Dominique 101

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I don't know how Marcus did it but he somehow managed to get Khalil and Zyshaun to agree to go on their little trip with Marsean, Enzo, Cam, Tion and Lafayette; I knew they were still beefin over that little fight Justice and Ymir got into which was crazy because me, Justice, Yuri, and Ymir have been partying every night since the altercation so I just had a feeling that it was something much deeper going on between them. I wasn't going to worry about it though because I my own shyt to worry about like Michael Cross who was in Jackson asking a little too many questions for my liking, but since I promised Cam I'd chill here until his connection could do whatever it was he was going to do there wasn't anything I could do but sit and wait which wasn't my style. I navigated through the street in one of Devin's cars he was supposed to pick Noah and Saint up from school but he had some last minute business to take care of; I pulled up to Noah's school and remembered how much I loved high school, I stepped out the car and instantly noticed Vanessa standing off to the side looking sexy as fuck.

"I think we've been set up ma." I said wrapping my arms around her waist and gently kissing her neck. Vanessa turned in my arms and the second our eyes met I had to say my ABC's backwards to distract myself.

"I guess we have Saint said he needed a ride home from school and I should've known something was up because he could've easily called his driver talkin bout 'I wanna spend some time with my favorite aunt' so how did they get you?" Vanessa asked.

"Devin...... he had some bullshyt excuse about having business, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm not happy to see you. With everything that's been going on we haven't really had a chance to talk about what happened at Cam's Welcome Home Party." I said letting my hands run across her ass.

"Oh you mean that kiss? Little Boy I completely forgot all about that..... but now that I think about it if that was your idea of foreplay, then I'm not impressed." Vanessa said and I had to smirk a little bit, I took a few steps back so I could let her know how serious my next words were.

"Little Boy? You know I'm about to steal a line from Jamie Foxx...... 'See I'm a grown man, you don't even know your body yet, I'm going to touch you in so many places I'm going to get the back of you knees wet.' That's my idea of forepl......." I caught movement out the corner of my eye and Milan and her little sister walked pass making sure to bump into Vanessa.

"Excuse y'all......" Vanessa said rolling her neck and I quickly pulled her back, our brothers were already not on the best of terms and the last thing I needed was for Zyshaun to find out his sister was fighting some chick I used to mess with, he might think it's my fault. I was glad Milan kept walking. "Rude bitches." Vanessa said pissed.

"Calm down ma...... don't let nobody ruin your day you're too damn sexy for that." I said and just as I expected Vanessa started smiling. "Now as I was saying before........"

"Wassup Domo." Noah said walking up with Saint and Mario. "What are y'all out doing out here." Noah asked giving me a knowing wink, I see Little Dude had jokes.

"I was coming to take Saint's little ugly ass home but I got other things to do so he can ride with y'all." Vanessa said walking off, I was more than slightly curious about what she was up to but I quickly remembered she wasn't my girl.

"Ayy Saint I gotta go my big cousin is here so I'll you up later." Mario said running over to some Spanish dude and jumping in the car with him.

"I thought he was staying with y'all? I asked as we all walked to the car.

"Nah he decided to go stay with his cousin." Saint said sadly.

"Aight well I gotta stop by the mall real quick, so y'all are just going to have ride with me then I'll drop y'all off over Devin's." I said as we got in the car. The whole ride was funny as fuck listening to these two clown and honestly I couldn't wait until they were both eighteen. As we pulled into the mall parking lot Noah damn near broke his neck as we drove past three white dudes, I could feel his whole mood shift. "Wassup?" I asked and by the subtle change in his eye color let me know just how pissed he was.

"I think those are two of the dudes that jumped me." Noah said and that was all I needed to hear before I hit a u-turn right there in the parking lot and pulled up right in front of the dudes. The fear in their eyes when they saw Noah confirmed everything.

"How do you wanna handle this No......." I didn't finish my sentence because Noah was already destroying the smallest one who was about sixteen. The other two looked like they wanted to jumped in but I casually let them catch a glimpse of the gun on my waist. "Don't try it......" I said calmly, a few seconds later Saint got bored of watching and decided to go after the biggest one while the third dude took off running. "Aight y'all that's enough, let's get outta here before we get arrested." I said pulling them back to the car.

"MAN I SWEAR TO GOD!!!! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU STOP ME?!?!?!" Noah yelled still fired up.

"Because you got your point across, I'm already going to be in enough trouble when y'alls dads find out........ but I feel like you needed that, your dads believe that sometimes you gotta take the high road but I think that's bullshyt. They put too much trust in the justice system when the only true justice is street justice." I said shrugging.

"You don't think those bitch ass dudes will go to the police do you?" Saint asked looking at his hands. "I think I cut my hand on that dudes tooth."

"Nah, because it'll just bring what they did to Noah back out and I'm sure they don't want that...... but listen I won't say shyt if y'all won't." I said and they both nodded. We got to Devin's house as soon as we walked in the door Blaze stopped us.

"Don't make any sudden moves." He said quietly, I followed where he had his phone pointed and Devin was crouched down as Darion took a few wobbly steps towards Devin, he got right in front of Devin and fell into his waiting arms and couldn't help but smile because this was the happiest I've seen Devin since meeting him.

"I'm willing to bet anything Odion, will be walking by the end of the week as well." Devin said kissing Darion on the cheek.

"If this is the important business you had to take care of, I guess I can forgive you. I wouldn't want you to miss you sons first steps." I said sitting on the couch.

"What happened to your hand Saint?" Blaze asked and I quickly looked back.

"I got mad and punched something, I'm not sure what it was...... you know how angry I get sometimes Blaze, what do y'all have in here to eat though I'm hungry." Saint said walking in the kitchen.

"I gotta get going, I'm going out with Justice and them tonight and I gotta start getting ready." I said walking out the door before they started asking too many questions, I knew Saint and Noah wouldn't say anything so I wasn't worried. I switched back to my car and drove back to my place, I knew my momma was still out with Miss Angela so Justice should be the only one there. When I walked in the house he was sitting on the couch looking as if the world had ended.

"This is why I could never be your roommate, Domo....... how the fuck do have over two hundred packs of Kool-Aid but not a single grain of sugar in this bitch?" He asked, I walked over to my cabinets and started looking but all I found were two small packs that I stole from the gas station. "What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?" He asked.

"Fine pussy, I'll go see if Vanessa has some..... you sound like a straight bitch, as long as you've been sitting here you could've been went and got some." I said walking out the door. I walked down the hall and started to knock on Vanessa's door but it was slightly cracked so I just walked in. "Ayy Vanessa." I yelled but didn't get a response, I knew my way around from all the nights she had me in here reading and shyt, so I walked straight to her room and knocked quietly.

"What do you need?" She said from behind me and when I turned around she was standing there looking like.............. "Sorry, I was just trying on some new lingerie." She said smiling deviously and for the second time today I realized I had been set up and once again I wasn't complaining.

"I uhh...... I was wondering...... if you has some su....sugar." I said trying not to look in her eyes, but our eyes met for a fraction of a second and that was all it took. I picked her up and carried her into her room, Justice was just going to have to wait because after months of sexual tension that had been building between me and Vanessa there was no way in hell of stopping what was about to happen...............................

Homecoming Pt.4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon