Marcus 86

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It had been a couple weeks since Blaze left and Devin was becoming a lot more aggressive and paranoid, it was like watching everything he's tried to become since getting with Blaze become unraveled and his sole purpose was finding Iman who seemed to keep alluding capture. With Zyshaun's people looking for him as well as the police it was almost as if he'd dropped off the planet, Khalil was trying his best to keep Sa'vion and Dominique from going after Nico, Zyshaun had his hands full with Linda and Lorenzo was still recovering from his surgery so really there was no one left to keep Devin from doing something stupid except for me and Will. So after a lot of harassing I finally managed to get Devin out of the penthouse where he'd been locked himself inside to talk to him about what was going on; the two of us along with Tonya and Liberty where walking around me and Khalil's new house trying to figure out where the furniture was going to go and I saw Devin sulking in the corner.

"Let's go talk to him." Tonya said and we walked over to Devin who was sitting with his head in his hands. "Boy stop that damn sulking, nobody blames you for what you did to Nico. If someone threatens your children or knows someone is planning to hurt your children and they don't say anything you have every right to whoop their ass and I don't give a fuck who disagrees." Tonya said seriously.

"It's more than that.... I know Iman is coming hell that shyt that happened between me and Nico was all over the news so I know he knows and he's probably out for blood. I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me and now I put my dude, my children and my family at risk. What if Iman just decides that anyone close to me is fair game and hurts one of y'all then that's on me...... fuck it I'm about to go find this nigga." Devin said getting up but me and Tonya but pulled him back and made him sit down.

"Devin you're losing it, you need to calm down and let Zyshaun's guys do what they're paid to do..... you're already in trouble because of that whole Nico situation you don't need to add murder to it, trust Zyshaun and focus on getting yourself together." I said and Devin shook his head.

"I'm going out back......" He said quietly and I just let him go because at this point there was no point in stopping him. I finished writing down what goes where for the movers and noticed Liberty holding her stomach.

"You alright?" I asked concerned because she was due any day now the last thing I wanted was her water breaking on my nice carpet.

"Yeah I'm just ready for this little girl to stop kicking me in the kidneys, but I don't think you should worry about Devin; he's just like Cam, he's strong and I know once this situation with he'll be right back to normal." Liberty said rubbing her stomach again.

We got back to the house and Khalil was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels looking bored, I walked over to him and sat on his lap and started messing with his ears and he gave me and crooked grin before kissing me.

"How's he doing?" He asked quietly, I knew he was talking about Devin who had walked into the dining room with Sa'vion and Dominique.

"He's still paranoid..... he still thinks Iman is watching him. How's it going with the other two?" I asked.

"They want to hurt Nico, but I won't let them...... Sa'vion has a son to think about and Dominique is about to start school I don't want them throwing their lives away for something that can be handled through other means....." Khalil said quietly.

"Dad can I talk to you?" Noah said walking into to the living room, I nodded and started to get up but Khalil pulled me back and started whispering in my ear.

"He's probably about to ask you the same thing he asked me about an hour ago, he wants to know if Jade can stay the night if Jose does.... my answer was no don't not let him manipulate you into saying yes." Khalil said and I nodded then walked down to Noah's room.

Homecoming Pt.4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon