I slowed the truck when we neared an intersection, trying to see if there were any tracks on the road. I couldn't see anything, however, so I brought the truck to a full stop and peeked out of the window. It had gotten shattered when the hunters attacked us, so we decided to completely break it down so we wouldn't accidentally cut ourselves on the glass pieces.

“Guys, can you check for tracks? I can't see any.” I called out to the others in the back. Immediately, Dlive and Mark jumped out of the trunk and went to the front of the car to look.

“I don't see any tracks either.” Mark said while Dlive walked towards my side of the car, looking at me through the broken window.

“What do we do now?” He asked.

“What's happening?” I heard Russ' groggy voice from behind me and I turned to face him, seeing Minx and him were now awake.

“We can no longer see the van's tracks.” Jund explained while Dlive sighed, scratching his neck and mumbling something incoherent. The tracks were our only way of following the hunters, so what now? Should we just guess a direction?

“Hey, what's that building over there?” Minx suddenly spoke up, pointing to our right. In the distance, there was a huge, grey building with what seemed to be a fence around it. It was the first building we had seen since we started following the hunters.

“Is that.. A prison?” Jund asked in confusion. Now that he mentioned it, it very much seemed like a prison. It even had the guard posts around the building, though everything looked very abandoned, like no one had been there in ages.

“Could that be their base?” Dlive said, stepping away from the window. “We should check it out.”

He and Mark went back to the trunk and jumped in, allowing me to start driving again. Had we actually found them? I couldn't believe it! I turned right in the direction of the old prison and made sure to park the car at a reasonable distance, ushering everyone out.

“It doesn't seem like there's anyone here.” Jack said once we were closer to the building. He was right. There was no one guarding the fence and I couldn't see anyone walking around the perimeter either. What if we had gotten our hopes up for nothing and this wasn't actually the base? It sure didn't seem like it. We were just wasting our time.

“Guys, over here. There's a hole in the fence.” I heard Entoan say so I quickly went towards him. There was indeed a hole in the huge fence, but it was too small for us to fit through.

“I've got this, step aside.” Mark softly pushed me aside and grabbed something from his backpack. I noticed he had grabbed pliers. I didn't even know he had pliers, but that didn't matter right now.

Mark used the pliers to cut through the fence and it didn't take long for him to create a hole that was actually big enough for us to climb through. When all of us had successfully gotten on the other side of the fence, we took a second to look around and Minx spotted an open door. This all felt way too easy. No way was this actually the base we were looking for.

“This can't be the base.” I voiced my thoughts. “There would've been way more security. I mean, there are a lot of hunters, right? So why is it so abandoned?”

Jund shrugged, “Let's check inside just to be sure. If it turns out abandoned, we'll leave and head in another direction.”

Agreeing with his plan, we all walked over to the door and carefully stepped inside, finally spotting someone leaning against a wall. I gasped as soon as I saw the person's black, leather clothes. It was a hunter. So we were in the correct location after all?

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