Chapter 29 - Decision Time

Start from the beginning


I drop Hunter off at his apartment before I finally arrive home. I feel weird and hesitant as I enter my empty house, knowing that Hunter isn't here, and that Kyle can try anything anytime he wants. I fall down onto my couch feeling exhausted, and of course like every time that I relax, something comes along and disrupts me. Today it was my doorbell. I groan and pull myself back up, walking to the door. I open it, thinking that Hunter has come back anyway like the first time that Kyle made himself known in my mind.

"What?" I snap pulling the door open. I blink a couple of times to make sure I'm seeing straight, as Reid is standing on my doorstep with an eyebrow raised at my greeting.

"Sorry, I thought you were Hunter." I explain.

"That's the second time that you thought I was someone else." He replies grinning. "You and Hunter having problems?"

"No we're not, and maybe it's because I don't expect to see you." I lean against the door frame as I talk.


"That was my way of asking you why you're here." I prompt.

"I wanted to see you." He explains. I look over his shoulder and see a car pulling into the driveway of Rosie's house. The door opens and the man who was arrested steps out. He looks over at my house, before turning and walking into the house. I watch him curiously, he's been released then. I haven't seen Rosie since the incident when Meredith was here. Reid steps into my view smiling.

"Where did you go?" He asks.

"Why?" I ask ignoring his question.


"Why do you want to see me? I don't want to see you after you used me." I tell him.

"Oh. Because of that, I felt bad about how I treated you."

"Really? Reid Brice feeling bad for something he did?" I respond faking shock. He chuckles.

"I want to apologise, can I come in? I feel awkward standing out here." He inquires, stepping forward.

"No." I disallow, resting my hand on his hard chest. The picture of his scarred and tattooed chest fills my mind, causing me to involuntarily rub my hand up and down. A smirk comes onto his face.

"Like what you feel?" He asks stepping closer again. I step back, letting my hand fall away.

"No." I repeat, but this time less persistent. He steps closer again, his foot just inside the door.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yes." I let out breathily. He steps closer yet again, now with both of his feet inside the door. With every step he takes, he gets further back into my heart.

"Reid, stop, you can't just say you don't care about me, but then use me again because I care about you." I tell him.

"Why do you care about me? We've never met before I came to your school." He asks stepping closer again, causing me to take another step back.

"It's complicated. You won't believe me."

"I like complicated, try me." He replies looking me over.

"Because I knew you before then." I explain.

"I think I would remember you." He tells me taking another step closer. I give up on taking steps back, he's just going to keep going.

"I told you, you wouldn't believe me." I reply looking down and away from him. He sighs before mutters something so low that any human wouldn't have heard, but gets my heart beating faster. I have to fake not hearing him as I ask him to repeat it.

"I lied when I said that that I was lying about my feelings." He repeats. "I do seem to have this draw to you, which I have no explanation for, that's why I wanted to come here today. I felt bad about using you and then lying to you about everything I said. I was wondering if we could have a date?" He continues on from what he said. Stunned I reply with the fear that he doesn't mean it, or that Kyle made him say it.

"You're not just saying that?" I ask. I check all the pointers that usually tell if someone is lying when he replies. If he is lying then it's obvious that Kyle is behind this.

"No." He promises, and I believe it, nothing tells me he's lying. "So, what about that date?" He asks. I breathe in shakily, deciding what to say. Do I want to go down that road again with Reid? All I've wanted since Kyle took him from me is this, and now it's here I'm not sure. If I say yes, then I have a good answer for Hunter and myself on who I have chosen, but it could all go wrong by Kyle's hand at any point and what then. What if I say no, and then all that time hoping that Reid will come back has been wasted and I may never get the chance again. It will also mean that I may as well have chosen Hunter. Who do I want more? I run my hands through my hair, before I answer.

Here you go my little devils!

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it. Hope you are having a great time whatever you are doing.

I am just about to post a Christmas One Shot also, it will be about a past Christmas.

Muahahaha! What is her answer? Let me know what you want it to be, and what you think it will be!!

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What will happen next?

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CC ;)

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