Chapter 13

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(If you are triggered by blood, mentions of gore, and horror, stop reading at these ••••)

Alexis's POV

     "-and I'll call you tell you when we need your coding skills. I put all of our numbers in your phone just in case. And Dad is going to have his phone with him to make sure everything is okay, so you can talk to him if you need to. I put my laptop on the kitchen table," Stiles told me. I could tell that he was nervous.
     "Stiles. I'll be fine," I assured him.
     "I know. I should go. The others are waiting in the car. I'll call you when we need you to mess with the security," Stiles said. He gave me a quick hug and a peck on the forehead then left.
     "Wait, Stiles!" I called after him. He stopped halfway across the yard and looked back at me. "Don't get killed," I told him.
     "I'll be fine, Alex. Don't worry about me, okay?" He smiled at me. I nodded, and he jogged to his car. He jumped into his car and drove off with the pack inside. I looked up at the sky. The stars illuminated the sky, and the almost full moon cast shadows of all of the houses on the street.
     I walked back inside and straight to my room. Stiles had explained that it would take around half an hour to get there, then they would all prep for the break in, and that would be when he would call me, so I had some time. I sifted through my drawers and picked out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Mr. Stilinski had the night shift at the police station, so he wouldn't be home until morning, and Stiles wasn't coming back until later, so I didn't have to worry about covering up my scars.
     I threw on my pajamas and went to the kitchen. I smirked as I saw the empty kitchen table. I knew Stiles was going to forget to put out the laptop, so I walked to his room to find it.
     His room, just as expected, was a mess. There were clothes, books, and papers scattered all over his room. Thankfully, I didn't have to search long for the laptop; it was just sitting on top of his bed. I had to step over several mounds of books and dirty clothes just to make it over to his bed. I grabbed the computer and immediately got a chill. The house felt like it dropped twenty degrees. I didn't want to trek all the way back to my room, so I just grabbed one of Stiles's jackets from on top of his dresser and left.
     I set the laptop down on the kitchen table next to my phone and slipped on the jacket. As to be expected, the jacket was huge on me. At least it kept me warm. I decided that it was going to be a long night, so I took the liberty to make myself a cup of tea.
     It didn't take a lot of searching to find a tea bag and mug. I filled the black and white mug with water, dropped the tea bag in, leaving the string dangling over the side of course, and put it in the microwave for one minute.
     While that was heating up, I turned on my phone and searched through the music playlists until I saw one with my name as the title. I clicked on it and set it to shuffle. The first song I heard was A World Divided by Our Last Night. I sang along to it as I pulled up the Eichen House data base to get a feel of what I was in for.
     The coding required was nothing new, but it was still going to be challenging, especially since this is my first actual "break in" to a website. I learned through simulations and online guides. I hadn't done one this hard without some kind of instructions or hints.
     The microwave beeped, and I quickly took the hot mug out of it. I placed it on the countertop, grabbed a spoon, and started stirring the tea. Once it was stirred enough, I pulled the tea bag out by the string and tossed it into the trash can. Then, I took a sip just to make sure it was good.
     It was that moment that my phone rang, which automatically turned the music off. I put the mug next to the laptop and reached for my phone as I sat down.
     "Hello?" I answered.
     "Hey. I just wanted you to know that we're ready whenever you are," Stiles told me.
     "Okay. I'll get started. Stay on the phone while I do this," I told him. I heard other voices, so I assumed it was on speakerphone, but I paid little attention to them.
     I got to work coding and decoding. After a few minutes, the security cameras would be down, the alarms would be unarmed, the internet would be disconnected, and front entrance would be unlocked all by the click of a button. The only problem was a computer bug that was surfing the site, making sure everything was fine.
     Through deeper research, I found out that the "bug" was a live person, and that their shift would end in two minutes, which would give me approximately fifteen minutes before the next person takes over, and five minutes before they notice that I've breached the system and pull it back up again.
     "Okay Stiles, here's the deal," I told him, "I breached the code, so I'm in. The person patrolling the site is clocking out in two minutes, and the next person will come in shortly after. By the click of my mouse, I can disarm the alarms, cut out the security cameras, disconnect their internet, and unlock the front, but they can set it all back up with a simple code on their end. How much time do you need?"
     "I don't know. Forty-five minutes maybe?" Stiles said unsurely.
     "You have twenty," I informed him. "I might be able to keep the breach for a few extra minutes, but it's risky."
     "Okay. We can do that," Liam said in the background.
     "Guys, you have thirty seconds before I take over. Do you have a plan?" I asked them nervously.
     "Not really," Scott admitted. I rolled my eyes.
     "Great. No pressure or anything, but this might be your best shot. After a security breach like this, it might take hours to tear it back down a second time," I warned them.
     "Thanks for the heads up," a female voice said. I didn't have any time to ask who it was because it was time.
     "Okay guys. We're in," I smiled. "Hurry up and set your phones for twenty minutes." I took my own advice, but I set my phone for fifteen instead. I wanted a few extra minutes.
     I heard moving around, so I assumed they were going in.
     "I'm keeping us connected, and I put in earbuds so we can still communicate, but don't say anything unless it's extremely important," Stiles whispered.
     "Got it. Good luck," I told him. I focused back on the laptop screen as I set the layout to overview so I could see everything. I reread the code I broke down, making sure I didn't make any errors as I sipped my tea. I checked the time. It was almost one, and I could barely keep my eyes open.
     Soon, ten minutes had passed by, and I started to notice something. The codes were changing and disappearing. I was losing control.
     "Shit," I muttered. I searched through the code and tried to retrieve the code, but it was disappearing faster than I could write it. I scrolled through the data base half expecting it to just crash after the detrimental code I planted in it when I saw the bug. "Shit!" I said louder.
     "Alex? What's happening? Is everything okay?" Stiles asked.
     "It's back. The bug's back," I muttered. The only thing on my mind was the reboot button. If whoever was on the other end pressed Reboot, then the whole system would crash. The Reboot could take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minute depending on how damaged it was. I knew that I couldn't stop the reboot, but I could at least slow it down. I started breaking down the code like crazy and adding random stuff to it.

     My hands were shaking and sweating so much that I was constantly messing up the code and pressing the wrong keys, and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest at any moment. I didn't feel tired anymore, that was for sure.
     "We got the file. Now we just have to find out way out," Stiles informed me.
     All of a sudden, the screen froze and went blue. The laptop let out a bloodcurdling, high-pitched shriek, and I screamed. I covered my ears and slammed my eyes shut as tears streamed down my cheeks. It felt like the noise somehow wiggled its way into my head and started destroying everything it touched. I couldn't think straight, but somehow, I knew to look at the screen. The word REBOOT was written in black, pixelated words.
     "Alex! Are you okay?" Stiles yelled. His voice shook me back into reality.
     "Stiles!" I screamed over the noise. "You have to get out of there! They rebooted the system! You have to get out of there now!" All of my recollected thoughts scattered again as the noise found its way into my mind. I curled up on the chair with my hands firmly pressed on my ears and tears streaming down my face. I screamed and cried and I couldn't breathe.
     Something told me to look at the laptop again, so I did. Big mistake. Written on the screen in big, red letters was "WE'RE COMING" which caused me to cry even harder, if that was even possible. I looked around, and I was so scared that I screamed louder than ever before and fell out of the chair and onto the floor. As much as I tried to look away, I couldn't. There was blood dripping from the ceiling and the walls. Mr. Stilinski was decapitated on the ground. Liam was on top of the counter with his throat cut, and his blood was spilling onto the floor. Scott was pinned against the wall with several knives, and blood poured from his mouth.
     The worst was Stiles. Stiles was hanging from the ceiling from a noose. His eyes were missing, and his mouth was cut into an eerie smile that stretched from ear to ear.
     I could take it. I screamed and cried and curled up again. Instead of the shrieking from the laptop, I heard something much worse. I heard people screaming. I covered my ears, but it didn't help. I didn't care if I died. I just wanted it to be over.
     I kept my eyes slammed shut, but I could still see everyone's dead bodies scattered across the kitchen.
     All of a sudden, the screaming stopped. I couldn't hear the people's screams anymore. I could only hear my own. I felt someone grab onto me and shake me a little. I refused to look up, and I couldn't stop sobbing. I was afraid of what I would see if I did open my eyes. One word, one voice made me open my eyes.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say I'm sorry for taking so long to update! I wrote an extra long chapter to make up for it! Tell me what you think about it in the comments! Thank you so much for reading!!! Bye!!!!

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