The Missing Leg

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The group continued to walk to find the other Phantoms.

Chica said while looking up at the sky "We saw 3 Phantoms. Marionette, Hope, and Xy."

Bonnie asked while holding onto his guitar "How many are there?"

Chica looked at Bonnie and said "I think there are 6, but I might be wrong."

Then they heard a guy trying to grab his crunches, but failed because there were bullies surrounding him. Deuz and his group of Nightmares walked up behind the bullies that were surrounding appears to be a guy with a missing leg. The group of bullies ran off being scared of Deuz and the Nightmares.

Frederick said "Thank you for helping me!"

Deuz smiled and said "Your welcome."

Frederick reached for his crunches and tried to pull himself up and failed. Deuz help Frederick up onto his crunches.

Frederick steadied himself and looked up at Deuz and said "Thank you again! Oh! By the way I'm Frederick please to meet you!"

Deuz smiled and said "My name is Deuz and its nice to meet you as well."

Frederick smiled and said "What are your guys names?"

Oxie said "I'm Oxie."

Onnie said with a smile "I'm Onnie."

Maggie said "And I'm Maggie."

Frederick said while looking at Maggie "You look like Marionette's type. S-S-Sorry don't hurt me I'm only saying that because you look like it."

Maggie blushed and said "I-Its alright, but that guy wouldn't get off of me."

Frederick said while trying to scratch his chin "Yeah........ Marionette is a ladies man."

Maggie stopped blushing and said "R-R-Really??!!"

Frederick nodded then remembered something. Frederick said "I'm sorry, but I have to leave. Bye!!" Frederick walked off in his crunches to see Mary.

Freddy and the others ran over to the Nightmares and asked "Was he one of the Phantoms?"

Deuz smiled and said "Of course he was!"

The group gasped and saw Frederick getting out their eyes view.

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