I Hate You/I Love You - #2

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It felt like the entire room was staring at you menacingly. As every Slytherin in your Transfiguration class turned to look in your direction, you put your head down and avoid everyone's eyes on you.

You were bright, people said you could give Hermione a run for her money but you didn't believe you were as good as her. You usually sat in the middle and didn't answer any questions as not to draw attention to yourself, and also Hermione answered most of them, but this time you had put your hand up. No one knew the answer so you hesitantly raised your hand and answered it correctly. Professor McGonagall was proud and awarded 5 points to Gryffindor for you knowing the answer. This pissed a lot of Slytherins off. They weren't particularly fond of anyone from Gryffindor so when they all looked at you with mensing glares, you just tried to ignore it as best as you could.

When leaving the class you heard a certain boys voice coming from behind you. "Look everyone, this little know-it-all has finally spoken up." Draco announced proudly. He began walking towards you as you tried to walk away as fast as your legs would go. But a Slytherin blocked you and you turned around to see Malfoy standing in front of you.
"It's astounding. I thought she couldn't talk." He addressed his friends. "So clever but still can't cast a single spell correctly. I though it was because she couldn't say them. Guess it's just because she's a mudblood." He hissed, his face growing closer to your own.
"Shut it Malfoy." You shot back.

A small crowd of your year, 5th years, has gathered around you both. "So tell me, exactly why can't you cast a Patronus Charm but everyone else I know can?" A coo of 'ooo's circled around you as Draco looked bewildered. "Guess I'm not the only one with spells that aren't quite working for me." You jabbed.
He glared down at you with hatred in his eyes. "I so can. Who told you I couldn't?" He defended weakly. "And besides, you can't cast one either so I don't know why your talking." He jeered.
A voice came from the circle around you both as you looked for the owner. "Actually. She can. I've seen it." Harry Potter piped up.
With a slightly smug look upon your face you turned back to Draco. "Oh shut up Potter. No one cares." He spoke weakly but with anger behind it.

Draco soon knew where he had to stop before it got bad. Maybe more for him than you. He pushed through the crowd and made his way to the dungeons. The gaggle of people began to disperse while Harry and Hermione came up to you.
"You stood up for yourself. I'm proud of you." Hermione smiled knowing exactly the position you were in, having been in it many times before.
With Hermiones arm draped over your shoulders Harry began "Yeah. It takes a lot to stand up to Malfoy." He pitched in.
You shrugged. "I feel bad if I'm honest. I only just learned how to perform the Patronus charm. And it's not easy." You didn't want to admit it to them, but the temptation to run to the Slytherin common room and apologise to Draco was strong. You didn't want to hurt him. Not really.

The three of you walked to dinner together where you sat with Ron and the rest of the Gryffindors. You looked over your shoulder when you sat down to see the place Draco normally sat in was empty. You dropped your head down, regretting what you had said to Draco.

After you had finnished you began making your way back to the dormitories, taking the long route to clear your mind. Walking down the hall you heard a faint cry coming from the room next to you. Stopping outside of it, the cries didn't seem to stop and there was no sign of any other noises coming from behind the thick wooden door. Gently, you pushed the door open and looked around. There, sat at a desk at the side with a book and his wand slapped in front of him, was Draco.

You closed the door and he jolted up, looking round at you. "What do you want (Y/L/N)?" He spat, tears still running down his pail skin from his puffy red eyes.
"I wanted to see if you were alright. I heard you crying and-" you were abruptly cut off by the boy at the front standing up and marching over to you.
"You don't care. No one does. Don't act like you do because I know you don't." He ranted. "Don't pretend like you care."
Draco sat in the chair next to where you were both just stood and broke down once more. "I do care. Trust me I do." You whispered, loud enough for him to hear.
"Why? No one else seems to. I'm horrible. I'm a terrible excuse for a wizard." Malfoy began to vent once more but you took this moment to wrap your arms around him. Leaning your head on his shoulder you felt him stiffen up, but slowly begin to relax after a second. His shoulders began to shake less and his breathing stopped being erratic as he began to stop crying.

As you began to pull away, feeling awkward about this one sided hug, Draco stands up, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you into his chest. You smile faintly as he holds you tight in his arms and rests his chin against the top of your head. "(Y/N). I'm sorry. I really am. I'm such an arse. You are a great Witch. And I know you can do all those spells. I wish I could be as good as you are." He admitted timidly.
You began to look up at him as he removes his chin from your head. "Thanks. But I'm sorry to. I shouldn't have said that and it's not an easy spell. I feel so bad for saying it." You began saying until he silenced you by saying.
"Honestly. It's fine (Y/N). I shouldn't have said what I did. I really like you and I don't want to be rude to you. I just get worried about what other people will think about me." He began to ramble.
You took in what he said and spoke again. "I really like you to. You're the reason I could conjure my Patronus the other day." You admitted sheepishly. He looked down at you with a puzzled look all over his face. "I remembered the first day of school. Before we knew anyone. I sat with you on the train here. That was the memory I chose." You continued.

Draco didn't say anything. Instead, he just looked at you for a few moments. "(Y/N). I know I'm not supposed to ask you this and my parents will probably hex me for it, but, I was wondering, do you maybe want to go out with me some time?" He asked, uncertain to What your response would be.
A large smile grew on your face as you nodded in agreement. "I would love to." You replied smiling widely. His face seemed to copy yours as he pulled you back in for a hug.

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