Chapter 10

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Alexis's POV

The second I walked through the door, I was engulfed in a hug. I tensed up in surprise, then after a second or two returned the hug. Whoever it was pulled away from the hug to look at me, so I looked at them too.
It turned out to be a lady who looked around forty years old. She had dark brown hair and eyes, and she was beautiful. She looked a lot like Scott.
"You must be Alex," she smiled warmly. A strange, calm feeling erupted from inside of me. "I'm Scott's mom. You can call me Melissa." I smiled back at her, and I could see a spark of recognition in her eyes. "How about you come help me in the kitchen while these two goof off?" She asked me. I nodded, and she led me into the kitchen. "how are you doing, Alex?"
"I'm okay. How are you?" I said politely.
"Alex," she told me without answering my question, "I'm a nurse, and I used to be in the psych ward. I've seen that look in someone's eyes before." Her statement stunned me.
I didn't know what to say. The words I should have said were so jumbled in my brain that I couldn't make sense of them.
"Are you being treated for your depression?" She asked me.
"Yes," I lied. She smiled.
"Good. Now, let's start those sandwiches!" Melissa exclaimed.


Stiles was right. Melissa does make the best sandwiches. We were all sitting at her kitchen table eating sandwiches. Scott and Stiles were joking around and laughing so much that they even caused me to laugh.
That's when I realized something both equally amazing and painful at the same time: this was a normal family. The two teenage boys laughing and joking at the table, the younger girl laughing right along with them, and the mother rolling her eyes and laughing at how childish we were. This right here was bliss. The only problem was that soon, I'll be back with my dad, which means no more Stiles, no more Scott, and no more awesome sandwiches at Melissa's house.
"Hey," Melissa suddenly said once everyone was done eating, "Why don't you guys invite Liam to come over, and you can wrestle or whatever teenagers do nowadays outside? It's probably the last beautiful day you'll get this year."
"Yeah. I'll text him," Scott agreed. He pulled out his phone and started texting Liam.
"Who's Liam?" I asked them.
"Part of our pack," Stiles replied. "Oh and by the way, Melissa, Alex was bitten by a werewolf, so she's going to stay at my house for a few days until after the full moon."
"Ah, so that's how you met!" Melissa concluded. I nodded. I heard the front door open and close.
"Hey, guys!" A voice called out.
"We're in the kitchen!" Stiles yelled back. It took a lot of strength to not flinch away from his loud voice.
All of a sudden, a guy walked into the kitchen, and Melissa walked out of the room to give us some space.
I recognized him from a few of my classes, and judging by the look on his face, he recognized me too.
"Liam, this is Alex. Alex, Liam," Stiles announced. I shyly smiled at Liam, and he smiled more confidently than I did.
"Well, let's get to work!" Scott exclaimed as he pulled a map out of thin air. We moved all of the glasses and played out of the way so he could spread the map out on the table. There were several red circles, Xs, and other marks littering the map.
"So, tomorrow night's the only time that the security will be down?" Liam asked.
"Mostly. I think," Scott replied unsurely. "We need a safety net, though. You, me, Liam, Lydia, Kira, and Malia are going to all be there, so all that's left is..." All three sets of eyes landed on me.
"Wait, what?" I asked. I was confused. What did they want me to do?
"Have you ever hacked a security system online before?" Stiles questioned. I slowly nodded.
"Yeah. I can do all sorts of stuff on a computer. Why?" I responded.
"If I call you, do you think you'll be able to hack into that one insane asylum, Eichen House?" Stiles stared at me for an answer.
"I can try, I guess," I shrugged. They all smiled.
"Okay. Let's finish out this plan," Liam urged them.


When we finished devising a not-so-brilliant plan for breaking into Eichen House, and I learned the reason that we were doing it is because we need to get rid of Lydia's file so they can't call the police, it was dark outside. Stiles decided that we both needed sleep, so he drove me back to his house.
I sleepily greeted Mr. Stilinski on my way to my room. Once I got into my room, I shut the door and changed into pajamas.
I could hear the pitter patter of rain against my window, and it soothed me a little. I checked my phone for any messages, but I had none. I desperately wanted to text Isaac, but I trust him, and he said that he was fine, so I believe him. He has never been the kind of person to lie to spare someone else's feelings.
A loud crash shook the window, and I shrieked. I immediately put my hands over my ears to try to block the sounds of thunder out, but it didn't work. Each boom of thunder seemed louder than the last. I hated thunder. It reminded me of my father's footsteps, and him screaming about how worthless I am.
Eventually, tears were streaming down my face, and I could barely breathe. I didn't fully register what I was doing as I navigated down the hall and to Stiles's room.
I quietly knocked on his door, and I heard him say, "The door's open. You can come in!" I slowly opened the door and saw Stiles in his bed on his phone. He looked up at me, saw my tears, and spring up from his bed. "Hey, what's wrong?" Stiles asked me.
As if on cue, another loud boom sounded, and I shrieked, covered my ears, and slammed my eyes shut. I felt Stiles slowly peel my hands from my ears, which caused me to open my eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey," Stiles whispered to me, "It's okay. It's just thunder. It can't hurt you. You're okay." My breaths were becoming more shallow and rapid. Stiles engulfed me in a tight hug. I nuzzled my head in his chest and closed my eyes. I felt Stiles kiss the top of my head, and a sense of calmness washed over me. The calmness disappeared when the thunder struck again.
"Stiles, don't let him get me!" I begged.
"Hey, no one's going to hurt you while I'm around. I promise I'll keep you safe. I'll never let anyone hurt you, okay?" Stiles whispered. I nodded. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" I nodded again. He slowly led me over to his bed. I stopped hugging him to get in the bed, but as soon as he was in the bed with me, I snuggled up against him. I felt like a child again, and I was okay with that. At least I knew I was safe.

AUTHOR'S NOTE- hey guys! I'm really sorry that it took so long to update, so I made an longer cheaper than usual. I hope you like it!! Thanks for reading!!!

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