Chapter 21

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Alexis's POV

     I stared at myself in Scott's mirror. He only gave me boxer shorts and a t-shirt, so I could see all of my scars, cuts, burns, and bruises. I was too tired to change or try to cover anything up. I was too tired to cry or scream or think, so I didn't. I just stood numbly in front of the mirror until I heard Scott mention my name. As I walked out of the room and followed the sound, I noticed that I forgot to put my shoes back on. Honestly, I didn't care that much. It took me a second to stop and ask myself if I was actually dead. I kept walking and decided that I was alive because I could still feel the bruises against my ribs ache whenever I took a step.
     "-yeah, I know, Stiles," Scott whispered. I peered around the corner into the living room. Scott was talking on the phone. "Wait, she left a note for me?" he asked. I swallowed hard. They were talking about the suicide notes I left In Stiles's locker.
     There was silence for a few seconds, and the atmosphere was so thick that you could cut through it with a knife.
     "I can ask her... No she's right around the corner listening to the conversation," Scott said turning around. Crap. He turned around and locked eyes with me. My heart skipped a beat, and my eyes grew to the size of the moon.
     I tried to run back to his room, but before I could take more than a few steps, his hand was on my shoulder and spinning me back around to face him. He put his phone against his chest.
     "I'm not mad, okay?" he said. I let out a breath and nodded. "Stiles wants to know if he can see you. Would that be too much for you right now?" Scott asked me gently. My eyes started to well up with tears at the thought of Stiles seeing me like this. I could already practically see the heartbroken look on his face. I bit my lip to keep it from trembling.
     "It's okay. Don't cry," Scott soothed me. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped one arm around me as he used the other to hold his phone up to his ear.
     "I think she needs some more time to calm down. You can come sometime tomorrow morning, okay?" Scott asked Stiles. "Okay, good. I'll see you tomorrow, and please try to get some sleep." Scott hung up and led me over to the couch. I noticed that it had a lot of different colored blankets, pillows, and a variety of movies sitting on it. Scott scooped up the movies and put them on the coffee table.
     "First thing's first," Scott muttered as we sat down. He gingerly look my arms in his hands and flipped them over, revealing all of the cuts and scars I've given myself over the years. "I know you're going to hate me for this, but I'm going to be checking up on you every day to make sure you don't do this to yourself ever again. It kills me to see you hurt yourself like this. I also want you to give me your blades. All of them, okay?" he asked. I slowly nodded. Maybe he could actually help me. "...and I think we should tell Stiles. I can tell him if you don't want to," Scott told me. I forced myself to nod, but I refused to look Scott in the eyes. Even though I was mad at him right now, I knew that he and Stiles would be able to help. Either that or they just give up when they realize how messed up I really am.
     "I know you must be tired, I know I am, so I picked out some movies that Stiles said you would like and some blankets just to get your mind off of tonight. It's okay if you fall asleep, and if you do, I'll carry you back to my room so you'll be more comfortable." As he talked, he draped a blanket over me and put in the first Harry Potter movie. He turned it on and sat back down. The opening music started playing, and I was hit with a wave of exhaustion. I yawned and leaned against Scott. Scott then pulled me closer to him, and we both ended up falling asleep like that.

AUTHOR'S NOTE - hey guys! Sorry for the filler chapter. It's been a long week, but next week, I'll make things more interesting. Stay safe! I love you guys!!!!!

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