A Christmas In Hell (One Shot)

Start from the beginning

"No. I'm just wondering if you want me for anything today." Kyle asks.

"Wait, Kyle, I thought we could do something together." I add quickly before my dad can reply.

"Yeah, can you keep Scar out of trouble? Do you think you'll be able to do that?" My dad asks.

"Hey!" I object.

"Yeah. I'm used to it." Kyle tells my dad as he winks at me.

"Join us." My dad offers as the servants bring in the breakfast.

"I'd love to." Kyle says as he sits down next to me.


After we have finished breakfast, Kyle and I both stand in the entrance hall.

"So, what did you want to do?"

"It's Christmas, and I wanted to go up to Earth to see what it's all about." I explain.

"Does your dad know?" Kyle asks raising an eyebrow.

"He knows it's Christmas." I tell him sheepishly.

"You know that's not what I'm asking." He chastises playfully.

"Now you know the answer." I tell him. "Come on Kyle, please. You can just say you were forced to follow me." I plead. He groans before sticking his arm out. Grinning, I take it. Before I can teleport Adrian strolls into the entrance hall.

"Merry Christmas!" I call out the phrase I have heard to him.

"What?" He calls back confused.

"It's an Earth celebration, and we're going up. Want to come?" I ask. He gives me an apologetic smile.

"I wish I could." I shrug at him.

"Duty calls." I reassure him.

"Have fun though." He tells us as he walks down the hallway leading towards my dad. I grip onto Kyle's arm as I picture Earth. I don't mind where we end up.

The next time I open my eyes, I am on an Earth street which is blanketed with white stuff. The cold air hits me, a dramatic contrast to the heat of Hell. I shiver as I let go of Kyle's arm. I rub my hands on my arms trying to warm them up. The street was mostly empty apart from a family who were throwing the white stuff at each other in balls. From what I have read, the white stuff is called snow, but I have never encountered it. Watching the family curiously, I see one of the kids scoop the snow up and throw at one of the parents. I feel like an alien watching a new species I have just encountered. Mimicking the child's actions I bend down and touch the snow. It was freezing and and a small patch quickly melted at my touch. Acting fast I scoop a ball together before chucking it at Kyle. It hits him in the face causing me to laugh.

"Oomph. That hurt." Kyle lets me know. Puzzled, I look back to the family, they seem to be enjoying it. Why would they be enjoying something that hurt themselves? As I am distracted, I feel a cold solid ball hit my face before it disintegrates. I turn to Kyle who is smirking at me.

"Oh, now it's on." I tell him, bending back down for the snow.

A while goes by as we throw the snow at each other, but soon enough we get colder and give up. After giving up on the snow fight we walk down the street, and past the houses. Looking into windows we see different families sitting in front of a tree they have cut down and decorated, opening wrapped gifts. The reactions to the gifts range from forced happiness to utter glee. As we get to the end of the street, and enter a small town we see families out walking, and more having snow fights. As we pass people they call out to us the same phrase I used with Adrian 'Merry Christmas'. After getting a couple of weird looks to begin with, we realised that it's polite to call it back. We walk past buildings where people who are stood outside the doors singing about the season. Some people stop them before they start, but others entertain them. As we walk we realise that there's not a lot that happens outside people's homes. Some people leave to have fun in the snow, or to try out some of their gifts, otherwise everyone stays indoors.

"What do you want to do, everything is closed, and there's not a lot else you can do?" Kyle asks. I bite my lip looking around, there is not really a lot you can do. Christmas is a time for family.

"How about come home?" My dad suggests from behind us. I jump, speak of the devil and he shall appear. I turn around, moving away from Kyle.

"It was all his idea, he forced me." I tell my dad, pointing towards Kyle to pass the blame.

"Was not!" Kyle objects. My dad crosses his arms.

"We're going, now. I've told you before I need to know when you come up to Earth." He chastises seriously.I blink and then next thing I know we're standing in the entrance hall at home.

"Dad!" I complain. "I just wanted to see what Christmas was all about, and all I really saw was that you have fun in the snow. The rest was in their homes. If I want to know what it's all about, I need to experience it." I tell him.

"Go to your room, I thought I could trust you, both of you." He says staring me down, challenging me to defy him. I sigh trudging up the stairs and into my room. He can be so unfair sometimes.

I fall onto my bed, causing Tybalt to lift his head up from where I left him this morning.

"Hey Ty." I say stroking his back. I pick up the book my dad got me as a gift from his last trip to earth, and start to read it. I guess I'll never get to know what Christmas is really about, I think to myself.


I had just dozed off when a knock echoes through my room. I open my eyes abruptly, and call for the person to enter. My dad opens the door, his hand behind his back, and gives me an apologetic smile. I close the book on my lap, putting it down beside me, before crossing my legs.

"I'm sorry Scar." He says. I shrug.

"I'm sorry too, I just wanted to see what Christmas was like." I explain. "Apparently, it's not a lot of fun unless you have family with you."

"Maybe next year we can think about celebrating it properly." My dad suggests. I give him a small smile.

"That still means no." I tell him with a chuckle.

"Hey, I said I would think about it." He tells me with a grin. "Anyway, because you were so excited about it this morning, I was going to surprise you with a gift as a sort of Christmas present. That was before you spoiled it by going up without my consent. This was your mother's." He tells me bringing his hand out from behind his back. I was surprised that he even mention mom as we never talk about her. In his hand is a ring box.

"Dad, I'm your daughter. I'm not going to marry you." I tease him.

"Oh. Well then, you just broke my heart." He responds playing along. I laugh taking the box out of his outstretched hand. I lift the lid to find a black ring sitting between the material. The black metal twists until it's wrapped around the center diamond. On either side of the diamond are two flowers, each with a diamond in the center. Tears fill my eyes as I look up to my dad. It's nice to have something of my mom's, and I will treasure it, and wear it forever. I slide it onto my right middle finger, and hug my dad.

"Merry Christmas Dad." I whisper.

"Merry Christmas Scar."

Merry Christmas my little devils! I hope you have a great time celebrating whatever you do!

I feel like nothing really happened in this one shot (I hope it doesn't sound rushed I was awake last night trying to get it perfect for today, so all I had to do was hit publish), but it's giving a bit more information.

A picture of the ring is posted above! ^^

Would you wear it?

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CC ;)

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