Chapter 44

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I drive to the starting line and wait for the gun to be fired. I have been avoiding Sean all night and at the moment he's starting at me. Tonight there are about fifty cars here to race for the finals. This ain't going down pretty. The gun is shot and I wait for the car in front of me to take off.

I start driving at normal speed not wanting to rush this since ahead me I have three rounds. In these rounds people start falling out from the list due to a crash or others due to car problems. I look at the screen in my car and notice that three cars have already crashed into each other. Cars drive past me I look at the rearview mirror seeing that there are less then nine cars behind me. Great!

I pick my gun filled with paint bombs and drive in the middle of the road. I take my hand out and from the rearview I watch where to aim. I aim directly at the cars and they are all out of the race. I speed off to catch up with other cars as I do so I shoot them with the bombs. This race is getting fun.

I look at the digital screen and see that only twenty three cars are left. What a difference from the start. From twenty three the number decrease to nineteen as I finish my last paint bomb gun throwing it somewhere in the car. I speed off passing more cars. I pass the Tweety-dumb twins and when they see that they speed up and lock me between their cars. This can't be good.

They start pushing their car against mine. Damn it I hate twins. We stay like this for awhile and we pass round one to round two. I get fed up and reach for my real gun now. I shoot at their tires and their car goes sideways leaving me in peace. I speed up more and pass round two. Last round!

I check the digital screen and read that there are only nine cars on track. I quickly go through the leaderboard and read that I am in fifth place. Darn it! I speed up more to my car highest speeds. I pass two cars and now I can closely see Sean and Liam. Don't ask me who Liam is because I don't know him either from what I heard he is a good racer.

I pass the finish line and come in third place making it to the finals which is on Friday. I take the trophy and thank them and leave without speaking to anyone else. I arrive home early giving me time to have a proper shower.

When I finish I change and start wrapping the presents I bought from the mall. When I finish I go mail some of them and then get back to the house. I get the rest of my presents and put them under the large Christmas tree. I walk in the kitchen to find my mother and Greg talking. How does he know her?

"Hey mum!" I tell her and give Greg a hug which he returns. "What are you talking about?" I ask them.

"We where talking about the best chocolate. Greg here has a very good taste in food." my mother explains.

"Really?" I question him and he nods. "What's the best chocolate ever?" I ask.

"Nutella duh!" He responds like it's the most obvious answer.

"Where have you been? I have been looking for you my whole life. Nutella lover." I tell him hugging him as I sit myself on him.

"You know I am sitting here."

"Does it look like I care?" I ask him and my mother chuckles at me. I ignore her and wrap my hands around his neck. "I want chocolate Greg!" I say with a whiny voice and look at him eating the chocolate bar. He thinks about it making me more annoyed and I whine more. He finally gives in and gives me the rest of his chocolate bar. "Yeah! Chocolate!"

"Not even a thank you I am hurt. You act like a child." He says putting a hand on his shoulder acting like his hurt.

"I know so I came third in racing." I tell him and my mother goes back to cleaning loosing interest to try to get me talking to her.

"That's really good." I hear him say. "Earth to Alexis I am talking to you."

"Oh yeah I heard you."

"What have gotten you thinking princess?"


"Yep you have everything honestly and you are beautiful as Disney's princesses!"

"Oh thank you." I say blushing and try to hide it by leaning against his chest.

"You're blushing you're even cuter now."

"Shut up." I tell him punching him lightly on his chest.

"So answer me why are you worried?"

"I can't tell you but do you promise me one thing. Promise me that you will always be here for me!"

"Of course I will promise you're my princess and I am your guard which soon you will fall in love with." He says and I get of his chest and notice that he's holding his laughter.

"In your dreams jerk." I tell him punching him in his chest and he burst out laughing. In my tiredness I put my head back on his strong muscular chest and he goes through my hair with his fingers. I close my eyes and let him play with my hair. What a day!

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