Chapter 4

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In front of me are all of my best friends and they are all wearing my favorite outfit. Dressed all in black with a hoodie and bandanna over their mouth. I run over them jumping on them and we all hug together. I missed them so much.

"Girls before boyfriends!" I say breaking the group hug.

"Yeah suck does dicks." Zoe says and everyone bursts into laughter.

"Alexis we have another surprise we're going on another mission. When you say we leave to Danny's place he owns us money." she says full of excitement.

"Let's leave!" I say running to my room changing to my outfit. We leave the house and hop onto our motorcycles. Finally we arrive to Tattoo's Art owned by Danny. In front of the shop there are about five motorcycles; just great we have company.

We pull off the bandanna from our hair and tie it around our mouth. I pull out my revolver and walk into the shop. I enter and people are giving me their back. Danny is behind the counter selling drugs.

"Danny my favorite person." I say walking to the counter with my girls following behind. All faces turn to us and I see Sean, Blake, Logan, West and Dane. Yeah just my favorite people of the day. I think sarcastically.

I point my gun towards Danny and he is shaking with fear. "Money now you've got about ten minutes." I say to him and he runs to the back of the store. I turn around and jump onto the counter sitting. I look at my watch and look at everyone else looking at me.

"Beth?" Sean asks in confusion. She slides her bandanna down and smiles.


"Is this the whole gang?"

"Yep." She says popping the p.

"Amanda, Zoe, Hope, Ella,Rebecca, Shana, Diana, Tyler and who's this?" Sean asks.

I jump off and walk close to him feeling his warm breath on my face. "Don't you recognize me?" I ask him.

"No why would I?"

"We already met today!"


"Only Blake was with you and both of you sat at my table."

"You're the one that so hard to get and who slapped me, right?" He asks and I nod. I walk back to the counter and grab the now full bag of money.

"Don't let this happen again Danny!" I say rising my gun shooting him. "Now he surely won't mess up." I say leaving the shop and riding back to the house.

What a boring mission. Sean is such an idiot to not recognize me from school. He must be in space or basically I am very good in disguising myself.


"Damn that girl" I say as she leaves the shop and look at the dead body with a hole in his chest.

"She slapped you?" Dane asks confused.

"Yeah I kinda was hitting on her at McDonald. Have you seen her before?"

"Don't think so, why?"

"She's feisty, fun and not scared of anything. She's different from Beth and the others. There's something about her that makes her different!"

"Her attitude" Blake responds and I nod agreeing.

"Come on let's go to the party and get laid." Zane says bored and we leave the shop to the party.

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