I froze when I realized that she wasn't wearing shorts underneath her skirt, because her panties were shown to everyone who was standing behind her.

I looked to my left and see an underclassman boy who just witnessed what had happened. He froze too, but he still kept staring at her.

The wind kept blowing and Jieun was oblivious that her skirt was being lifted up as she kept on walking.

I looked back to the boy and whispered, "Stop staring at my girlfriend."

I quickly caught up with Jieun and spontaneously placed my hand on the back of her skirt to prevent it from flying.

Jieun gasped and hesitated to open the school doors, but eventually she did. The way she was walking, her skirt couldn't help but sway side to side, revealing her panties. So I had to keep my hand where it was.

I knew people were staring at me and probably whispering about how I look like a pervert with my hand on Jieun's butt, but they DON'T UNDERSTAND.

I wasn't sure how to tell Jieun that she forgot to wear shorts under her skirt today, but I also wasn't sure if I could continue walking around the school looking like I was touching her inappropriately.

Luckily, we were close to our classroom, when I thought of another way to cover her. I just hugged her from the back as we continued to walk.

"Yongguk?" She asked in a high-pitched tone. "You're acting a little different this morning."

"S-Sorry." I let go once we entered the classroom and tried to think of a lie. "But a while ago, you said you were cold, right?"


"Well I was just trying to...warm you up...I guess..."

During our lunch break, Jieun asked me if I wanted to study with her in the library for our upcoming exam. So that's where we are right now.

We were sitting in the middle of two bookshelves with a couple of textbooks opened up around us. Jieun was sitting criss-cross, which clearly showed what was beneath her skirt. Every time someone happened to walk down our row, I placed a textbook on Jieun's lap and pretended that I found some random interesting fact.

After a while, I could sense that she got annoyed since I was interrupting her studying. A few minutes passed, and now one of the male teachers was passing through. I took off my jacket and placed it on her legs.

"Yongguk what are you doing? I'm not cold anymore." Jieun took the jacket off and handed it back to me.

Ugh. Ok. I guess I'll just tell her then.

"Sorry I couldn't tell you earlier. But since this morning, I was just helping you cover up. Because...I think you forgot to wear shorts under your skirt and...everyone can see your panties."

"Oh..." She brought her knees to her chest and her cheeks became pink. "Oh my gosh."

"B-b-but it's ok. I don't think that anyone really saw them except for me." Well and that underclassman, but I didn't want to tell her that and freak her out.

"Well alright...You're the only one I'm okay with seeing it."

I bit my lip and looked away. Jieun always had a tendency so be pretty blunt, but she shouldn't be telling me these things while we're in school.

"Yahh. Stop making it awkward." She leaned over and hit my arm. "You've seen it before, anyway."

Well, she was right. I got flashbacks of the time Jieun asked me to bring her medicine because she was "sick," and the other time when she helped me babysit my neighbor's kids--but she doesn't know about the second time.

"Alright. Let's just go to the cafeteria. We didn't get much studying done anyway." She stood up, but there was still her skirt problem.

"Wait." I pulled her wrist and she landed on my lap. I was going to just offer to go get her something in the cafeteria and bring it over to her so she wouldn't have to walk in front of all those people, but my train of thought was lost when I saw how close she was.

When she shifted, she unknowingly grinded against the front of my pants, and I was afraid she could feel something poking underneath her.

But the look on her face told me that she already felt it.

"Don't tell me you get turned on so easily." She moved her hips side to side to tease me.

"Jieun." I placed my hands on her hips to stop her. "We're in school."

"But no one is here." She pecked my lips before putting a finger on my shoulder, making me lean until my back hit the floor.

[3rd Person]

During her "research," Jieun had seen a lot of school-themed movies. Because of that, she had always secretly wanted to know what it was like to hook up in a school library.

"Come on, don't you think it's a little exciting?" She tapped a finger on Yongguk's lips before kissing him.

Although, Yongguk was conscious that someone could walk by at any time, he had to admit, doing something like this did give him an adrenaline rush. His hands landed on Jieun's thighs and moved up and down, just high enough so that he didn't reach underneath her skirt.

Jieun slightly pulled back from the kiss and smiled, "You're too shy sometimes." As she continued to sit on top of Yongguk, she slowly lifted up her skirt, causing him to blush.

She rocked her hips, earning a groan to come out of Yongguk's mouth.

"Shh." Jieun placed a finger on her lips. "Don't let anyone hear you." She released her hand from her skirt and began unbuttoning the first few buttons of her uniform. Jieun noticed Yongguk's adam's apple move nervously, so she bent down and kissed his neck.

"Can you remove this for me?" She whispered close to his ear and tugged on his white shirt.

It took him a few seconds, but Yongguk's hands felt for his neck tie and started to undo it. Once the cloth hung around his neck, he followed Jieun's orders and unbuttoned his shirt.

Jieun kept her eyes on Yongguk's belt which her hand was slowly reaching for. Without notice, she began unbuckling the belt, much to Yongguk's surprise. But she wasn't going to stop there, she moved on to unzipped his pants and touched the waistband of his boxers. "You like it when I touch you here, don't you?"

"J-Jieun..." Yongguk wasn't sure how to respond, but that was the only word that managed to come out of his mouth.

Jieun tugged down his pants just enough so that she could sit on top of his black boxers. Yongguk shut his eyes and his hands balled into fists as he wasn't sure how much longer he could contain himself.

Jieun began to pull on the boxers when she suddenly realized that she didn't have any protection with her. The contraceptives that the school nurse gave the students a while back were in Jieun's bedroom because that's where she originally thought she was going to bring Yongguk when the time came.

Being a little annoyed, she sighed and gave Yongguk an unrelated excuse for why she had to stop. "The lunch break is going to be over soon..." Jieun reluctantly got off his lap and faced her back towards Yongguk as she closed the textbooks and gathered up her belongings.

Yongguk let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Was he really about to have sex with Jieun in the school library? Was he ready for that? He knew that in the past, he had already done many other scandalous acts with the girl, but he was pretty scared since it was going to be his first time.

When he looked over at Jieun, she had already finished fixing up her appearance and made herself look like she didn't just almost have sex during break. Jieun moved over to Yongguk, whom she noticed hasn't even started fixing his clothes.

She re-buttoned his shirt and put his tie back on for him as she leaned in to speak in a hushed voice, "We can continue next time."


what was your favorite kpop song of 2016?

Mine is either No Doubt by VAV, Knock by KNK, or Oh Na Na by KARD

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