Chapter 22

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Ally's P.O.V.

My jaw dropped. No way in hell....that's...that's impossible, he's lying, he didnt come here to apologize for anything he came here to tear me down, I'm sure of it.
That must be what is going on here, their is no other explanation.
"You're lying." I said and I held on tighter to Keath's hand.
"I'm not lying," He said "believe me, I wish I was." He mumbled under his breath.
"You're a fucking liar!!! There is no way in fucking hell that you are here to apologize for all the hell you put me through....just no...get out!" I yelled at him. He can't be...this is impossible... This is just gross...and cruel...and disturbing.
"Listen to me! I'm sorry about your pathetic boyfriend, he doesn't deserve you." He said.
I couldn't help but laugh, "So what? You think you can come in here....into his hospital room, tell me you're dorry, call my boyfriend pathetic, and tell me that he doesn't deserve me? You think you can come in here and tell me that boyfriend Keath....doesn't deserve me? You think that just because you apologized, you think that now you can swoop in and save the day? That everything you have done to will all just disappear?" I got up out of my seat and let go if Keaths hand. "You're fucking pathetic, the past isn't going to disappear, and I'll be damned if I ever forgive you."
"Ally I'm –" He started.
"Just. Leave. Now." I said.
He turned and walked out.
I looked back at Keath and saw that he was awake. In seconds I was calling in the doctors and kissing his cheek....I was crying...he's finally awake! I've waited for what feels like years....for him to wake up...and here he is now....I get to look into his green eyes once again.

A/N- IM REALLY SORRY GUYS!!! LONG TIME NO SEE. Anyway, was just going to apologize for not updating....a lot of things have happened....a lot of break downs.....but...a few good things have come out of it.
For starters...I get to get out of here....
Second, I got a new tattoo.
Third....I dyed my hair again.....its the picture at the top...I know it may seem sexual but I swear not my intention....but ummmmm yea haha.
And last...but not least, I get snake bites at the end of this month.
And my last thing, I had a new phone...I say had because I broke it yesterday....I tripped going up the stars and it flew out of my hands against the back door and fell to the floor....smashing the screen and now it won't turn on XD.

Anyway, I hope you liked this update, its not very long but hey, Keaths awake.

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