Chapter Thirty Two

Depuis le début

"Sounds like a plan." Lucy replied with a smile.

Lucy headed into the kitchen to prepare the twins food as I headed upstairs to their bedroom.

Once I got into the twins bedroom, I changed their diapers and picked out their clothes for the day.

I carried them downstairs in their pyjamas and brought their clothes with me because I don't see the point in changing their clothes if they're just going to get them messy.

"Theirs my two beautiful babies." Lucy said with a big smile as she came into the living room with two bowls of baby food.

I watched her as she put the bows on the table and held her arms out.

"Mommy wants a hug from the both of you." She said as I headed the twins to her.

I watched my fiancé and she held our children and I couldn't help but smile.

She's such a wonderful mother.

A wonderful fiancé.

I know she's going to be a wonderful wife because she's already made me happier than I ever imagined I could be.

"Who are you feeding today?" Lucy asked me.

"Well you fed Dustin yesterday so I'll feed him today." I responded.

"Sounds good to me." Lucy said as she kissed Dustin's head and handed him to me.

Lucy kissed Dahlia then picked up one of the bowls of food.

"I don't know why I brought the food with me." She said. "I guess I was just really excited to see our babies."

I chuckled and picked up the other bowl before Lucy and I headed into the dining room and sat the twins in their high chairs.

Dustin, as usual, kept grabbing the spoon from me and flinging the food everywhere when I was feeding him.

Dahlia, on the other hand, just let Lucy feed her and ate her breakfast peacefully.

Of course, she did spill some of her food, but that's normal, considering her and her brother only have their two front teeth just now.

Once Lucy and I had fed the twins, we got them changed into their daytime clothes.

"Okay, now I have to change myself because I am covered in Dustin's breakfast." I said with a chuckle.

"You may be covered in baby food but you're still very handsome." Lucy said to me.

"Thank you, babe." I replied with a smile.

Lucy took Dustin from me and sat on the couch with our kids.

"Go change, we'll be here." Lucy spoke.

I went upstairs and quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt, leaving the top button undone because I know Lucy likes that.

When I got back downstairs, Lucy was still sitting on the couch with the twins and she had put a cartoon on for them to watch.

I joined my family on the couch and watched cartoons with them.

"This is amazing, isn't it?" I said after about ten minutes of watching cartoons.

"What is?" Lucy asked me.

"This. Lazy mornings, cuddled up on the couch and watching cartoons with our children."

I watched as a big smile came across Lucy's face.

"Yeah it really is amazing." She agreed with me. "It's perfect."

"Lucy?" I said quietly.

"Yeah babe?"

"Do you ever think about having more children?" I asked her.

"I've thought about it a lot." She answered as she looked over at me. "Have you?"

"Yeah I have." I answered truthfully. "And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want more kids, because I do want more."

"Yeah, I definitely want more children too." Lucy responded, smiling.

"Well maybe after we're married, on our honeymoon, would you maybe want to start trying for another baby?" I suggested.

"I would love to try for another baby with you, Ian." Lucy replied as her smile grew bigger.

I leaned over to her and placed a gentle kiss on Lucy's lips.

"I love you, Ian." Lucy whispered as she and I broke our kiss.

"I love you too, Lucy." I responded. "So much."

I am so in love with Lucy and I can't wait until she and I have more children.

I can't wait until I can finally call her Mrs. Lucy Harding, my wife.

And most of all, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life loving Lucy.


I'm so sorry these updates are taking so long. I've been really busy lately and I've not had much time or motivation to write.
Here's the next chapter, I know it's pretty short but I hope you guys like it.
Pease comment what you think about this chapter and comment what you would like to see happen in this story.
I know I'm over a week late at saying this, but Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2017 is good to all of you.
- Chloe

More Than Friends: Lucain - Completed Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant