Chapter 15

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Alexis's POV

     The bell rang, and everyone flooded out of the classroom. I couldn't get what happened last night out of my head. Was it possible that someone on the other end of the system could've coded something over to Stiles's laptop so only supernatural creatures were affected by it? That was another thing! The full moon was going to happen tonight. I didn't know what was going to happen. All I hoped was that I wouldn't turn out to be a werewolf. I just wanted a normal, well, as normal as I could get, high school experience and go off to do who knows what.
     "Hey, Alex!" someone exclaimed right as I stepped out into the hallway. I whipped around and smiled a little.
     "What's up, Liam?" I asked. I waited for him to catch up to me before I continued the trek to my locker.
     "I just wanted to see how you're holding up. The day of my first full moon sucked. How're you feeling? Is anything weird happening?" Wow. He seemed really concerned about me.
     "Other than the fact that I haven't been able to focus at all today, everything is relatively normal," I told him honestly. He let out a sigh of relief. Was he actually worried about me? "Shit!" I mumbled when someone bumped into me. One of the three books I was holding rammed into one of my newer cuts. It hurt like hell, and I was nervous that it had opened up. Thankfully, I was wearing a black hoodie, so you wouldn't be able to tell If I was bleeding.
     The book on the top of the small stack started to slide off, but Liam caught it before it could fall. He gently placed it back on top.
     "Here, let me take that," Liam insisted. Before I could protest, he scooped the books out of my arms.
     "Why are you being so nice to me?" I blurted out. I looked up at him, and he frowned. "Sorry, I-"
     "What do you mean? I'm just being a good friend. Doesn't anyone else do this for you?" He asked. I shrugged, not willing to answer him. I didn't want him to know that I was a stupid, suicidal nobody that everyone picks on.
     We stopped when we got to my locker, and I took the books from his arms.
     "Thanks for carrying my books," I told him.
     "The pleasure's all mine," he smiled. A pretty brunette came up to Liam from behind him.
     "Who's this Liam?" She asked politely.
     "That's Alex. She's been staying with Stiles for a few days. Alex, this is my girlfriend, Hayden," Liam explained. I should've know he had a girlfriend. Oh well. It's not like I would have a chance with him anyways.
     "It' so nice to meet you, Hayden," I said honestly. The warning bell rang right after I said that.
     "Well, We should probably head to class. I'll see you later, Alex!" Liam smiled.
     "It was nice to meet you, Alex!" Hayden smiled as Liam pulled her away. I wasn't really in a rush to get to class. It was right across the hall, and I still had a few minutes. I started to stuff the books that I needed for my last two classes in my bag when I noticed something weird. There was hardly anyone in the hallway. I shook off the eerie feeling and zipped up my backpack.
     All of a sudden, my locker slammed shut, which caused me to shriek. Brad was standing right there, smiling at me. My heart sped up. In that moment, he looked almost exactly like my dad.
     "Hey there, Lahey. How about we take a walk and have a little chat?" Brad smirked.
     I gripped tighter to the backpack strap that was hanging from my shoulder. He strode over to me and put his arm around my shoulders. Brad started walking toward the side doors. He was actually pretty clever. The side doors didn't have any security cameras pointed towards them. I tried to pull out of his grasp, but he just held onto me tighter.
     "The more you struggle, the worse it'll be," Brad warned me. My heart stopped altogether. A plan popped into my mind right as we walked through the doors and came outside. Well, I wouldn't really call it a plan. I just kicked him between the legs, dropped my bag, and ran.
     I sprinted all around, trying to find a door that would lead back inside. I had no such luck. All of the running I had been doing was starting to take a toll on me. I could barely breathe, my sides hurt, and my legs felt numb. I was never that athletic in the first place, which made me question why I even ran in the first place. This guy was on the football team. He was obviously in shape, and he showed me that when he caught up with me and slammed me into a chain-link fence.
     "You bitch! You think you can just run away from me like that?" He screamed. I was breathing too heavily to respond. My cheek exploded with pain, and the sound of his hand hitting my face echoed off of a nearby wall. He punched me on the same side of my face, and the force of it quickly send me falling to the ground. I felt something warm run down from my eyebrow. Blood. I stared up at him and immediately regretted it. His eyes were blazing with anger, and he looked ten feet tall compared to me.  I tried to push myself back up, but he planted a kick right to my stomach, which made me collapse again. I felt something rise from my throat, and I coughed it up onto the pavement. It was more blood. Great. 
     Hey!" Someone yelled. Brad and I both turned our heads to see who it was. I had never seen that guy before. His hair was jet black, and he was wearing a Crown The Empire shirt and black skinny jeans.
     "What the fuck do you want, emo?" Brad screamed. I flinched away from Brad's booming voice. He could be pretty loud if he wanted to.
     "Leave her alone," He told Brad as he took a few steps closer. Why was he defending me? He didn't even know me.
     Before either of them could say anything else, Mr. Connor came out and saw us. He jogged over to us, and he looked pissed. The guy that helped me, on the other hand, was somehow evading Mr. Connor's sight and slowly crept back into the building.
     "What's going on out here?" Mr. Connor yelled, causing me to flinch back.
     "I'm sorry, Mr. Connor, but I was just standing out here, enjoying my free period, when this psycho comes out and tried to beat me up for no reason! I was only defending myself!" Brad lied.
     "You're both coming with me," Mr. Connor growled.

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