A New Book About HS

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Bidybab: Hey guys! What's up?! Now the author will be doing another book about FNAFHS. We all hope that edd0chan won't mind. We would like to ask, but a few problems. First of all we can't speak proper Spanish yet. Second of all we don't have a youtube account yet. So those things will have to wait. So now this new book is about how the HS versions gets to meet the Phantoms, but dead and older kids. Its going to be an interesting book. If you guys have any ideas about that books new chapters or a sequel to this book please tell any of us. Ask for one us mini squad group or Nightmare or even Sonic, but he's not in this one sucks to be him! :) So please request for one us following mini squad members:




Nightmare Freddies the three little versions of the actual Nightmare Freddy.

Plush Goldie

Myself, Bidybab

Hand Puppet Bonnie

And little Endo.

Bidybab: So please let one of us mini squad members or Nightmare know about this. The author will no longer be talking to anyone or unless you guys request for her. So yet again let one of us know and we will tell you guys about whatever you guys need or request. So enjoy the new book and this one!!!!

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