"(insert name of restaurant)" You finished.

"Ah," he said, and pulled the car into the street, "Vat is your name, girl?"

"(Y/N)," you said.

"How do you know my Yuri?" he asked. You gulped.

"I met her earlier today," Yuri said. Your eyes widened in surprise, it wasn't a lie, but it made it sound like they had spent the day together. Your face felt hot.

"Here," Mr. Plisetsky said, tossing a brown paper bag to Yuri.

"Pirozhki!" Yuri exclaimed, sounding kinda excited. What's that?

"Give one to your girlfriend too," he said, and your face turned redder.

"I'm not-"

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Yuri yelled, angrily tossing you a pirozhki. You stared at it, and tentatively took a small bite, and then immediately devoured the rest. Delicious!

"Thank you very much," you said, gratefully. There was a chance you had spoiled your dinner, but you didn't care.

"We're here," Mr. Plisetsky said, and pulled the car to the side of the road.

"Thanks again!" you called, and jumped out of the car, running inside. You weaved through the tables, finally finding your friend, (F/N). Luckily, you weren't late.

"There you are! You look so cold, c'mon, sit down and tell me about your day," she said, and you took your seat. You breathlessly told her about your day out, speeding through the boring parts, so you could tell her in great detail about meeting Yuri Plisetsky.

"I can't believe you actually met him! This is incredible! Wow, is he hotter in person?" (F/N) asked eagerly.

"I- uh, well-" you didn't know what to say to that.

"Come on, vhere is she?!" cried a cheerful voice with a thick Russian accent.

"Vhy did you drag me in here? I don't vant to-" Yuri Plisetsky groaned.

"Zhere! Is zat her? She fits ze description!" the other voice said. You turn around to see Victor Nikiforov dragging Yuri Plisetsky and Yuri Katsuki through the tables. You made eye contact with the annoyed Russian teenager and he said, "She's right zhere, can ve go now?"

"No, ve have to eat vith zem!" Victor insisted, and came up to us, "Hello ladies, mind if we join you?"

"Not at all," you said, because (F/N) was incapable of speaking. She looked like she was about to faint. Yuri Plisetsky sat next to you, with your friend on your other side. Victor sat next to (F/N), which caused her to turn bright red, and Yuri Katsuki sat in between Victor and Plisetsky.

"So, you're Yurio's girlfriend?" Victor asked, leaning forward interestedly. 


"NO, SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Yuri hollered.

"Yurio?" You asked, confused.

"It's Yuri Plisetsky's nickname. Since we have two Yuri's," Victor gestured to Yuri and Yurio, "We gave Yurio his nickname, it's a lot less confusing, no?"

"I suppose," you said, glancing at Yurio. He just looked annoyed.

"So, where are you two from?" Yuri asked, who had been silent up to this point. The evening wore on, and (F/N) eagerly talked with Yuri and Victor. Well, Victor got drank quite a few alcoholic beverages and got more and more affectionate with Yuri as the night went on, who turned bright red and failed at getting his coach off of him. You wondered briefly if Victor was just really drunk, or they were gay. Or both.

Yuri!! On ice- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now