Chapter 3

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Alexis's POV

     I woke up to a crash coming from Isaac's room. I looked over the empty chair to the clock on my desk. What was Isaac doing at six a.m.? I crawled out of bed, and I was immediately hit with freezing cold air. Why was it so cold in here? The reason turned out to be my window: it was wide open. I wrapped myself in a blanket and walked out of my room, not bothering to shut my window. As I stumbled through the hallway connecting all of our rooms, I could hear the loud snores coming from my dad's room. He must've found his way back up here sometime between midnight and six. I walked right up to Isaac's room. His door was closed, and I didn't care whether or not he was dressed. I just twisted the doorknob and swung his door open. Either I was as quiet as a ninja, or he just didn't notice because he was too lost in his thoughts. I crept into the room to get a better look at what he was doing. There was a backpack on his bed, and he was stuffing it with something.
     "What's that for?" I asked him. Isaac jumped a little and spun around. Weird. He was never this jumpy.
     "I'm just going over to a friend's house to work on a project for school," he lied. He was a terrible liar. When he lied, his voice got higher and his cheeks burned red.
     "What class is it for?" I questioned.
     "Physics," he replied a little too quickly.
     "Isaac, you don't even take physics," I pointed out. If he was going to lie, then he should at least be good at it, because if he ever tried to lie to Dad, bad things would happen. Isaac sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
     "Okay, fine! I'm going over to my friend's house to hang out, but I'm grounded, so I'm not supposed to go out for anything other than school and homework," Isaac told me. I could tell something was off about this, but it was too early to question anything else. I was still half asleep, and I intended to go back to sleep the instant this conversation ended.
     "Whatever. I'm going back to bed," I yawned.
     "Wait!" Isaac reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He was the one that paid for it so Dad wouldn't know about it. He tossed it to me. I managed to just barely catch it, but I dropped my blanket in the process. Isaac smiled and shook his head.
     "What's this for?" I asked as I looked down at it. Didn't he need this?
     "Just in case. I'll text you from my friend's phone if I get locked out or something," Isaac smiled as he took the blanket that I had dropped and wrapped it back around my shoulders. He kissed the top of my head and embraced me in a hug. "Stay safe and be careful, okay?" Isaac whispered. I nodded in response. He let go of me and grabbed his bag. "I'll be back in a few hours. Love you!" Isaac told me.
     "Love you too," I yawned. He gave me one more smile before opening his window and climbing down the tree directly outside of his room. I stumbled back into my room and practically collapsed onto my bed.
     As hard as I tried, I just couldn't go back to sleep. My mind apparently didn't care that I was mentally and physically exhausted. Well, I had to wake up somehow or else today would be the absolute worst.
     Once again, I left my nice, warm bed and walked out of my room. I walked steadier than I did before, probably because I was more awake. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. There, I saw a few dirty plates and silverware sitting on the counter. I made a mental note to take care of those later. I walked over to the coffee maker. I started to think as I brewed the coffee. It was an old coffee maker, so it took a while.
    I wondered when Isaac would be back. It would probably be in a few hours or so. He might even be gone until tomorrow. I was fine with that. He deserved a day off after taking care of me.
     Honestly, I was a little jealous of how easily he made friends. He has a whole group of friends by the second week of school. Here I am, two years in, and I only have one close friend. Great. I've never really been good at talking, so it wasn't really a big surprise.
     Once the coffee was done, I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a mug. As I turned around, I jumped back and nearly dropped the mug. 
     "What are you doing up this early?" My dad demanded. He was standing in the kitchen doorway, and I hadn't noticed him until now.
     "Um, making coffee," I quietly replied. He stomped over to me and took the mug out of my hands. He started to pour some of the coffee into the mug.
     "Go to your room right now," he told me.
     "Yes, sir," I nodded. I hurried out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room. Today was going to be a long day.

AUTHOR'S NOTE- Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was a little shorter, but I'm going to make another one really soon! Anyway, how did you like it? Thanks again for reading!!

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