Chapter 19

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Trigger warning!!!!

One week later

Alexis's POV

     I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. As I turned onto my other side, I peered out the window. The sun wasn't even up yet, so I checked my phone to see what time it was. 5:30 am. I smiled to myself a little when I realized that I still had an hour to sleep. That was when I remembered what today was going to be, and my eyes widened. Today was the day. I was mentally and physically exhausted from the constant harassment of my father and classmates. I just couldn't take it anymore.
     I took a deep breath and slowly got up. I stumbled to my desk and pulled open one of the drawers. I stared down at the single envelope that held letters to Mr. Stilinski, Scott, Lydia, Liam, Isaac, my dad, and most importantly, Stiles. I felt really bad leaving him like this, but he would be okay. Stiles has always been stronger than I ever could be.
     Then, I shoved the envelope into the front pocket of my backpack and fell back into bed. I was still going to school, so I needed as much sleep as possible.


     The instant the final bell rang, I grabbed my bag and binders and walked out of the classroom normally. Liam and I shared that class, and I didn't want him to be suspicious of anything. I knew he cared about me. He was still looking for any information on what exactly I was, but then again, so was the rest of the pack.
     Out of nowhere, a person pulled me aside away from the flood of people. I looked up to see who it was, and he looked familiar. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was the guy from when Brad was beating me up that almost got between me and Brad.
     "Don't do it," he whispered to me just loud enough for me to hear.
     "What?" I asked.
     "I know that look in your eyes. You've had it all day. Don't you dare," he told me. Before I could react, he walked into the mass of people and left me there alone.
     I turned the corner and got to Stiles's locker. I looked all around me to make sure Stiles was nowhere to be found. If he saw me now, I don't know what I'd do. I reached into my backpack and pulled out the envelope. After a few tries, I managed to shove the crinkled envelope into one of the slots in Stiles's locker. Stiles was going to lacrosse after school, then he was planning to stay after school late with Scott to work on passes or weights or something, so he wouldn't find it until around seven or eight tonight. By then, I would already be gone.
     Once again, I weaved through the crowded hallways. I headed straight for the door. I was going to stop at my house to drop off my bag and change into something more comfortable.
     The walk home almost seemed too short. Usually, the walk took forever, but I guess today was different. The driveway was empty, so my dad was thankfully gone. He was probably out drinking somewhere even though it was only three in the afternoon.
     I dug for my key that sat in the bottom of my bag. It took me a few minutes, but I eventually pulled it out of my bag and shoved it into the keyhole. Weird. My hands weren't shaking. They almost always shake when I'm at here even if Dad isn't inside. I shrugged it off and went inside. I didn't want to spend more than a few minutes in this hellhole, so I just dropped my bag into my room and changed into a pair of black leggings, a big blue long-sleeved Set It Off shirt, and a pair of gray converse. I debated for a few minutes with myself about what to do with my phone, and I ended up just leaving it on my desk in my room. I didn't need it, and I was afraid that if Stiles found the note soon he would text me and track my phone. There was nothing that could change my mind, and I wanted to keep it that way. 


     I got to the bridge and sat down with my feet dangling off the edge. It was a weird feeling to be in control of whether I live or die. I steadied myself with my hands against the wooden planks as I peered over the edge. The current was fast today, and I could tell it was deeper than usual. I looked out and saw a bunch of trees and a road in the distance. Cars whizzed by. I wonder if any of them saw me and figured that I was some artsy teenager who liked Indie music and read John Green books.
     For once, I felt completely free. There was no pressure to do anything here. The thoughts telling me that I wasn't good enough left somewhere along the way. I smiled a little and looked up. The sun was starting to set. How long had I been here? Long enough, I guess. I decided it was time, so I stood up and brushed myself off.
     I would finally be free of all the torment from school and my father. My brother was finally out of the house, so now I wouldn't feel as guilty for leaving him. Stiles and Scott were a different story. They were like family to me, but I knew that they were both really strong, stronger than me. They would be okay without me. They might even be better off without me to worry about. I didn't tell either of them that my dad abused me, but if Isaac came to my funeral and Dad didn't, they would figure it out.
     One step, and everything would be okay. A few tears escaped from my eyes, but I just wiped them away. If I was too cowardly to kill myself, then I would hate myself forever. I shook the thoughts from my head. I had to jump now. It was now or never. I took a deep breath. I would jump on the count of three.

A/N - hey!! I'm sorry it's been so long since I last updated. School just started again and it's been really crazy lately, but I'll try to update again as soon as possible!!!! Stay safe you guys!!! I love you!!!

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