Problem and Saving

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The group continued on their journey to find the phantoms after their encounter with one that was extremely all over Maggie.

Deuz asked "Why was he all over you?"

Maggie shrugged and said "I don't really know."

The Toys looked very terrified of the first Phantom because they are hoping that not all of them will be weird. The group bumped into very big group of bullies. The leader named Daniel looked at Freddy. Freddy shivered in fear and tried to back away.

Daniel said while grabbing Freddy by the shirt "Where are you going?"

Freddy tried to fight to get out of Daniel's grasp and said "Nowhere."

Daniel threw Freddy at Foxy and said "Good!!"

Freddy and Foxy tried to recover from the impact. Daniel walked over to the recovering guys and kicked the both of them. Chica tried to get Daniel off of them, but Daniel punched her in the stomach.

Daniel said "Stay away ugly!!"

Chica's eyes went wide and fell onto the ground in pain. Foxy's and Golden Freddy's eyes went wide. Daniel laughed at Chica and went back to kicking Freddy. The rest of Daniel's group started to join in kicking the rest of the weaker group. When they heard.........


Daniel turned his head to see Hope standing there and smiled. Daniel said while walking over to her "Why is a beautiful woman like you walking around all by yourself?"

Hope narrowed her eyes and asked "Why are you hurting them? They didn't do anything to you!!!"

Daniel's smile went bigger and said "They bumped into me first cutey."

Hope back away a bit and said "So it doesn't matter if they bumped into you!!!"

Daniel's smile went away and pushed Hope up against a wall. Hope struggled against Daniel's grasp and tried to push him off.

Daniel looked back at the weak group and said "Put them in the hospital."

Right before the group had a chance to put the weak group in the hospital.

"Yo! What do you think your doing with my woman?!"

Everyone turned their heads to see Xy standing there.

Xy narrowed his eyes and said "I'm not going to say this again."

Hope blushed and looked away.

Daniel pushed more into Hope and said "And I'm going to keep this woman all to myself."

Xy walked up to Daniel and kneed him in the face. Daniel stumbled off of Hope and tried to land a punch onto Xy, but failed because Xy kneed him in the gut.

Xy said while retrieving his knee "Your not going to keep her all to yourself."

Daniel looked up to Xy and spitted onto his shoe. Xy took off the shoe and shoved it down Daniel's throat and told the group "Take him to the hospital and give me one of your shoes."

The group did what Xy told them to do and gave them one of their shoes. Xy walked up to Hope and kissed her. Hope blushed and returned the kiss. (Xy now has an artificial arm!!!!) When they splitted apart. Xy looked at the weak group and saw Freddy trying to stand up. Xy walked up to Freddy and held out his hand. Freddy looked up at Xy and grabbed onto his hand. Xy helped Freddy up.

Freddy scratched the back of his head and said "Thank you!"

Xy walked away and grabbed Hope's hand and led her to the rest of the group.

Foxy helped Chica up and said "Who is he?"

The injured bully saw everything and said "Xy........"

The group said "Xy?"

The bully nodded and said "Yes, Xy. He's the leader of The Phantoms. Xy is very strict about what the others do."

The group got up and walked over to where the injured bully was.

The bully said while starting to walk away "If you touch his woman he won't show mercy. Now see ya."

The injured bully walked away leaving the group to bring Freddy, Foxy, and Chica to the clinic.

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