Chapter 29

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Alexis's POV

     As he approached me, I stood up and took a few steps away from him. He threw the dagger at me, and I managed to suck right in time. I looked back at the wall behind me. The blade seemed to be slowly turning the wall black. Branches of black began sprouting on the wall. They clung to the wall and floor as they stretched and slithered near me like shadows. I turned my gaze to the man, but he just smiled at me and vanished.
     I ran to the door, but when I was less than a foot away from it, one of the dark vines grabbed my ankle and tripped me up. A burning sensation exploded where the vine gripped my ankle. I reached for the door. It was only centimeters away from my fingertips.
     The room spun wildly, and I couldn't ground it even though I tried. I kicked wildly to try to make it let go, but the movement only made my ankle burn more. I tried to scream. I screamed as loud as I possibly could. Unfortunately, my loudest scream came out as a quiet whisper. My chest started burning as another vine grabbed onto it. I heard my heart speed up, and for a few seconds, that was the only thing I could hear.
     The front of my flimsy hospital gown dripped a dark crimson liquid. Seeing blood pour from my chest was enough to make me sick. I gagged, but nothing came out of my empty stomach.
     Before I could do anything else, a blinding light filled my vision, causing me to shut my eyes. When I opened them, I was back in my hospital bed with someone by my side holding my hand. It took a few minutes to fully open my eyes, and by the time I did, three people were surrounding me. I tried to sit up, but my chest screamed in pain. I winced at the sudden influx of pain and nausea.
     A chorus of "no" and "get back down" met my ears. I obliged, mainly because I was in so much pain. I forced my eyes to focus on the people and saw Stiles, Liam, and Mr. Stilinski.
     "What-" I croaked.
     "They had to take you into emergency surgery. You had a cracked rib, and it was going to puncture your lung," Stiles explained as he gave my hand a little squeeze. "Right when the doctor came in for your check up, he checked your ribs and realized there was a problem."
     "Does that mean I have to stay the night?" I asked hoarsely. They all nodded, and I groaned. All I wanted to do was go back to the Stilinski's and sleep.
     A doctor, the same one from my dream or whatever that was, came in and smiled at me.
     "Hi. I'm Doctor Martin. I performed your surgery. Fortunately, we caught it just in time and managed to save you, but you still have to lay low and recover. I figured you aren't feeling too well, and you probably feel exhausted, so I'm going to give you a sedative, and you'll be asleep within a few minutes, okay?" He spoke to me like I was a child, but I nodded anyway. He gave me a pity smile and added the medication to the IV that I was hooked up to. Doctor Martin shot me one more smile before leaving the room and closing the door behind himself. I could already feel myself getting drowsy.
     "Don't worry, Alex. We'll be out of here before you know it," Mr. Stilinski smiled.
     "Thanks, Dad," I mumbled as I succumbed to the meds and fell asleep.

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