Chapter 32

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I put on a light pink sweater, white skirt, nude pink jacket, black bag and rose gold accessories. I put some makeup and as I finish putting my lipstick I hear a light knock. I walk to the door and open it and see a very handsome Xavier. His hair is put to the back neatly. He's wearing a plain shirt with black jeans and a leather jacket. That six-pack is just perfect from that fit shirt.

"You look beautiful."

"You're not bad yourself."

"If you're done checking me out we can leave." He smirks and I punch him lightly on his arm.

"Come one let's go." I tell him and he gets his hand out. I put my hand around his like when a father is walking with his daughter down the isle. We walk outside and we walk to a silver Aston Martin. He opens the car door for me and I get in the comfortable seat. He enters the car and starts driving.

We drive in silent until he turns the radio on playing some songs. I rest my head on the seat and close my eyes feeling the cold wind on me. The car stops and I open my eyes to see that we are at some fancy restaurant. He opens the door for me and we walk inside.

"Hello Mr.Jackson nice seeing you here you're in your usual seat." A man with a suit says and Xavier nods at him. I ignore the fact that he is here regularly and try to enjoy it while it last. We sit around a table in a VIP section. We order our meals and stare at each other awkwardly.

"So, what do you want to know about me?"

"I don't know anything."

"Okay so I like traveling a lot. I love seeing other countries. I am good in fighting."

"How good?"

"I am teaching the young children."

"You call that good, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am in second high rankers and I am pretty sure compared to you that I am better."

"Well I am not the badass who's always after criminals. I like living a good life. That's more Sean part."


"It's okay so how about you?"

"Like what?"

"Can I ask you what did Sean actually do to you? I only heard some jocks that he shared with his friend about you."

"What jokes?"

"Something about you being bad at something. I didn't actually understand him. So?"

"I can't tell you!"

"Why not?"

"Greg already know and now you found out. How long before everyone finds out. What then?"

"Then you stop playing dress-up game. What he did, did he hurt you?"


"Physically or emotional."


"What didvhe do?"


"Okay I won't push it." The food comes and we eat and talk for a while about school and his college. He mostly tells me to take school seriously like he's a parent. He's so protective and caring so different from his brother. I wander how could these two be related to each other.

"What are you thinking of?" He asks me grabbing my arm and drawing circles with his thumb making me more relaxed.

"Just how could you be so charming and be related to that arrogant of a human?" I ask him and he chuckles. "What's so funny?"

"The way you describe my brother every time different you clearly hate him. Anyways we just went on different paths. Something happened to him and he kinda flipped into this person you see now. He wasn't always this jerk. Yeah now?"

"Can I ask what happened or is it too much?"

"Nah not for me to tell. It's his story to tell so I won't spill his life out."


"Let's get back to the house the curfew is at midnight." He says and I nod following behind him. We enter the car and he switch on the radio again.

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course you can!"

"It's about Sean, Greg and you... um..."

"Hey if you're not sure don't tell me." He says placing a hand on my thigh and switching off the engine since we arrived.

"No I want to tell you but I don't know how to."

"Is it about the other you?" He asks.

"Yeah it is. To get to the point Sean has been touching me against my will." I finally open up to him and he looks shocked. He pulls me off from my seat that now I'm sitting on his lap and he's hugging me. I put my head on his chest.

"I'm going to kill him." He says through his greeted teeth.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow with Greg?"

"Yeah sure thing."

"Thank you." I tell him and get my head of his chest to look at his face. He cups my cheeks and draws circles soothing me. He puts my hair away from my face and we stare at each other. He places a kiss on my forehead and I place my head back onto his chest. I can hear his heart beating. Somehow this is making me relaxed and calmed. I wrap my hands around his neck and bury my head in his soft chest.

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