After Class

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The group got up and saw that Mary was helping Frederick onto his crunches.

Chica walked over to them and asked "Are you 2 going on the field trip?"

Frederick smiled and said "Of course!! It sounds like fun!!!"

Mary looked at Chica and said "Sorry he likes messed up places."

Chica smiled and said "Its alright!"

Mary said while her and Frederick was leaving "See ya."

Chica waved and said "Bye!!"

The group walked out of the class room and saw Xy walking their way. Freddy heard Fred say.....

"Something Freddy? You seemed troubled." (Fred is in Freddy's head)

Freddy said in his head "No nothing's wrong."

Foxy looked at Freddy and asked "You alright?"

Freddy nodded and said "Yeah......."

Xy spotted the group and stopped straight in front of them.

Bonnie smiled and said "Hi there I'm Bonnie!"

Xy looked at Bonnie and said "You guys are from that ally way."

Bon said while putting his fist in the air half way "So what if we are what are you going to do about it?"

Xy looked at Bon and said "I'm not going to do anything at the moment because my friends want to go on that field trip."

Bon looked at Xy with a 'are you serious' face and said "Your friends do?"

Xy nodded and said "Yeah and by the way."

The group froze and gulped.

Xy smiled and said "If you guys are Hope's friends then you idiots are my friends. Meaning if you guys get into trouble call me over." Xy waved goodbye and left the group.

The group stared at Xy and started to cheer.

Chica froze and said "That means we also have to go because without Xy here then we'll get picked on."

The group thought about it and said "We are going on that field trip!!!!" The group raced each other to catch up with Xy.

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