Devin 1

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I know I've said this before but this is probably the best song I've ever wrote and I have the best possible person singing it....... Emilio is the only person that's been able to literally make me tear up as he sang it, not even Lafayette or Kaylis had been able to do that and they've been working with me for years. It's like someone ripped his heart out and yet he's still begging for that persons love..... at least that's what I felt while he was singing. I looked over at Lafayette and Kaylis who watched on with grudging admiration and smirked, they knew this kid had 'it' and they were a bit salty because they both really wanted this song..... but there was not denying that this was Emilio's song, I'd just have to do something special for them so they wouldn't be mad at me. Once we finished Emilio walked out the booth as if he was king of the world, which was the only down side to working with him his ego put Zyshaun's to shame.... this dude believe the sun rose and set with him.

"Aight y'all good work, I'm going to take this up to Khalil and let him choose whose album this will go on. But I don't have anything else for y'all to do today; Kaylis I'll see you tomorrow for your session and Lafayette I got you Friday..... tell Tion and De'Cari that they better not be late to poker night or I'm fucking both of them up." I said smiling as they walked out the room.

"Let's be serious Devin, we both know that song was made for me so why even go through the whole process of picking when I'm obviously going to get it." Emilio said leaning against the table.

"Look when it comes to any of Zyshaun's SINGERS he likes to listen to different versions of the song and picks which will make the most money...... since he's indisposed at the moment Khalil is handling all that, so whoever Khalil picks will get the song. If you don't like it become a rapper, they get a little more freedom with the songs I write and the beats I make...... now excuse me I have to go." I said walking out the room because I was close to punching him.

I got up to Khalil's office to find this nigga sleeping on the couch, now I know Khalil hates being woken up but what kind of little brother would I be if I didn't take this opportunity to fuck with him? I walked over to his desk and grabbed the peacock feather quill pen and stood behind him getting ready to put it in his ear.......

"Devin I'll will beat the fuck outta if you touch me." He said without opening his eyes, I stood there afraid to breath until he sat up and looked at me. "Why do you play so damn much?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Because big bro, Cam's gone and I'm not really that close with Sa'vion so by default as the young boy it's my job to fuck with you. Here's the songs......" I said handing them to him, he listened to Kaylis's version first and seemed impressed, then Lafayette's version.

"I see Lafayette doing something a little more up-tempo so right now I'm leaning towards Kaylis's version let me hear Emilio's then we can head to lunch." Khalil said and I started to play the song for him and by the time the last note fell Khalil was wiping his eyes. "Yo the whole time he was singing all I could think about was the night I broke with Marcus after finding out about your adoption...... damn you definitely need to let Zyshaun hear that once he get out later." Khalil said.

"Damn that's today? I've been so busy with......."

"With whatever you and Sa'vion have been up to? Don't look like that midget, I'm having people keep an eye on all of y'all since I got that text........" Khalil said catching himself.

"What text?" I asked looking at him.

"Julius sent me a picture of Noah at school, after that I had to take steps to make sure y'all stay safe........ now are you going to tell me what you and Sa'vion have been up to?" Khalil asked.

"Nope....... it's doesn't really concern you and I don't add my stress to what you're already going through. You've been cheating fate for so long that it's only a matter of time before........" I said quietly. "Khalil you've already had three heart attacks, you survived a car accident and I don't want anything to happen to you......." I said looking in his eyes.

"What about you Devin? You've been shot and stabbed you're luck has got to be running out too? Look I'm not going to force you to tell me what's going on but you gotta realize that in a couple weeks you're going to be a dad, you gotta start thinking about your sons......." Khalil said.

"I hear you big bro.... have you heard from Cam?" I asked remembering the phone call I got late last night.

"Yeah he sounds bad..... that's why I didn't want to tell him about Liberty, because that'll make him feel even worse for leaving." Khalil said and we just sat there quietly until there was a knock on the door and Marcus walked in with two bags of food.

"Wassup Marcus." I said grabbing the bag from him and taking out my General Tso. "Where's the convict." I said laughing.

"He's at home where he'll be until his case." Marcus said irritated. "Why didn't you come home last night?" Marcus asked Khalil and I knew it was time for me to go as Khalil started to explain how he fell asleep doing some work. I walked down to Enzo's office hoping he was here but then I remembered he was in Atlanta trying to get this football player to sign with him. I sat at his desk and decided to call Torian we haven't really had the chance to talk in a couple days since he's been busy at the hospital and I lowkey missed him.

"Just so you know before it gets back to you, I just got suspended for punching that RN Finn in the face for grabbing my dick." Torian said and I wasn't sure whether to laugh or go find this nigga and beat his ass.

"It's going to be alright baby, look how about I come home and we can talk about it while I make you your favorite meal?" I asked, after agreeing to my plans I decided to head home. When I got there Torian was sitting on the couch looking pissed with an ice pack on his knuckles which pissed me off because I hated seeing him hurt. "I'm going to beat his ass....." I said looking at his knuckles. "Tell me what happened exactly." I said looking in his eyes.

"I had just finished taking care of a patient and I was walking down the hall then he just walked up to me and grabbed my dick, I freaked out and punched him. The only reason I didn't get fired was because another one of the nurses saw him and defended me...... but still a two week suspension plus anger management classes don't really seem......" Torian started coughing and when he moved his hand I noticed a few drops of blood.

"I thought you were good? It's not starting back up again, is it?" I asked checking his eyes, like I knew what the fuck I was doing.

"I'm good..... I'll go get my prescription refilled in the morning. Now if I remember correctly you owe me a meal." Torian said smiling.

"I owe you more than that..... so your birthday is coming up in a two months and I really need a hint as to what to get you because honestly I'm lost......." I said smiling.

"Before that we need to come up with names for the twins...... we're less than two weeks away from them being born and that's being generous, we can't just call them Baby A and Baby 1......

"Give me until tomorrow to come up with something, if not we'll just draw random names from a hat." I said smiling. "I gotta go cook." I said kissing him quickly and walking into the kitchen......... after eating, talking and mind numbing sex Torian was knocked out next to me after checking a few times I walked down the hall and showered before putting on all black and sneaking out the house, I saw the car I was looking for and hopped inside. "We gotta be careful, Khalil's having us followed and I rather he not find out what we're up to." I said quietly.

"Don't worry little bro...... I got an idea." Sa'vion said smiling evilly and I couldn't help but smile back. Since Julius played us about that lead of who sent Steph me and Sa'vion have been on a mission to find him and the person responsible for putting my best friend in the hospital and breaking into my house. Up until today we haven't had any leads but Sa'vion swore that this one was legit..... hopefully he was right because old Devin was pacing around in the forefront of my mind like a tiger in a cage, waiting to be released........................

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