my house listening to Liberty vent about Cam and how she was going to beat his ass for getting her pregnant, for leaving his socks in the bathroom before he left and how he could've at least replaced the milk after drinking it all....... I was smart enough to know that she was missing him like crazy so she was picking random stuff out of the air to make herself mad at him so she wasn't missing him as much. No lie I was missing him too, a month in a half without being able to just chill with my best friend was hard and I still had another ten months before I could kick him in the dick for leaving me to deal with his pregnant wife. I sat back on the couch and watched Lorenzo playing with the kids and smiled, fatherhood suited him extremely well it's like a whole different side of him that I've only seen in the First Great Prank War and I honestly missed seeing him so relaxed and at ease which hasn't been often considering everything that's been going on.

"LEGACY are you even listening to anything I've been saying." Liberty said punching me in the arm.

"I heard everything you said sis and I miss him too...... maybe you should pick up a hobby or something, maybe read a couple books about how to stop getting pregnant." I said quickly moving out the way as she tried to hit me again. "Come on you know you've never been able to catch me, I'm too quick. But you should probably take my advice though, you wonder why you don't have that many friends well the truth is everybody is afraid to be in your vicinity because they might end up as fertile as you." I said laughing.

"You know what? I don't have to sit here and take this from your black ass." Liberty said getting up and getting her stuff together.

"Good because I didn't invite you over anyways, I invited my niece so you can leave." I said still smiling. "But it worked didn't from the past few minutes you didn't think about Cam once did you?" I asked.

"I can't stand you but you're right all I could imagine was sticking a pencil in your eye. So what's the plan for today to kept my mind off of you know who?" Liberty asked sitting back down. I looked over at Lorenzo who was in his own little world with the kids.

"Let's go chill with Devin, he's at the studio and from the sounds of it he's really bored." I said getting up. "Lorenzo what are you going to be doing today?" I asked grabbing my jacket.

"Probably go see Khalil, we got some stuff to plan that's top secret......." Lorenzo said kissing me. "If I leave I'll call you and let you know where I'm at." He said returning to the floor with Ivanna.

Thirty minutes later we were sitting in the studio listening to Devin argue with that dude Emilio and honestly it was funny as fuck, both of them were making the same exact point just saying it differently but they were too much alike to actually stop and see that. But the real show was Liberty..... one of the many perks of having a siblings is being able to catch shade with a single glance and if I was reading her correctly then we were thinking the same exact thing about Emilio.

"So how gay are we talking?" I asked quietly and she paused to think about it for a second.

"Okay so on a scale of 1 to RuPaul, ol'boy is sitting at a solid Odell Beckham." Liberty said and I had to stifle a laugh because I wasn't sure where she came up with the things she said but they always made my day. "But the real tea is that he's really feeling Devin." She said watching the two of them argue.

"You don't think......." I started to ask but Liberty started shaking her head quickly.

"Please Devin don't have eyes for anyone but Blaze and that's the problem. If he just took glanced away from Blaze's sexiness for two seconds he'd see that Emilio wanted it in the worse way possible which is why he's trying to get under Devin's skin....... it's a shame that he's gay though because as sexy as he is I 'might' just forget I'm married." Liberty said but I knew she was just playing, as much as she talked about cheating on Cam with every dude that walked by I knew she'd never do it.......

"Man let's take a break and meet back up in about two hours." Devin said finally giving up the argument, Emilio walked out and I could help but stare at his ass (I loved a dude that sagged his pants just enough to give a peek) Liberty hit me in the arm and I started laughing.

"I'm tellin' Enzo you were staring at his ass." Liberty said like that was supposed to phase me.

"Okay and? Lorenzo is probably going to want details, that's the thing about our relationship we both know there's no point in pretending like we're not going to look at a man or woman's ass if it isn't nice..... in fact it's encouraged." I said honestly. "So Devin how's it going with your protege?" I asked and Devin just ran his hands across his face like he always did when he was stressed out.

"I should be at home with my dude making sure that everything is set up for when the boys come home, but yet I'm here working with this clown because Zyshaun decided to push up his album." Devin said grabbing his water. "I'm tempted to go home and not come back but Zyshaun is going to be blowing my phone up until everything is done."

"Fuck that, I'd be at home with my phone off it's not like Zyshaun can actually come to your house." Liberty said.

"True but I'm a man of my word, if I say I'll do something I'll do it........ which reminds me Legacy Mique will be here in a couple weeks and he wanted me to let you know." Devin said, I just sat there staring at him until he put his hands up in surrender. "Ayy I'm just the messenger, if he would've just shown up and you found out I knew about it and didn't tell you then you'd be piss."

"I mean what do you want me to say? He moved to New York and I got back with Lorenzo, Mique will always be a friend but until Lorenzo is comfortable with that fact I think it's best for everyone if we didn't see each other." I said, I really did miss Mique's friendship but that's all it would ever be between us.

"Aight I'll drop it but you should probably give Enzo the heads up...... now let's go get something to eat so I can finish up here with dude." Devin said getting up.

We spent the day with Devin and Emilio in the studio before going to his house to chill with Blaze, we walked in and Khalil was passed out on the couch and Devin just shook his head.

"I swear this nigga is always sleeping on my couch, I told him to go by one by he insist my couch is the best........ let's go in the kitchen because you know how he gets when someone wakes him up." Devin said, in the kitchen Noah sat at the table texting on his phone.

"Wassup y'all......." He said without glancing up.

"Hey booboo." Liberty said messing with his hair, Devin walked over to Blaze and kissed him before turning back to us.

"Uncle Devin why'd you never tell me that you had a secret room in here?" Noah asked and Devin's eyes got big as hell.

"Wait what secret room?" I asked Devin shook his head and lead me and Liberty to his office and moved the bookcase, we walked into an all black room from the ceiling to the floor everything was all black and I was jealous, even the bathroom was all black.

"We found it a couple months ago by accident, this is where we come when things get triple X-rated so don't touch anything........." Devin said showing us around we walked back into the office and Khalil was sitting on the desk.

"I'm glad I found out about this before our house was done now I can have add this to the list of things I want........ but seriously I need to talk to y'all, ayy Liberty, Noah y'all mind giving us a minute?" Khalil said looking at his son who walked out the room with Liberty pissed. "Marcus just called me and said Julius sent another letter, he plans on meeting Marcus tomorrow night so Legacy I need you to make sure your friends on the force are ready to move quickly." Khalil said, he looked at me and Devin and I knew tomorrow night everything that had been building for years was finally going to come to a head..........................

Homecoming Pt.4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora