Chapter 29: My first time

Start from the beginning

We had been there in his room for just over twenty at this point.

"Oh Connor," I murmured licking at the moisture composing on my lips as I thought about the feeling.

"Not you as well," he grunted irritably.

Taking myself from him, I sat wiping away the sweat that had gathered on my forehead, "I'm sorry it's just-"

"Gwen says his name during sex too." He huffed in annoyance.

I sat up realising that our play time was over. Tightening myself uncomfortably, "I should go," I muttered. Standing from the bed covering my junk, even though he had already seen it. "You didn't think that it would be that easy did you?" his deep howl chomping down at me. Ignoring the cold shiver this animal sent me I bent down to my clothes. "Did you not hear me Greg? This isn't just a one night stand!" he forced the clothes from my hand as he pinned me to the floor. I gulped, "But- but you agreed when I said 'no strings attached'." A bite of the lip, followed by a shake my eyes rocketed at his, "But Travis you said-"

"I lied" He, Travis Bullington snarled.


I just stared at him. Regretting everything that had just happened.

I'd been at the club trying to find a one night stand. He was the only offer I got. I was desperate! I couldn't wait any longer! Connor wouldn't do it. I was going to wait but I have my needs and it wasn't as if we went out!

Surely a one off would be okay?

Maybe it would? But not with Travis of all people...

"I think that I need to send these to your boyfriend," he grinned whipping out his phone and taking a selfie of us – exposing the nature of our meeting. Smiling at me, he then swiped the screen to show pictures from positions which we were in before. All five photos had a clear shot of my face.

"We don't go out," I told him, feeling guilty. Connor and I did what couples do, we just didn't refer to one another as boyfriends. "Not really."

As if I wasn't aware already, "You just cheated on Connor with me. The one person he can't stand." He explained rudely.

I tried to shove it off, "I didn't mean to! I was desperate for this. I wanted a one night stand with someone I didn't know and it-"

He threw my boxers at my face, "It just happened to be little old me!"

I used them to wipe the stream my blistered eyes, looking up at him the poorly lit room making my Connor's foot print visible on his face.

"This isn't going to go well for you if people find out," straightening he stared me in the eye, "Here's the deal. You don't tell Connor about our little session and instead you make sure that he knows that you two are official, hell propose to the cunt if you have too. Both you and I know fully well that if you come clean about this and tell him, that he is never going to speak to you again because he will be disgusted and appalled at you and your actions."

I blinked hard. Travis took three exaggerated breaths, "You don't want that do you?"

I shook my head. His paw captured my chin and forced my head forward, "Sorry what was that?" he asked in a mocking tone, "and I didn't quite hear what you said. Now I'll ask you again for your sake. You don't want Connor to hate you and never, ever speak to you again do you?"

"No!" I stammered.

He loosened his grip. "If he finds out, he is just going to go back to my Gwen and take her from me. I won't allow that. Oh and another thing Greg sweetie, if you tell him anything about this, these pictures get sent to your parents and to grandparents." My eyes widen, if they knew then I would be such a disappointment and they would disown me, cast me out for society to mock. My parents had only just came to accept me for being gay. My grandparents had only one grandchild. Me, if they knew that I had a one night stand they would hate me for life. It would ruin me for the rest of my life...

He stroked my face, "I don't want that! Neither do you. Look at you! A mommy's boy since birth, teacher's pet. Always cast away from blame because you're such a good boy. You always did what was expected of you and never did ANYTHING bad. Right Greg? If you don't propose then he'll-"

"You're blackmailing me!"

"it's fun isn't it?" he snarled standing on his feet,

"I take it back! I wish I hadn't given into you!" I screamed as tears streamed down from my face. I sat up shoving back on my tee shirt.

"Funny that, it's exactly what Gwen said to me."

He leaned over me, "so then buddy, what's it gonna be?"


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