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Chica and Mary was doing their assignment and Chica kept looking over to Mary to see if she would pull anything. But she didn't she was just working on the assignment.

Chica said while finishing on question 39 "So are you new here?"

Mary said while working on question 58 "No. I'm 3 months new to this school."

Chica nodded and said "Ah..... That I didn't know that."

Mary said while looking over at Frederick "Its ok. You didn't know."

Chica looked over at where Mary was staring at and saw Frederick then she asked "You like him?"

Mary smiled and said "I'm not going to lie, but I do like him and I know that he likes me back."

Chica went wide eyed and said "I can help by bringing the both of you together!!"

Mary shook her head and said "No thank you. I'm good."

Chica sighed and said "O....k. I just wanted to help......."

The principle walked in and said "Everyone I have something to say!!"

The class stared at Principle Tarts.

Principle Tarts said while trying to hide his scared face "You guys are going to a mental hospital to meet kids who have been sen there for what they have done."

The class just stared at the principle. The teacher said while not trying anything "I'm sorry sir, but why do these kids have to meet more dangerous kids?"

Principle Tarts said while leaving the classroom "The cost will be $10 and the rides will leave here at 8:45. So bring a ride or if you ride the bus please let them know that you are going on a field trip." The door closed behind Principle Tarts.

The class just stared at the door until Frederick asked "What's a mental hospital Mary?"

Mary said to Frederick "A mental hospital is where people go to get their sanity back or a place where they are forced to stay at until they are better."

Frederick nodded and said "So its like a prison?"

Mary said while trying not to laugh "Basically."

Frederick nodded and continued to work.

Chica smiled and said "You 2 will be a perfect couple."

Mary blushed green? and said "Eh........ Yeah we will be......."

Chica noticed the green blush and decided not to do anything or say anything. Chica continued to work and ask questions based on the assignment until both were done.

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